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A member registered Jan 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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to be honest we’ve never played that but thanks for bringing it up cause now I’m going to find it and play it ahahah hope you enjoyed our game ❤️

We're really thankful for your wonderful comment <3 We're very happy you enjoyed the game, yours was really fun too!!

Thanks for your kind feedback! We'll take your comment into consideration for future updates. Again, thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing, we'll try to make the building placement more intuitive :)

Yeah, we were thinking of solving that soft lock with some kind of progression system but we didn't manage to put it in the game D: Thanks for playing and for your useful feedback <3

A tutorial was planned but we unfortunately had no time to do that also D: Thanks for your feedback, we'll surely try to update the game with some of these fixes!

That's some feedback we will consider for sure! Thank you for playing and taking time for commenting!

Thank you!!

Really like the art and the set of powerups. Well done, really enjoyed playing your game!

I PLAYED TOO MUCH! Got to the end in normal difficulty and now my eyes hurt. GREAT GAME! Well done :P

I liked the attacks, well done!

(1 edit)

I'm so sorry especially because all the comments hint that this is a very good game but I must report that for me (running on a M3 max Apple Silicon on Opera GX) the game won't work at all. I can start but my clicks do not seem to be captured by the application D: Really loved the art and the sound anyways <3

I thought my pc crashed for a second then remembered I was playing this on my mac. +1 for immersion. Great concept and game, well done!

Wonderful art, not much to say for mechanics since you only need to keep the light on basically. Still, nice game!

Dash -> Dash -> OOOOOHM -> Flurry of Blows in their face on repeat. HAD TONS OF FUN! Great job :D

Great puzzle game, loved it and good job for making so many levels!

I always knew the kraken existed! Great concept, well done!

Nice game but I found out I might not be that great at puzzle games cause I had not idea what I had to do :) Great job!

Nice main character! The attack mechanic is not quite solid and hit inconsistently but overall it's a good game, well done!

Great art and concepts! Well done :)

well, this one's a gem ahah! well done, really liked both the mechanic and the style!

Great feedback from you and thanks for sharing a screenshot! Glad you liked the game, we'll make sure to use your feedback for a new version when the rating period ends :)

I totally get that mate we had the same problem ahah! Thanks for taking the time to tell me here :)

I really like the environment settings and the lights! well done :D

Thank you so much for playing our game and for your kind feedback, we're glad you've enjoyed playing our game <3

Loved the art and the narrative settings! Great jam game, well done!

Wanted to add I also loved the attack SFX *-*

"Time to Meditate": me after this Jam ahahah Really well done, could use some polishing and some more artwork but it already feels like a fun hellish experience :D Loved it!

Kids, do not try this at home! Nice game ahah, had tons of fun daredeviling around with my bike, well done!

I liked the fishing phase and the storm minigame came as a much appreciated surprise. Well done!

As someone who just moved in a dorm in a different state for my master's degree, this was right on point. Thank you for this game! Great job :D

Thanks it's so nice to hear you liked it! Unfortunately repairing/destroying (although it was implemented and working in some builds we did) ended up being broken in this particular build D: Hope you could still enjoy the game! Thanks for your feedback <3

Yeah the road can be misleading. Just press the mouse will and it will either build or go away :) Thanks for playing, hope you enjoyed it and thanks for your feedbacl <3

Henrietta needs to chill. Great character design and dialogues! Well done :D

WOW ahaha I had a lot of fun! Only comment I have is that there is no real Calm Before the Storm, instead Storm-Chan is not chill at all AHAHAH! Well done, love the camera work too, great game!

Unfortunately the game does not start at all for me, it crashes right after I hit the play button D: FYI, I get a WebGL context lost error.

Love the main character concepts, could surely use some overall polish but it is a good jam game :D Well done!

And you definetely made it. Again, great job *-*

WOOOOOW Thanks for the huge feedback. And thanks for posting a screenshot of your wonderful village <3 We'll make sure to incorporate all your tips, and we're very glad you took multiple shots at it to find out more about our game. THANKS A LOT :D

Loved the art. The character also kinda looks like me so that's a plus (although I'm definetely not THAT handsome ahahah). Great job, although I agree with most of the feedback other users already gave you I really enjoyed your game :D