La DA est sublime, même si mes yeux piquent un peu là avec toutes ses couleurs ! Très bon jeu.
J’aurais aimé des effets spéciaux sonores cependant x)
Le concept est sympa, cependant je suis frustré du déplacement, il est en parti imprévisible. Je pense qu’une grille plus petite et visible aurait aidé, ou un déplacement libre.
Visuellement le style est simple mais il reste suffisant. Le son prends un peu la tête, certains son sont très forts d’autre beaucoup moins.
Bon travail tout de même.
The game is pretty short, but I had a great time playing it.
The timing is really short but that makes it more satisfying to get!
The aesthetic is really nice, those rain drops are well done! The visual effects are good as well :D
Adding a screen shake could have added a better feeling on the parry / attacks tho.
Nice game! :D
The game still goes accordingly to the definition of "Room". Although many people think that a room is small, it's just defined by the fact there is wall, floor and ceiling.
Anyway, thanks for playing it and I'm glad you had a good time playing it. The fact you go faster than orc is unfortunatly due to a bug .__.
I really love the idea, it's simple, yet somewhat innovative.
The music isn't annoying, and the art is nicely done, I really like the palette. It gives a really nice Retro/Synthwave style.
On the down side, controls aren't the best, moving diagonally can get really difficult if you stuck yourself.
Nice work guys !
I found it humorous that the Orcs couldn't find me even if I hid right in front of them
I agree, and the sound make it so comical.
Though I felt the stealth was fun, I found that as a dominant strategy it was much easier to simply run through getting seen by every Orc, only to hide or use the smoke bomb once an armor piece was in sight.
That a mistake on my part, near the end of the development, a bug appeared, making the orc way slower when they got you in sight. I unfortunately didn't had the time to fix it :(
Thanks, and glad you did appreciate it.
Simple but I like the idea behind the theme and the game's story.
I like the art style, even if there is flaws, it's still really nice artwork overall.
The gameplay is simple, but there are some issues.
First is the movement, right/left movement go first and you can't walk diagonally making the movement really wanky.
Secondly, I got stuck on multiple things, the collisions aren't that perfect and not moving in diagonal makes it sometimes, really hard to get out of those situation.
Lastly, but this one is really my opinion, the camera is so zoomed in, that it's difficult to see ahead, although it's making the situation more stressful (which participate a lot in the immersion) it can also get frustrating.
Anyway, it's far from being a bad game, it's actually quite a nice small game, it works well, the art is nice, the audio as well. It's more about some details. Keep up the good work, that was really nice to play, especially the end when things go south and I started panicking :D
I got really confused at first, the shot actually go through walls and the hitbox are pretty large, making it really hard to dodge.
The pixel art is not so bad, even if it's really simple.
Not the funniest game I've ever played, but without those issues, it would have been a fine game. Keep up the good work.
Really nice game !
The gameplay is progressively harder and that's making the game really fun. Some minigames are really difficult when you have to focus on defending, which isn't a bad thing.
The music is pretty nice, but sound effect would have made it even better.
The art style is simple yet it work really well since your playing a kid, and increase immersion.
Good job on this one I had fun playing it.
Instruction unclear : I've become a billionaire.
Joke aside, fun game, simple but nice, the music and art style are going well together!
Unfortunatly, I've found some bugs (minors one so that's good) and the movement is a bit slippery I died under an elevator because of that xD
Anyway, good job, I didn't gone to the very end but I've played few minutes and it's seems to be pretty long (for a Gamejam).
There is some bugs, especially when dragging items, but overall the gameplay isn't that bad.
The game is really dark, and it's sometimes hard to seed the notes but I like the fact you have to make things move by dropping them, make the thing a bit more challenging.
Also, I did laugh a bit at the end, didn't expect that.
Yeah, there were some flaw when we made this. Collisions seems off, and turrets don't go back (it was fixed but too late) and the ZQSD is because we're French and use an AZERTY layout.
My mate forgot to change it back to WASD...
Also, we didn't had time to make a small tutorial, the last hours were a big rush and a lot of aspect had to be skipped. First game jam so we didn't manage the time really well, but well, it wasn't so bad for a first.