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A member registered Sep 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is probably my favorite from all the games I've tried.

I really like how all aspects of the game from the piling backlog of math problems to the ambience and presentation work so well in harmony to reinforce this stressful feeling of dread.

I'm not sure if it was intentional that I could just fill the table with the order cards in order to avoid losing, but I feel it kinda added to the feeling of stress seeing the massive pile of cards on the table and having to try to solve them at the same time.

Damn great work.

Yes it is indeed inspired by the backrooms concept. One of the reasons for creating this little experiment was to test how the implementation for a procedural floor plan generator would work as I'm planning to use this for another upcoming dream themed project. The Jam having the "Roll the dice" theme happened to be a nice coincidence and pushed me to finally tackle this thing.

Hey thanks for trying my game.

As I think of dice as basically random number generators, the game is set in a completely randomly generated building. The original idea had you collect a couple of macguffins and escape while a monster thingy was looking for you however I ran out of time to implement any of that actual gameplay and decided to release it as is. At the moment this little prototype only creates a 100m x 100m random building you can walk around in.

Really nice puzzle game with a lot of variation. Goes really well with the dice theme.

Simple but fun game with a great presentation. The only thing really bugging me is how it can be challenging to fling the dice when it's near the screen borders.

A really unique way to utilize the dice concept. I think this was quite fun. Made it to 2500m.

Nice card (and I guess dice) game. I like the idea, but I'm not sure if there's ever a situation where you would distribute points evenly instead of maximizing one of the stats.

I really like the presentation. Eyeward and Mouthy are really fun looking characters.

Yeah I know the feeling. I also had to cut back on basically all of the gameplay aspects on my entry due to a lack of time.

I really like the idea of this game. While some of the levels here are a bit rudimentary, I think this idea could definitely be pushed further into a really neat puzzle game.

Works really well with the dice theme.

(1 edit)

This is a neat little procedural dungeon game. I like the idea of dashing through a randomly generated dungeon. I do however think that the game could be improved by maybe adding a time limit and seeing how many coins you managed to collect during that time or something similar.

A simple and nice concept. I like how there is a dynamic of having to decide when to restore the equilibrium in order to maximize safe down time.

I also think the presentation is really good. Most of all I like how each of the effects adds a unique instrument to the music.

Very well executed and fun game. Had a lot of fun with it : )

Very enjoyable game with funny writing. Had a lot of fun with it : )

Very glad that you like the idea : )

Yes some of the games end immediately due to the random placement of boulders. I Initially thought about giving the boulders a preset location, however due to time constraints it was faster and easier to just place them randomly. Also yes I also think I could have cut the speed a little, it is a bit too punishing as is.

Now that you mentioned it, the game does in fact have some similarities to tetris even though I didn't actually consciously draw inspiration from it. It's strange how this comment actually made me think my own game in a different light : D

Anyway thank you so much for trying my game and giving great feedback : )

This was a really fun game. Each capture was it's own fun and enjoyable puzzle. Not sure how exactly this was out of control, but it was a very enjoyable game regardless of that. Had a lot of fun with this one : )

A really nice idea with a good execution and polish. I really liked this one and had a lot of fun with it : )

This was a nice game. It was fun to play once you got the hang of it and the controls became really messed up by the end. Also the graphics were really cute. I really like duckies : ) Had a lot of fun with the game.

Glad you liked the concept : )

Yes unfortunately due to time constraints I did not implement a way to relocate the boulders if they got near the car which sometimes causes the game to immediately be over when the boulder spawns directly on top of the car. Originally I had planned to put all the boulders on preset locations but ultimately I went with random placement because it was way faster to implement within time constraints.

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game and for giving great feedback : )

I'm very glad you liked the game. 50 seconds is a great time : )

Also thank you for being understanding about the lack of juice. Creating your own game engine comes with the cost of having to plan quite hard for your approach on how everything is organized and implemented in a sensible way. I had most of the framework already completed, however I still had to implement many features during the jam which takes a lot of time away from creating the game itself.

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game and for giving great feedback : )

Yes the game initially had six gears and reverse however that made the gears come out way too frequently so i limited it to three : D The idea was that the player had to learn to manage the faster gears by lowering the cars speed as soon as possible after raising the gear in order to get rid of the higher gear choices or that the player sometimes had to raise the gear in order to have a more suitable steering option for a tough turn creating a sort of risk and reward system. However I too feel that the third gear might have had a bit too punishing speed boost.

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game and for giving valuable feedback : )

Yes the controls might be a bit difficult to understand. I definitely should have made a more fully fledged tutorial. And yes due to time constraints some of the planned polish such as sound effects for example had to be cut which is a shame since I'm sure it would have added a lot to the experience.

Anyway thank you for trying my game and for providing great feedback : )

Fun idea, however I found that if you stand in the middle of the boat and just bail water constantly you cannot lose. Aside from that especially the hard mode was quite chaotic and fun. Overall I had a lot of fun with the game : )

You weren't kidding about the neck being out of control : D. This was definitely a fun and interesting game with great presentation. I had a lot of fun with the game : )

This was a fun. The game had plenty of levels with their own unique and fun challenge to keep the gameplay interesting. I had a lot of fun with this one : )

Yes I had originally planned to place the controls right next to the car on all sides, however I thought it might have blocked the visibility of obstacles too much so I put them at the bottom. In hindsight it would have probably been better to stick to the original plan and place them closer to the car.

Anyway thank you so much for trying my game and commenting about it : )

Very fun game and a cool idea. I especially liked the synergy of throwing explosive barrels and then detonating them with other weapons. Overall I had a lot of fun with the game : )

Is it intended that you can continue playing while in the game over screen after running out of time? If so then it gives me definite "fission mailed" vibes. Also what properties is the hacker actually changing because I didn't notice any of that myself? Or maybe it was subtle and flew over my head. Overall very fun, polished, good looking and pleasant to control twin stick shooter. Had a lot of fun with the game : )

This is a fun idea that could be expanded upon. Had a lot of fun with this game : )

Heh I'm sure that would have been fun to listen to : D

Glad you liked the game : )

Yes the game was indeed supposed to have sound effects, however I had to cut them due to time constraints. I couldn't find any good car sounds in the last few hours of submissions. It is a shame because I'm sure sounds would have added a lot to the experience.

Anyway thank you for trying my game and giving valuable feedback : )

Thank you for playing my game. Glad you had fun : )

Wasn't expecting such a story driven game in a game jam. It was definitely thematically very fitting for the jam and I had a lot of fun playing it : )

Fun idea. I like how the game gets naturally harder as the game progresses, but the bullets are sometimes a bit hard to see. Overall I had a lot of fun with the game : )

Fun and easy to learn idea with a smooth execution. I really liked playing this : )

Glad you liked the concept : )

Yes the placement of controls was a difficult decision. I was initially about to put them around the car on all sides but I thought it might obscure the visibility of obstacles too much. In the end I decided to put them at the bottom, but in hindsight the former idea might have indeed been better.

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game and commenting about it : )

Glad you liked the idea : )

Yes the game was indeed supposed to have sound effects and music, however they were cut due to time constraints which is a shame since I'm sure they would have added a lot of oompf to the game.

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game : )

Yes the buttons might be a bit difficult to understand. Especially the gears since they are just numbers and the letter R and the steering ones could be interpreted in many ways. I should have probably made a more fully fledged tutorial.

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game and for providing valuable feedback : )

Thank you so much for taking your time to try my game : )

Oh sorry for the really late response. I hadn't noticed this comment.

Those are very good suggestions. The ball threshold is quite long because of some kind of an oversight on the physics. The physics library I used is for some reason very adamant on being reliant on the games framerate event thought I only used time in seconds instead of frames. This unfortunately causes physics to behave a bit oddly on framerates other than 144hz. I did some mathematical trickery to make the results very similar but its still a little slower on 60hz causing the threshold to be over twice as long as intended. Also larger borders would have indeed made aiming a little easier. Great suggestions however I am unlikely to ever update this game again.

The balls falling graphic is essentially just the ball shrinking when it hits a hole, but in combination with the ascii filter it does indeed create an oddly satisfying visual effect : )

Anyway thank you so much for playing my game and giving feedback about it : )

(2 edits)

Hi. Thank you so much for playing my game. This is a short simplified explanation on how the game draws the final image onto the screen:

Essentially the basic scene without any post processing effects is first drawn onto a 100x75 texture. After that I draw a 100x75 grid of quads(so 7500 quads each with area of 64 pixels using instanced drawing) onto the 800x600 screen. Each quad gets a color sampled from the texels of the scene texture and a texture of a white letter with a transparent background determined by the color from the scene. The texture of the letter then gets sampled and multiplied with the color from the sampled scene texture which determines the color of the final fragments. This then results into the final image shown on the screen. Sorry if the explanation is a bit hard to understand. English is not my first language : ) 

Also yes the game was supposed to have a fullscreen button and mobile touch support but these things were dropped because of time constraints. The whole thing including a lot of the framework was done in about a week. The fullscreen button would actually be a really easy thing to add so I might add that when I get the time. 

Anyway thank you for taking your time to comment and play my game : )