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A member registered Oct 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Originally that was in the Credits, but for some reason they weren't included i  the release build.

We were a team of two which used and modified a lot of different public assets. We'll include the full credits as soon as we can upload a new build (after jam ends.)

You kind of have movement in the air, but then don't and in general, I found it extremely hard to jump on a box unless it stands in a corner. Also, I experienced a bg where when jumping you could get stuck on the surface of the wall.

The idea seems nice, but the g and m are keys that aren' nice to use, you could rebind them to other keys.

Also, the level generator places identical parts directly next to each other which is extremely disorienting, the reuse of parts, in general, makes it really hard to notice progress. You could either handcraft new parts or create a generator that generates the parts.

I agree with lanGoGo, it is annoying that you often don't see where you'll land which leads to a lot of frustration combined with the spikes.

But all in all, it is a great game, you just have to fix this one issue and do a bit of polishing.

I would suggest making the camera rotation independent of the player, This would make the game way easier to control.

Maybe you could use a canvas instead of the notification boxes, that would add a lot to this game.

The Idea is nice, but the game needs a lot more content, fuller rooms, and a rework of how jumping works.

The game is pretty fun, but once you have more (turrets?) following you it gets hard to see which one you control, which makes it difficult to collect more of them. Maybe you could add a bit of contrast between the player and the companions.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback. But just to clarify a few things. 

I wanted it to be easy so everyone can enjoy it. The map never changes so you can explore it. The lava gets faster over  time. After a score of around 3000 it gets really hard.

I really love that you made a one button game!

But while you prevented the player from staying at the bottom of the latter the avoid the asteroid you forgot to add a barrier at the top. You can literally just hold space and never loose.

But aside from that bug the game is great. To improve it, you could add more upgrades to the towers. Maybe introduce a second dimension but as I said, I love the one button idea, so think twice before you add another button.

The idea isn't bad. But maybe make the contrast a bit higher. I died twice right after I started the game till I noticed that there was something falling down. 

I agree with @yellosubmarine. The artwork sound and aesthetics in general are just amazing. The game play lacks a bit in innovation. Special objects like booster, power ups, maybe even levers would spice thinks up and make it a game that isn't "just another jump 'n run".

I really liked the idea of your game.

Maybe you could have added some power ups if you had spare time. It sometimes is a bit hard to click on an anchor when your moving very fast (Or I'm just bad at it) you could have made it that the acceleration on the x axis is a bit slower. But one could also say that it was intentionally not made that way to make it harder.

A second hook sounds interesting. 

I just don't quite get how a second hook should work. Faster movement, dashes through walls, or what should be different?

Thank you!

The game was made for mobile xD.

I just have prblems with scaling the ui according to the hiher dpi.

Best implementation of this idea I've seen yet.

But maybe make the boulders fall faster and the hitbox of the player smaller. It was a great Idea to introduce other obstacles like log (even thought I don't get why they won't just fall down :D). An other idea to make the game increasingly difficult would be to increase the speed according to the current height.

A very simple game, maybe make the score counter smaller and put it next to the building. The timer after death is also a bit annoying. Maybe keep it, but make it hidden so that you can move but nothing spawns for 2 seconds.

You tagged this game as Linux compatible, but I cannot find an executable,. Did I miss something?

You tagged this game as Linux compatible, but I cannot find an executable.

Did I miss something?

I really like the art style, but it feels like it lacks some gameplay elements. Maybe add different islands, Moving targets, Wind?

One question though, how did you export the game to a single executable?

I really liked the idea that you have the same world for both characters but because of their different properties you have to take different routes.

Next time please refine your player controls more. The jumping seams 'floaty' and the characters move unnatural in general.

But all in all, the general idea was great.

Thank you! Admittedly the game was heavenly inspired by celeste because I really liked their movement. But I tried to make it not to similar.

An other question. Under what licence are we allowed to use your assets?  I would like to see something like the CC-BY license.

Thanks for your answer.

Just to be safe regarding question 3,5,6. Would it be allowed to use an asset like this (Imagining black was transparent)?

And regarding question number 4. Would it be allowed to upscale texture 2 by a factor of x2 and than put texture number 3 in it with its original size? This would create an overlap of two textures but won't create a new one because the texture number 3 can move independently as an enemy from the box it is trapped in. 

 I created the dog sprite sheet just for demonstration and didn't start on my game in any other way. Should there be no issue with this sprite sheet, then everyone is allowed to use it that I don't have an unfair advantage.

(1 edit)

I have a few questions regarding the rules:

  1. Is it allowed to change the color on a per instance basis (for example two times the same sprite but in different colors)?
  2. Is it allowed to change the color on a per texture basis (for example I want green gems but the rest should stay black)?
  3. Is it allowed to change the color to one with no opacity?
  4. Is it allowed to overlay different textures to create a new one?
  5. Is it allowed to animate the sprites by either changing the texture of a sprite or by using shaders or cut out animation?
  6. Is it allowed to change the assets itself or must this be done by the game itself?

I hope you can help me clarify this.

Thanks in advance.