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A member registered May 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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happy you enjoyed it :) i’m thinking about v2 with different playfield, sounds and particle effects .. to be honest sfx and vfx was planned but striked as the movement took much more time then expected ..

thank you :)

thanks :) happy to hear you liked it :)

thanks .. i know about that bug yes .. no it doesn’t ignore the keypress and thats the problem :/ .. keypresses set bools for the direction to true and prevent the keypress in the other direction.. so when you press up and left too quickly, isUp=true, isDown, isLeft, isRight=false and the second keypress sets isLeft=true, isUp, isDown, isRight=false next movement will the happen to the left .. need to ignore inputs until the head moved ..

probably i’ll make a new version .. i kinda don’t want to modify my very first gamejam game, especially cause i’m so proud about it and cause the very positive feedback :)

sound and polishing aswell as updating the field is planned for v2 ;) maybe i’ll put a nokia frame around the gamefield .. eventually in 3D, depending how my blender skills grow :)

thank you very much! motivates to go on and keep on learning :) especially as my old supervisor didn’t saw me in a developer role, because i’m not creative enough :D

thanks.. i wasn’t also not that good at it ;D

yeah, i know that bug .. it happens when you press the keys to quick .. to prevent the “going back” i added bools for all directions, pressing a key sets it and pressing another resets that and sets it new to another direction .. so when you go up, isUp is set to true and prevents going down .. when you now press left or right and right afterwards down (before the head moved) it goes down into itself .. need to find a way, to prevent input, before the direction changed ..

only time moving in the opposite direction is right on the start you can press left while the head is moving to the right ..

mine is a browser game and still doesn’t get that much ratings in .. but at least the feedback i get is amazing :D

thank you, for the motivational feedback .. i’m kinda hyped now .. wow, spectacular .. i’m speechless :)

thanks :)

thank you :) as i joined on FR, i knew the theme already and the offered free course was motivation enough to do anything in about 2,5 days :D

as fixing the movement took me much more time then i expected, i screwed the sound and music cause i knew, i would get lost finding the perfect sound, especially as i have absolutely no idea how to produce it on my own :D

thanks :) .. i know, i screwed the sound as the movement took much more time then i expected .. and i haven’t used any kind of sounds to this point of time ..

thanks! will try to keep pushing :)

+ding+dong+ samm79 to the principals office :D

thanks for the feedback :)

first of all, many thanks for your extended feedback :) really appreciate that :)

i wanted to implement some sounds, but the movement took much more time then expected :/ .. and it had a much higher priority, then the sounds, as it was not playable at all :/ but without sound it can be played ;) regarding the food spawn, i’ll consider that, if/when i rework it, when rating is closed :) besides food spawning where the snake is, it also happend to me, that the food spawns “outside” the play field, which i recnogized after submitting the game .. besides the different sprites, i also wanted to add some kind of particle effect, so the attention of the player will be forced to the food .. but never used the particle system at this point of time, so i keep that for the updated version :)

thanks again for your feedback and congrats to your highscore .. i don’t know my exact number but i think it was something around 300 :)

wow i really like that game! took a bit till i recognized, that the square isn’t a shield only, instead i get resources and can buy upgrades in the spawn zones .. and that there will be other spawn zones later on .. managed to get all upgrades to max on the second attempt :) very nice game! good job!

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

well done! nice game, good graphics, even tho, i’m wondering how this big fat rat can jump so high :D imho you made everything right with your game! keep on that good work!

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

nice game.. characters are nice and the bread graphics as well and oh man i liked the dial-in oven sound :D didn’t care too much that i got shot in the back a few times :D

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

game idea is nice, but i couldn’t handle the controls .. i wasn’t even able to get over the first obstacle, before the time ran out .. if the controls are how they should be, that game is just not for me :) besides that, graphics look cute and the layout is also good.

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

wow, cool game :) good job. graphics are nice, sound effects aswell :) liked that part, where you had to switch dimensions while jumping :) well done.

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

doing something for the brain .. i like it :) nice graphics, realxing sound .. good job!

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

nice quick little game .. with clicking only, it’s kinda hard click and hold both buttons is really OP :) graphics are nice. liked it even without sound ;)

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

really nice game, nice graphics, sound and gameplay! good job, well done!

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

nice game! good job! tricky to find out how to pass the purple “door”.. was fun tho :)

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

controlls were a bit too extreme for me .. aswell as the top down view made it a bit hard to navigate .. but overall nice little game.

took me a few tries, especially jumping on these moving platforms was quite tricky and needs some good timing .. rally nice game! good job!

would be nice, if you would check out and rate my game and give me some feedback :)

nice game :) good job!

no worries, don’t have to explain to me ;) we’re all here to learn and get feedback to progress as gamedevs ;) i also found out, that my game is not the same as WebGL than it is in the game preview tab within unity ;) my lesson learned: build as WebGL and test there before uploading ;)

as i’m not sure, if you did already, would be nice, if you would check, rate and give me feedback for my game :)

ok, i know what you mean :) it might would have been easier to code aswell, if i would just have used the modern movement mechanics.. i’ll consider all the feedback i get here for a possible update.. not sure, if i want to update my very first gamejam project .. maybe there will be a snake clone 2.0 with some of feedback i get implemented .. changing the field will be definetly part of that change ..

thanks for your feedback :)

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thanks for your feedback .. what exactly had hurt your head? if i remember correct, the snake moved like that, one coordinate after the other .. which made my head hurt aswell while i tried to figure out the logic of that :D i got an idea, how my snake clone 2.0 will look like :) .. i’ll make the frame a little smaller and put a nokia graphic around that :) adopt the navigation to be more “classic”/oldschool :)

first of all, thanks for your feedback :)

Dimensional Instability is quite nice :) .. i liked your menu navigation. had kinda rough times on easy .. the first time, i stopped right where a barrier was before it switched back, then i had some issues, with the platforms and the spikes :D but after finishing it the first time, i did the normal level right away :) .. some jumping sound would have been nice, but who am i, to judge someone about missing sfx when my game has no sound at all :D

good job, liked your game :)

thanks <3

thanks for your feedback :) maybe i’ll adopt the game a bit later on and consider your suggestion .. i tried to stay quite near to the original game (i know the screen wasn’t 16:9 at that time :D) and i found out that this decission was a mistake, as i found out, that it can happen, that the food will spawn on a position where you can’t see it :/

maybe, i’ll put in some different game modes when the jam is over :)

will try your game, after work 😉

nice game .. with a quite tabu topic .. for fighting our inner demons, a little childhood friend is a good companion :) liked that :) nice sounds, graphics, controls and topic .. overall: WELL DONE 👍

would be nice, if you could rate my game and give me feedback aswell.

simple and nice 👍 there a ton of these kind of games out there, but never seen one like this :) everything matches just fine, theme, fonts, sounds, graphics .. well done 👍 if you plan to keep working on that, maybe some kind of scoring system wood be nice and eventually some kind of indication, how far it will be to the end of the world ;)

very nice, for a 3day participation submission 👍

would be nice, if you could rate my game and give me feedback aswell.

nice and easy .. probably a bit too easy .. the text of how to play is quite hard to read .. eventually put some kind of background behind it, so the background of the main menu isn’t interfering with it. or put the controls right in the main menu, just on the sides of the character, as you have the squares there already .. tried to click on how to play with the mouse .. took a bit, till i recognized to use WASD to navigate to the menu points .. but i like that kind of menu navigation 👍

would be nice, if you could rate my game and give me feedback aswell.

nice game 👍 good job. i liked the graphics and the sound. had some struggles with the controls, my mouse cursor was very small and i couldn’t really see it .. plus i got to a point, where when i switched to the other dimension, i got stuck .. wasn’t able to move either snail anymore anywhere besides a few steps for/backwards and the other one left/right ..

(1 edit)

nice game sadly just one level with 3 enemies .. keep up the good work (y) the rotation around the house is nice, the animations aswell ..

my dog was looking kinda weird when your dog was barking :D

would be nice, if you could rate my game and give me feedback aswell.

nice models and funny idea :) i like that .. minus points for the small buttons and text within the menu.. didn’t found the “go back” button in the story menu, where the text is really hard to read :/ but overall nice quick fun game :)

very, very nice game 👍 the atmosphere was good, the tutorial/speaker voice very nice .. graphics and animations superb :) but i struggled a bit with the controls, had hard times dashing enemies .. also the shooting was quite tricky, but thats maybe because i played with a notebook and the touchpad is probably not the best option for this :D

i hope to be able to be part of a team which make a game like this someday :) .. probably not with a 8-headed team .. don’t like humans that much :D

this is so much fun and reminds me back to the good ol’ elasto mania :) .. need to find that again on my harddrives :D

best result was nearly 400 once .. after that i got stuck after the 3. jump .. was really hard to hold balance .. especially with that hard corners already on the beginning ..

as a biker i enjoyed playing it even when i suck .. i liked the glowy bike and the lightning of it really much :)

good job 👍