The gameplay gets pretty stale pretty quickly, but the vine swinging itself is pretty fun and it works well. So, you could definitely implement this into a bigger game. The art is great and the sound design is phenomenal. The sound of the vines pulling and stretching is perfect, I love the little "Woah's" and "Oh's." And the ambient birds and.......other nature sounds (monkey's, crickets IDK lol) really set the scene. Good job. :)
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I like the respawn animation a lot. The game was pretty fun but got repetetive. Run, shoot, repeat. Adding some enemies with projectiles of their own could mix up combat a bit. More unique enemy types in general would be good. Then the player would have to choose which targets to focus first. The fire and ice enemies were a good idea, but the ice enemies seemed to lag behing so I was always seeing just skeletons and fire dudes. So I would just spam fire bolts to clean out skeletons, then just swap for a second and spam green balls. I think there should be more of a penalty for hitting a fire dude with a fire bolt, besides him just getting bigger. Good job tho, I enjoyed it :)
For hit registration I usually just use a box collider, tag, and the onTriggerEnter2D function with a single if check to check the tag. And that works pretty well. For hit indicators, I know of a few more options. You can change the color of the sprite renderer to red or black for like half a second. You could have a sound effect, or knockback, or your artist could make you some kind of hit marker asset. Or even all of these things would work well together.
The firemen got some moves
I tried to make a cage of trees around the bear cave. I didn't really get to see if it worked though cuz I finished the game before another bear spawned.
I did have an issue where the fire appeared next to the tents and I was sending the firemen over, but i was right clicking on the flames, and not on the tent and I kept losing my camps. It took me a while to figure out I needed to click the tent. Fixing the visual bug of the offset flames will of course help future players to avoid that confusion. This was fun and challenging :)
No worries. No game jam game is perfect. My first attempt at making a full game also became too full of bugs for me to manage. I learned a lot from the attempt tho and decided to take that new knowledge and try to make something simpler. That simpler project is going really well, and I've learned a ton from that project as well. When it is done I think I will be able to revisit the idea I had in my first attempt. So don't give up! Buggy broken games are a necessary step to making a complete successful ones :)
The controls didn't feel super good to me. I prefer to use wasd, but I couldn't really since I had to press x to dash. Maybe that's all that was throwing me off, but i also felt that the force you get when wall jumping was a bit much. It was hard to control. I also felt like coyote jumping wasn't implemented, however it's pretty tough to tell if it is. If you've never heard of coyote jumping you should definitely look it up. It's pretty easy to implement and it makes platformers feel a lot better. The jump felt good though, and the player speed was good. Also, IDK what you did for that potato death sound but you nailed it. Most player death sounds are very loud and intense, but yours is the opposite and it really made me feel like I had just squashed a potato. That made me laugh. Good job :)
checkpoints would have been really nice. But I have never played old school doom. The hardest old school game I've played is OG Legend of Zelda. I've played OG megaman too but never finished it. I like old school, but I don't love the super punishing aspects of some of the games. It's possible that I'm just not the target audience *shrug.
I also had issues with attacks entering a que. I didn't realize it was happening for awhile and had to watch like 20 q's, 10 e's and 7 r's. That was wierd. The attacks are really cool though, but they need to be faster. In order to get some of the attacks to come out on time, I had to activate them while the enemy was still more towards the right side of the screen. In a action game where combat is a focus, attacks need to feel responsive and the hitbox should come out in less than half a second. It is okay to have some attacks that activate slower, but slower attacks should be considered heavy attacks that have a lot of build up, but do a lot of damage. That move where you create a rock wall and kick it forward would be a good slow, heavy attack move I think. I like the concept a lot though, This could turn into something really neat. Keep at it!
It seemed interesting, but after I found the key and made it to the brown door, I couldn't figure out how to open it. I gave it a few tries, but the slow speed makes revisiting areas you have already seen very painful. The zombie man dog peaked my interest tho. I would have kept going if I could make it through the door
This is amazing for 1 week of development. Controls feel nice and combat is fun. I do have to say that the current state of the slimes feels like bs. If you have no mana, or if you have 1 and miss your shot, you are just screwed. They are just too hard to get away from. And if you do manage to get away, a lot of times the only enemy around for you to melee are the skeletons that explode on death. So trying to get mana back to kill that one slime while somehow managing to keep your health above 0 is pretty damn hard. Another annoying bug was that if you try to shoot while too close to a wall, your shot gets eaten by the wall. That also was frustrating since mana is so precious. That said though, I really enjoyed this and I played it for over an hour! I can't say that about any other game in the jam so far :). I beat level's 1 2, and the one where you are around the statue and are force killed at the end. But the others I had to skip. I liked the level with the grass maze a lot. But after exploring the entire maze, getting all the collectibles, finding the switch and escaping with 1hp....The next room was an instant "Nah fam." Lol if slimes weren't a thing, I would have been willing to try again, but I know I would of had to do that maze about 9 more times before I beat that next room. Again though, super fun, I think if you just had a bit more mercy on the player, this game would have very high potential
Not bad, gradually increasing the speed could add some intensity as the player gets farther. Also, when I got to about 100 coins, all of the coins were slightly offset to the right. Some times I had to change lanes to pick up any coins and most of the coins on the right side, I couldn't reach at all. I liked the look of the game a lot though. The mountains and streams on the right looked really nice. Good job :)
Don't be so hard on yourself! This is awesome for only 1 week of work! The player and enemies look great, the sword swing feels, nice, and the dodge is smooth! If you plan to keep working on it, I'd suggest some kind of indicator when the enemy takes damage, a health bar or number of hearts for the player, and lowering the cooldown of the dodge. Increasing the speed of the player could liven up the game a bit too. You'd be surprised how much those small changes can alter the feel of the game!
I beat it, holy shit finally. lol I liked this one a lot! I played it for a long time, but I don't want ANYTHING to do with hard mode xD. I tried it and made it to the first carcass after like 9 tries and called that a win. Great game. Controls feel good, music is ambient, the theme is very prevalent, and the game play is very unique. Can be frustrating, but if you're up for a challenge then this may be the best game in the jam
Funny moment: on level 2, i knocked the box down, but it was too close to wall, so i had to restart. This time I was sure to push it plenty far away from the wall. I landed and noticed the box falling very slowly..."I wonder what happens if i stand under it" I thought. The box lands on me and just stayed on my head. That made me giggle, but then when I tried to move I was stuck and had to restart again XD.
I enjoyed this one. The movement was good, the tileset was really nice, and I liked the song. I also saw that you made this in just two days! That's impressive! Good work!