Enjoyed the gameplay a lot! The upgrade system was great, and each boss felt more challenging than the last. The attack patterns had a ton of variety, which kept things interesting, and it's fun that there's a leaderboard! Only problem I ran into (and honestly, I have no idea how you'd get around this) is depending on where you were in the orbit, the controls for which way the ship moved sometimes felt backwards. All in all, this game felt super polished and was fun to play! Great job!
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This game has a lot of charm to it! Loved the little story at the beginning, and the underwater effects in the fights looked great. It was awesome that you could use the bosses' shadows to figure out where they were even when they were off screen! Controls felt good too. Definitely agree with the other comments that a health bar would help a lot since it was difficult to tell how far you got in the fight. But overall, really liked the game! :)
Creative way to incorporate the theme, and the game itself felt really nostalgic. The reloading mechanic definitely added a lot, and the overall feel of the game was great! I did wish there was a little more control in the air after jumping, but other than that, everything felt really polished. Nice job!
This has got to be one of my favorite entries so far! The little dino is super cute, and the gameplay felt really intuitive. The spinning mechanic was a lot of fun, and the bosses were super creative! The second boss took some figuring out, but once I realized what I had to do, it was great! Also, the way audio cues were used, especially in the second boss, was phenomenal. Very nice job!
Really great entry! The mechanics feel super fresh and interesting, and the art and music are great! The fact that you continue to move no matter what made it challenging (in a good way), and trying to balance the risk of being a bigger target with needing to be able to reload was a lot of fun. Nice job!
Really liked the attack roulette mechanic! The music and art were both really cool, and the changing terrain in the different fights really made things interesting. Unfortunately, something was up with the screen shake on the web build, and after a few resets, it got so intense that it made the fights virtually impossible. Still had a lot of fun playing though! Great job!
Fun and creative game! Loved the boss designs and the overall concept. The controls and mechanics were easy to get the hang of, and the difficulty levels were a nice touch! I did end up struggling with not being able to see where the boundaries were and getting stuck in the corners, but other than that, great job!
Enjoyed playing this game! The perspective switch and pattern changes kept things interesting, and the final boss felt suitably epic. Lost my ship a few times in the debris on the sidescroller perspective, and it took a bit to figure out where the enemy projectiles would damage the ship, but overall, the game felt polished with good controls and SFX. Nice job!
Music is really good, and the concept is solid! Found the controls a bit difficult though, as there often wasn't enough time to switch disks and rotate them properly between hits. Giving a bit more time to react and/or adding keyboard controls so you can control both disks at once would probably go a long way. Fun entry!
This is such an interesting game! The mechanics are unique, and each boss feels like a puzzle. They can be a bit frustrating at times while figuring out the patterns, but the quick respawn helps a lot with the learning curve. Haven't beaten the whole thing yet, but I want to keep trying, which says a lot about how engaging it is. Definitely one of my favorite entries so far!
Cool game with a nice take on the theme! Nice to see voice acting in a game like this, and the drawings at the beginning and end were a nice touch. The aesthetic of the second stage was super cool, and the transition screen was very well done.
Found it a little hard to properly aim the dash attack coming out of the spin and got stuck on a few objects in the first level. Also was a bit confused by the instructions on the second level, since I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be fighting the boss or looking for a way to get away.
Overall though, nice entry! I enjoyed playing through it!