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A member registered Apr 30, 2024

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Thank you, we're glad to hear you liked it! After playtesting your own levels again and again to see whether the mechanics work, you do start to lose sight sometimes of how easy/difficult a level is, so we're happy that a challenge is there and that it's enjoyable as well :)

Thank you!

Thanks for the compliment! And we're certainly planning to expand the game after the jam with more levels and mechanics!

Thank you!

Haha, thank you! But perhaps adding more levels would make it at least last longer :)

Thank you very much for the compliments!

Thank you! And that's actually a good idea! We only just now realised with your suggestion that the level select only has numbers, while in-game there's only the level name. We'll be fixing that in the future!

And re-rolls, being able to re-roll one's might be a big mechanic for the multiple dice option to be feasible ;)

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And perhaps to throw in a theme as well: make it so you're playing dice against some evil (pig) god or demon, that'll only set you free if you can win from him. Every round you win, the stakes get higher, with more points, and more obstacles/debuffs.

(1 edit)

Of course! Here's a few I came up with (or shamelessly copied from other games):

  • High risk/high reward mechanic: being able to throw multiple dice at once, totalling the non-1's, but also a bigger chance to roll a 1 (or perhaps when failing allowing the computer to have several turns in a row). Might also give you a chance to catch up when you're far behind.
  • Being able to use rolled points to buy upgrades, such as better dice (d8's, d10's, etc.) and multiple dice (see first point) to create a pool of dice,  or critical chances (high roll's allow for an extra roll), or debuffs on opponent (such as cursed dice, where a 2 also is a fail). 
  • Passive bonuses that always provide buffs, similar to the joker system in Balatro. For example, 'Three's a crowd' where every rolled 3 actually counts as a 4 in scoring.

Nice dice roller! And can be nicely opened up with all sorts of side-mechanics!

That's a challenging game! At first it's easy to dodge the enemies, but I never made it past 800 points (usually because an enemy drops right on top of me). Still fun though :D

Cute pictures!

Perhaps it would become a bit more challenging if you're not able to pick the same numbers in a row?

All it needs is a mascotte (like the Joker from Balatro), some additional mechanics, and you're on your way to having the next card roguelite! :D

I think you've got a nice technical/mechanical basis here for what could be an actual game. You need to find some way to insert a goal for the mechanics to work towards, like in Picto Quest. Basically you'll be figuring out how to draw pixel art. And as Diralf, I too struggled a bit with understanding what to do, perhaps a tutorial could be added?

Agreed! It has that familiar retro feel, but with an unsual (but nice) colour palette!

It does indeed have that fully fledged mobile game feel! Great job!

Nice idea that the money generator increases in increments after a while. Was a bit worried the more expensive contruction options would take a long while, but was pleasantly surprised when that wasn't the case!

I like it! Already felt very clean control-wise for a platformer, and that for one made in such a relatively short time!

I like the idea, and would have preferred perhaps a bit more time to figure out who's the shapeshifter is, in exchange for more subtle changes between the objects/characters. Perhaps spice it up a bit with some moving characters as well?

I agree with Selimanac! I just want more of it :)

It has that Advance Wars feel going on! Nice job! One thing that does take me out of the game is that while everything looks and feels tile-based, the buildings don't "snap" to tiles (e.g., as in C&C), which caused some frustration when expanding the base when it's not clear whether there is space left or not. Interested to see how you're going to expand upon this! 

Fun game! Had a good time with it! Reminded me somewhat of Crystal Quest I used to play on my first Mac!

A thing I didn't like as much is that the spawn distance of the skull enemy feels short, especially later in the level when things speed up and they pop up every few seconds. When you're focussed on the rapidly spawning skulls, you can't pay much attention anymore to where you are firing your blades to. 

Furthermore, when you're enthusiastically firing all your blades, and you can't fire any more because you haven't gotten any upgrades yet, you feel like a sitting duck when the skull suddenly spawns. The strategy then would be to always keep one in reserve, but that doesn't feel as satisfying unfortunately.