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Frankie Alfano

A member registered Jul 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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After like 10 rounds of playing I finally killed a wyrm haha, they are pretty tough to kill but really awesome as an enemy. The sound effects of the wyrm coming in and out of the ground mixed with the style and scale of the wyrm to the rest of the things on the map make it a very menacing and terrifying enemy, I think you did a really great job with that. While the controls are a little clunky with having to manually move your character to pressure pads that move the sand tank around, I think it almost adds a sense of urgency to the game when a wyrm is nearby, which was very enjoyable in my opinion. Having that panic to move your tank out of the way while also trying to kill the wyrm makes for some really fun yet challenging gameplay. Overall great job, this is one of my favorite games that I've played in the jam :)

Music was so fire, the drum in bass was so good haha. Also I LOVE the puzzle mechanic, I have no idea how you pulled that off programming-wise. Figuring out the puzzles felt pretty rewarding and made me feel smart lmfao. Would've loved to see more levels made but obviously that isn't always possible for a jam. I'm a little confused as to why the game switched to the goofy coloring book drawings in the second half, but overall the game was really fun to play :)

Thank you! After the jam I plan to go back and add/fix a few more things to make the game more polished :)

Yeah unfortunately I didn't have much time for balancing, there is a difficulty curve that I threw together in 5 minutes but it isn't super obvious that it is happening. I'll definitely improve that for the future, thank you so much for the kind words and the feedback!

Thank you for playing! I wanted something different to happen when Semi tries to walk into a tile with a laser on it. I settled on just having Semi get stuck and not move forward as I thought maybe that could lead to some interesting strategies. Definitely overlooked the fact that you can just win by sitting there haha. I like your idea of having lasers be destroyed if Semi walks over them, I think that is a much better idea. Thanks for the feedback :)

I really love the visual style, and the music was a bop too. The gameplay was super fun and it was very satisfying standing in front of all the bullets, sucking them up, and then shooting them all out at once. Only thing I was confused about what the bullet "power-up", I couldn't figure out what it did. Other than that though this is a great game, nice work!

Pretty fun gameplay, it was really satisfying to collect the dots and kill the other bacteria. The idea of getting random mutations added onto your character as you collect more of the dots is super interesting and creative, I thoroughly enjoyed that. Enemy AI is also hilarious lmfao. Great work and a nice submission!

Fun little game to build a level and have the ball bounce around haha. Would be nice if there were some pre-built levels that I could play instead of making my own though. Overall a good submission and Eric has good taste in names ;)

Really fun game, I enjoyed the platforming and exploring the world. The art is also really great, and the music made for a pretty relaxing experience. I also liked how as you ate more your abilities changed to help you reach places you couldn't before, I thought the level design was super smart to accommodate for that. Overall this is a great submission, amazing work :)

I think it was just the default setting. I played that one for a little bit, got my high score, then tried out the other ones. I did not do as good on the others though haha.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it! I totally agree with you that the balance is a bit off, that is something that I want to improve on for the future. Right now I'm not doing enough checks when spawning in enemies to make sure they don't spawn in front of the player, so it's possible to just get unlucky and lose lmao.

Despite the lack of music/feedback to keep the player more entertained during the gameplay, I still played until the end. The interesting card types were very intriguing to me and I found myself very invested in winning and transforming my settlement to the next level. With some more interesting visuals or maybe surprise events that happen throughout the gameplay, this game would be even more amazing. Overall a really strong submission, nice work!

Thank you! I see what you mean, I was developing the game on a desktop and didn't think about not having access to press the scroll wheel, a little bit of an oversight on my part haha. I can add in keyboard only controls as well to the game to make it more accessible, thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Not sure where the theme is in this game, but I like how the game feels. Music is really good and gives a good atmosphere. Art style is also really clean and well done. Overall nice work :)

I really like the idea of changing the character's abilities to be able to navigate different surfaces. Would love to see more added to this game like levels and stuff like that. The controls are also a little wonky, I would recommend swapping the swap button (shift) and the ability button (space) as I think it would make it a little easier and intuitive to understand the mechanics. That's just me though, you might disagree and that's fine lol. Overall a pretty original idea, nice work :)

I really liked exploring the world and finding the secret areas, and the art is really cool. Took me a few tries for the boss fight to figure out how to be him, maybe make the sound effects a little louder for when you hit the tentacles or add a health bar to make sure people know that it is doing damage. Also, not sure how this fits the theme of transformation but overall I had fun, nice work :)

I love this puzzle game, each level was very thought-provoking. Solving the puzzles was super fun and engaging, I like how simple the mechanic of the game is yet how complex some of the solutions can be. The music is also a perfect fit for the atmosphere. Good work overall, this is a great game :)

Super creepy, I love it. This definitely stands out amongst the rest of the games submitted. I really thought I was going to be jump scared at the end, thank god there wasn't one lmfao. The bugs were a little annoying to move because they kept spinning in circles but it honestly didn't matter too much. Great work, very original game :)

Thanks a lot! We are really proud of the final product, I think it's one of the best games that I've made. Will definitely keep it up for the future haha.

Oh wow I had never heard of that game before, that's exactly what I was picturing in my head lmfaoo.

Such a cute game, simple but effective. I really liked the slight parallax effect inside the lab, that surprised me and I thought it was really cool. The idea and story are also really original and creative, I think this is a great submission. Goobert is amazing and a hero :))

Lmao I found the wall bug within a matter of seconds of starting the game, you can just get on top of the wall and walk around to the exit. Interesting idea to have the orbs change the maze though, definitely fits the theme of transformation. Great submission :)

Really unique and interesting puzzle game. I like games that are simple but cause you to think a lot. My best score that I've gotten is 218/250, I'm not sure if it's good or not but I really tried to see if the mazes were able to be 100% completed. I've determined that they are not because you always (at least from what I have tested) spawn in the middle of a hallway rather than on the edge of a fork in the hallway. This means that you need to pick a direction and always close off other tiles from being accessed again. I'm not sure if that made sense but I'm sure in the future this game could be tweaked to be able to have solutions every time, it would just need a lot of math and edits to the maze generation algorithm.  Overall this is a great submission that I played for over an hour haha, great work :)

I really like the art style and the music, but I am a little confused as to where I'm supposed to go/what I'm supposed to do. I ran into a bug where if you are the little spider guy and you die while your gravity is not normal, it doesn't reset it and you are that gravity forever (unless you find another spider guy). Also, are you supposed to be able to open doors as the parasite? I got stuck multiple times while exploring because I couldn't open the doors and then I had to restart the game because the save point was inside the place I was stuck in. It would also be nice to be able to press "C" while inside a lifeform to be able to leave it, every time I wanted to switch to a different guy I had to find a way to kill myself. Like I said, the game looks really impressive and I love the art assets and atmosphere, but I'm just not sure what to do during the gameplay :/

All the characters and their dialogue is really cute, I love that about this game. The platforming in the levels wasn't particularly different between levels but it was still fun to play through the game. Overall a nice submission, great work :)

I liked the idea of transforming the level to get to the end, pretty cool mechanic. Definitely try to add more levels this in the future, I bet you can get pretty creative with it. Great work :)

Not sure how the theme fits into it but I liked playing the game haha. I made it round 15 after a couple of tries. Would love it if you could delete/replace towers though. I found myself with an excess of jellyfish that I couldn't spend because I had all of the spaces filled up with damaged/weak towers. Being able to replace those would add more strategy to the game for sure. Overall a fun experience :)

I like the walking animations of the character and exploring the world in the game. Great work for only 6 hours of development haha

Pretty challenging game with a nice choice of colors. I didn't quite get at first how to change into the animals, I thought that it would tell me that I unlocked them somewhere on the screen so I went around for a while killing all of them as just the human lol. Overall I like the idea of changing into enemies that you have killed and would love to see some more animal types added in. Nice work :)

Amazing game and I love your art style. The gameplay was extremely fun and kept me engaged the entire time. I really like how challenging it is and the strategies behind getting an efficient score, like do I clear the board and start over for this new sketch or make edits to my previous one to end up with the least amount of tiles to change? My high score (as of right now, I will definitely be back to play this game again in the future) is 4570. Insanely great submission, insanely great work!

Thank you for playing! Yeah I had a few other people mention that to me, and I forgot to add that you cant move tile groups if they cause other tile groups to be floating to the instructions in the game, but I'm glad you figured it out :)

Thank you so much, that means a lot :)


I'm not sure what level number it was but it had two circles with a square in the middle at the top, then there was a huge gap in the middle of the screen, then the goal was at the bottom right of the screen. I'll go back and keep trying it to see if I can get it, maybe I just need to think more about my options for bouncing the ball.

Really great sidescroller game, it's giving old Atari vibes for sure. I found it to be a good amount of challenging and had a lot of fun playing the game. The idea is also really original, great work overall, I think this is a great submission :)

Also, my high score is 320, I have no idea if that is good or not but it took me a while to get there lmfao.

(1 edit)

Awesome, came back to play the game and it was really fun! Just the right amount of challenge and the swapping of the different hazard types is so funny. I thought the Pong one was especially creative. Also, the art style is really great too, I love the little dude and the way he jumps and stuff. Overall a great submission, nice work :)

Also my high score is hype B)

Thanks for playing! I'll definitely see if I can shorten the how-to-play section, I agree it is a little long. Also in terms of difficulty, I think I need to adjust the difficulty scaling a little bit to make it get harder faster, or just change how entities spawn in general. I didn't get much time to tweak it during the jam haha, but thanks for the feedback :)

no FR we were sweating LMFAO

Super fun puzzle game, I really enjoyed playing through the levels. The only thing that I would change is the physics as it was a little frustrating sometimes to platform and move the boxes. But honestly overall its a great game, I love the atmosphere of it with the hand-drawn drawings on the background and the dark music. Really kept me interested throughout my playthrough. Nice work!