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PumpkinBear111 Games

A member registered Nov 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I'm thinking about taking the concept and just making a normal puzzle game without the difficulties that come with platformers

Thanks! Only my second platformer and my first was made in unity 2 years ago so I will eventually get platformer controls better.

Thanks! Will definitely try to make some juice next time. Forgot about screenshake but I could have (and should have) added it and I want to continue working on my js game framework to support animations and maybe particles in the future

Thanks! I'll try to work on the difficulty curve in future games. Definitely had some trouble making easy levels (in fact the first few levels I made had to be scrapped because they were too difficult)

Fun game - Having a non-solid background would have been nice, even just a bit of noise for some texture, The shoot sound was a bit too high pitched for me and it hurt my ears, and it felt a bit strange to have the gun a bit offset. 

Some SFX would make the game go a long way - and it would be great to have a bit more enemy variety

Nice Game!

I'm sure its a good game but on my device it ran really slowly so I couldn't do much. I am assuming you didnt multiply all values by Time.deltatime? If you do that in the future it would make the game run at the same speed no matter the FPS

oh lol i didnt even realise there was a jump

This is really fun! The music was very messy but the simple concept was fun and surprisingly didn't feel too repetitive

Great idea for a game! It's fun to play. Combat was a little difficult, mostly against the fast flying things

I love the music and art. The death sound was a bit loud and a health bar for the boss would have been nice.

Web builds are so frustrating to get working, I feel your pain

Thank you so much! I'm planning on redoing the game later with more time to polish so I will remember to add a trash can and improve the microwaves

Thanks! I will remember that for next time 

thanks for the feedback. Next time I need to plan better so I can balance more

I do not understand at all (i even watched the tutorial)

I don't really understand how to play the game

Not sure if it is a build issue or my internet being crappy but the game gets stuck at about 9/10ths loading.

Thanks for letting me know, I didn't have any time to test the web build yesterday so it seems that it didn't work. I'll hide it from the page

Hey is there somewhere that we can get the final masters for use in videos and stuff?

thanks! 😀

thanks! I would have loved to add a way to win but I didn't have time.

thank you for the feedback!

Thanks! I definitely need more practice 2d platformer movement.

Thanks! The jump was totally my fault, I was trying to make it so you could hold jump to jump higher, but I didn't really know how to.


Thank you so much!


Thank you so much! I'm thinking of trying to make a more in-depth version but I'm not sure if I will be able to finish that.

This is a great game, but I couldnt get past the second level. The double jump is kinda weird because sometimes it seems to get you high in the air but sometimes not.

This is really cool

Thanks :)

This game doesnt work, I press space and the development console pops up. You forgot to assign the GameObject.

ty, im glad you liked it :)

Game wont load :(

Thanks for the feedback! The anger increase formula is

(ItemValue/2) * (angerRate + (anger / 100));

angerRate is always at 1.25, I was going to let it increase but I ended up not doing that.

I made the anger scale based on how angry the boss already is. I think it made the game feel better but idk

There is one exception to the (ItemValue/2) part and that is for the computer. I set the anger increase for the computer from 50 to 40. It felt more balanced.

Yes, paper is worth $1 , but can be worth more if you buy the angry note gift.

