Potřeboval bych trochu navést - prošel jsem celou začáteční plochu a nepodařilo se mi s ničím interagovat. Co je první krok, který bych měl udělat?
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Nice looking game - the ball texture looks a bit out of place though - a sci-fi looking texture would fit nicely with the environment imo.
The sound design feels natural and soundfx don't feel out of place - very good
The camera movement feels smooth and nice when transitioning between characters, but is jagged when following current character - possibly high fixed timestep?
Really really good submission! Art and audio are top-notch.
But I think the game needs a tiny bit better tutorial. I got stuck on the first level until I figured out I can also push myself multiple blocks horizotnally. Also I think the concept of playing as a die is underused - I was expecting that some abilites could be only placed on certain numbers on the die.
Woah! Really good submission overall!
What I mas missing was some kind of reset button to put everything in default state and some markers where the sliders are at their 'neutral' state.
Got a request from some evil dude with a magnifying glass which sparked an idea that this could be expanded into something bigger. A really basic gameplay but with a lot going on in the background. Similar to Little Inferno.
I know. I didn't do well on this jam and it's very rushed.
mouseX controls the specified game property (sgp) based on the position of the mouse. When the mouse is on the far left side of the screen, the sgp is at its lowest value, when it's on the far right side of the screen, the sgp is at its maximum value.
Same goes for mouseY
I actually have implemented all Jonas' tips from his video. There's 0.2s Coyote time & Jump input remember time. The jump falloff when you release the jump key is 0.6 (probably should be lower). The only thing that's missing is acceleration / deceleration, which I agree is important when you want to move just a little.
Eh... about the medium height jump... There's no instance where the game wants a medium jump from you, so that oportunity is kinda pointless to me. With the super jump it's possible, but yeah without it you can either do a small jump / high jump. I'll try to find a solution to this. Thanks though for a descriptive feedback :D
Thanks for the feedback.
I agree with the gun being op and it being just an obstacle. At first I wanted to have a bossfight at the end, but I had to scrap it, because I was really running out of time and I never made a boss before, so it's just a big blob that you have to shoot....
I agree that some platforming sections aren't fun at all, but I don't know where I went wrong with the super jump. Could you please tell me what aspect of the super jump is bad in particular?
Glad you liked the collectables :D
I agree with every critisism you gave. I really don't know why I didn't bound the abilities to numbers lol.
As for the spring enemies, their AI is quite simple, but yea they're unpredictable unles you know how their AI works. They have a detection box under them and when the player enters this detection trigger, they will try to go to the opposite direction of the player's velocity, but if the player is standing however, they will go straight for the player.
The wind effect for the floating ability is made using a shader (I specifically used Shader Graph), which is quite simple though - I just take whatever the camera sees (I'm using render textures, because Scene Color node didn't work) and offset the red channel by some small number and offset the blue channel by the same number as the red channel but multiplied by -1. Then I just combine the red, green and blue channels and plug it into output.
The visuals are really great. Professional looking particles and art. The ressurection looks really good and feels great. Different enemies would make the game more fun and randomly generated obstacles would be also great.
The movement is kinda unresponsive... I assume you are normalizing an input vector to avoid faster move speed when moving diagonaly, but you're using Input.GetAxis() to get the input value. When you want to normalize input vector, you should use Input.GetAxisRaw() (I could be wrong, maybe you are using different input method, this is just my assumption)
I'm turning 18 and I'll be able to get a driver's licence soon, so this is probably me in a couple of weeks :D
Game looks good and controls are okay, but I'd change some things -
Instead of immediately dying when you collide with the red obstacle, I'd make it so that you have to have some amount of speed before it actually _kills you_
And I'd put the music source on a non destructible object so that it doesn't restar each time the level reloads