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A member registered Aug 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Really cool game, managed to get it second try somehow!

Very pretty and with recognizable places, usually games like this one can have little variation, but you managed to make the most with what you had, loved playing it

Thank you! It's my first game in GameMaker, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to make fluid controls, but I'm glad so many people say I did

I will be honest, it is a good beginner game, but the frames being so low (10 fps on a pc that can run the witcher 3 and monster hunter world without a problem is a little much in my opinion) made it hard to see the bosses properly and the game was very easy as you just circled to bosses and attacked and win.

But good use of the theme and it felt cool to use the items and strategize around the next boss and all that, so n the end it's a 5.5/10 for me, keep up the good work.

Cool game, love the voice acting

Very strong entry, I love the art and the concept of the exchange and having to make the opponent run out of money

I was trying but I have too much skill issue, haha

I like the retro flash-ish feel and the combat was really enjoyable, with all the risk-reward involved.

Cool game, but I suffered from skill issue on boss 1 and lag on boss 2, so I couldn't beat it :/

I was also surprised by the game just starting out of nowhere, and the second boss has a double dash that I can't roll through so I just take damage each time, but it's a very solid jam entry overall

Like, visual effects, the filter on top of everything that makes it look more as one color or whatever, I could barely see what I was doing

Thanks and I will

Thank you so much! I was actually thinking of that journalist while making the tutorial, and made it hard on purpose, but it might have been a cruel joke for some XD

Cool cosmic horror game, don't know if I can say that the theme was well executed since I never recollected a single piece of Plasma until everything was dead, but I'm guessing good enough. 5 stars on 3/6 stats, pretty great

Damn, coolest game on the game jam (not saying best because I'm not a judge XD), the only problem is that I get stuck after beating the multi-eye boss each time for some reason, with the protagonist agonizing mid-air.

It's alright, it's not explained at all, but you have to wait out the attacks until the dragon stops moving and then attack.

Also, yes, the use of the theme is very weak :C

Thank you and I'm planning on turning this into a full game, I made everything modular so I could expand on it

Oh no! was it a normal crash or did a window pop up? I want to know so I can fix it for the full version. Also, thank you and I should add a sign that explains that the last 2 bosses is a survival test until they stop moving and attacking and THEN you can attack them, sorry.

Probably one of the most fun games in this jam for me, I love the trade offs and strategies for it.

Oh my god (joke intended), this was so cool, I love the parry mechanic (even though I'm not good at it), and the other powers were cool (flight was too slow for me to actually use for some reason and frost just oneshoted the final boss). Also, cool enemies with interesting patterns and good music? It's almost perfect.

Almost because of some control jank when switching.

Cool idea, maybe a little too hard for me. The music and sounds were a little obnoxious after a while, but I don't blame you since you used public assets. Overall I wish I could give this a better rating, but keep working hard! I see a lot of potential in this after all.

Cool game, charming and fun, but maybe the reach of the sword is too small for the blue boss (I struggled to land hits consistently with how fast they leave).

Overall keep up the good work!

I will have to remove points for overuse of effects, and the sounds are a little loud and get annoying, but overall extremely fun in a "what am I doing and how am I winning?" kind of way. Great game, good rating, but it's not good enough to earn many 5 stars, sorry :/

5 stars, perfect game jam game, cute animations, lots of personality, and a well executed idea that works great.

Also, why are we fighting the lovely dovely couple at the end?

Honestly a 5 star in everything except controls (a 4 because sometimes I got stuck on nothing) and sfx/music (wasn't supper memorable, or immersive, but still good, so a 3).

I never felt like I was in danger of dying, even on the final boss, but that's fine, it was still cool nevertheless, like, really cool.

Very memorable bosses as well, so great work!!!

Thank you so much!

Cool looking game, but janky and slow (sometimes the game just stopped for several seconds without anything happening at all). I'm not a fan of turn based, but I could see a little bit of depth with how some bosses healed themselves or poisoned you, but overall it's a fine game jam game, good job making it.

Looked really cool, so full points for that, other than that it is a... game I guess. The first enemy was hard to get to because I didn't understand that the right click was a throw attack and the geometry was horrible (maybe next time make it either easier to get to or make it more clear that you DON'T have to get to them), but the rest were too easy. All that said it is a small charming game about cultural exchange and love (for sushi and the lack there of).

Really cool game, but I hate having to play it on pc, mouse controls suck.

Thank you, and because their roles were reversed, you know, the theme of the jam.

Thanks for the feedback, I didn't make attacks follow the cursor because I didn't have time but I wanted to do it, and the fighter can actually parry melee projectiles (which is busted once you realize it's there). Making everything be tied to the mouse would probably make it more annoying than anything, since it's a more fast-paced game (believe me, staying still is not a good idea unless you are the fighter blocking and parrying).

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, I will take it into mind, but I probably won't be continuing this one.

It was fun and interesting, love how there is an "edit mode" that allows you to test stuff at runtime, cool execution.

Yeah, in a real (non-game-jam) game, I would have balanced them a lot more, but no time XD

I heard that before, and I kind of agree, but I'm more of a fighter user myself, since it's even more op (yes, it's very unbalanced, but I didn't have time)

Thank you!

Thanks, I didn't want to burn myself out, so I didn't even try to balance the game, just make it playable

Oh, that's a cool idea, if I ever come back to this game I might add it, no promises though


Well, actually, fighter is even more broken... which is not a good thing, I just don't know what else to say

Well, did you know there are 4 weapon types? just play again when you are done. Also thanks, I put a lot of emphasis on making good animations and making the game feel good.