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A member registered Jan 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was mainly caused by not having time and learning Godot simultaneously :D But I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! Was trying really hard not to rip them off :D


At first I thought I really suck at this game, but then I got the hang of it and it was actually fun :D What I love most are the sounds, art and music. I think the wind mechanic could be improved and maybe the world could be infinite but for a three day game jam this is soo good!

Very cool game! Art style is perfect, music is relaxing and the upgrades are a good idea. It's funny when all the deep water fish start migrating upwards :D Maybe the hitboxes could be just for mouths? Sometimes it doesn't feel fair when I just get hit by a tiny part of the body. Other than that I really enjoyed this game!

I love the art design! My only issue is that I sometimes get stuck when trying to jump? I think because of the hard edges, maybe the jump could have a small amount of force sideways perpendicular to the cloud? Otherwise really cool idea!

This was very nostalgic to me as it reminded me of all the flash games I played back as a kid. I really liked this, there's lot of gameplay mechanics and overall it looks very polished. I would just suggest to add more time for the customers, because it is not that easy to immediately find the right color, which is my second issue that some of the colors look very similar and it can be a bit confusing, but I understand it brings some challenge to it. Maybe there could be like a "queue" of user inputs, so that I don't have to wait for the guy to pick up the item to be able to click again. The game just needs a bit of tweaking to make it balanced, but overall it is great!

Thank you so much! I guess I'm not the only one who got jumpscared :D I have no idea why it happens tho. I was speedrunning all the sounds like 40 mins before the deadline so I may have caused this on accident :D (Even the music was supposed to be looping lol)

Ah sorry that's my fault, I forgot to write it here as well, it was only on my github :D The fullscreen issue wasn't happening when I was testing in godot and I didn't have time to fix and reupload, will specify it in description. Thanks!

Thank you so much! Means a lot :)

Yeah I forgot to turn off the colored vectors so now it looks a bit confusing. If I had more time this would all be fixed :D