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Rood Games

A member registered Jun 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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This concept matches the theme well! I had fun, but it was really hard to NOT shoot myself XD

The highest score I got was 12 haha. Fun game though!

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I've learned that if I eat all the berries, I can get myself out of any...jam.

Sheesh...that was a bad pun XD

Fun game!

I got to Wave 7! Once I discovered the strategy of using the walls to trap / separate the bugs, it became a lot more fun and strategic!

I really enjoyed everything. It was a twist on a familiar concept executed well. I thought the art style and audio were both on point as well. Great job!

Great game! The movement and controls all felt so smooth. The artwork is fun and charming as well. I like having to balance the use of the laser vision since it results in a lot more collateral damage XD

I spent a lot of time early on trying to dodge the cars until I realized they couldn't hurt me. I also think the player shadow makes it a little confusing as to where I am spatially in the game.

But outside of those nitpicks, this was a great entry!

Thanks for playing and for the kind words :)

I played and rated your game as well. It was a lot of fun!

Playing this game felt like a fever the best way! XD

Not sure how your team accomplished so much in a week, but it's super impressive! It was fun being surprised by which genre was up next. Great job :)

I had fun playing as the demolitionist. Having all the environment react to explosions is a clever tie-in to the theme. I also really enjoyed the speed of the movement. It added to the arcade feel.

I did find it tough to get kills since the enemy health regens so quickly. And I kept hoping for more progression, like leveling up my weapons or unlocking new skills.

Great work overall though!

Thanks for playing! Hopefully we can add more puzzles in the future :)

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Your game has been one of my favorites so far! Such a cool aesthetic and concept.

I won! I really enjoyed the visuals in this game. I think the concept of gradually bringing more color back into the world via power-ups is cool and clever. I also liked that the experience bar WAS the player silhouette. Didn't see it at first, but it was a fun detail.

Some suggestions for improvements:
- The icons for 2 of the power-ups are very similar (both just circles) so it makes it hard to tell which you're leveling up at first.
- Difficulty needs a little balancing. Once I got to Wave  3 I no longer had to move because I had leveled up that nothing could touch me. 
- I would love to see more variety in power-ups, which would also allow you to bring in even more of the color spectrum.

Overall, it's a fun survivor-like game with a interesting concept that I would love to see explored further!

It first happens on Level 18 and there's text on the right side of the screen explaining that a ring is locked while the cube is on it.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it. 

There is a mechanic in later levels where you need to move the cube independently to “lock” rings from rotating. We intended to make more puzzles using this mechanic but ran out of time. 

Your feedback about the selected ring color is one that has come up a few times. So that’s a definite update we’d like to make after the voting ends. :)

Thanks again!

This was a fun clicker! I love the clean UI and the bits of humor you added.

I'll echo a suggestion I've seen from others that it would be nice if the main cursor was a different color so it's easier to tell where I'm aiming.

Great job overall though!

Came here to say this ^^

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Your game was one of my favorites!

Thanks for playing and appreciate the kind words! Glad you liked it :)

My dragon left me! :'(

Seriously good job accomplishing all of this in a short jam! The art and sound was great, and I think it nails the theme. One small suggestion:
- I found myself using spacebar to quickly move through the text and it took me awhile to realize I was also skipping the random choices during training.
- Maybe don't allow spacebar to progress at that point so the player notices there are options. Or make the options more apparent.

Either way, awesome job on the game!

Ha! Thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing! And that's a suggestion we will definitely implement next :)

Thanks so much for the kind words! Glad you liked it :)

Thanks for playing and so glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. I really like your suggestion of binding restart to the keyboard. That will be something we definitely do in the future :) 

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I really enjoyed the charm of the art style. And some of the effects were really cool. I thought it was a clever tie-in to the theme as well.

Some suggestions for improvement:

- Maybe it's just me but for the first couple of levels I didn't realize how much damage I was doing to myself with spells. Perhaps more clarity around when I'm taking damage would help.
- The night level was a little too dark. I couldn't see myself or enemies.
- It wasn't always easy to be precise with my spell casting direction. Maybe some subtle indication of that could help without being distracting.
- I may have missed it, but I wish there was some volume control because music / SFX were a bit loud for me.

Overall, I think it's a great entry and has a lot of cool stuff in a short amount of time. Great job!

I'll definitely check out your game! We would also love feedback on ours as well:

This was super cool! Very clever concept and execution. I also really enjoyed the art style overall. :)

I really enjoyed this! It's a fun twist on a platformer and sticks to the theme well.

I liked teleporting so much that I accidentally teleported to the top of the map on level 3 and fell into the infinite abyss XD. Still a lot of fun. Great job!

The cutscene art was great! I could watch the cat knight run animation all day :)

Fun Zelda-like. I was actually frustrated when my first key broke. But then I realized it's probably intentional because of the theme XD

Some small notes:
- I wish the trees were a slightly different color than the grass. That tripped me up more than a few times
- Being accurate with sword swings felt a little harder than it should've been.

Other than those nitpicks it was impressive what your team was able to do in a week

Wow, thank you! So glad you enjoyed the game and the art.

We can definitely look for ways to make it less confusing which ring is currently selected. Thank you for the feedback :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Sorry for the multiple key presses registering. That's not something we ran into during testing, but can be a consideration for a future update.

This was a lot of fun! I always love some good loot :)

Love the art style and music choices. I made it to level 20 before getting beat down by a Harpy. My nitpick feedback would be that I wish I could click through the encounters a little quicker. But overall, this game is very impressive for a 1 week jam!

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Thanks for the feedback, and glad you enjoyed the game!

This was my first game jam submission and I had mostly been testing in full screen. So I didn't think about the fact that most people will play at the smaller size on itch. This is definitely a lesson learned in UI sizing :)

Thanks so much for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it. And also thank you for the feedback. You're probably right that we could've brought in the linked rings theme a little earlier, but we wanted to allow enough time for the player to get comfortable with the concepts first.

I also played your game last night and it's a lot of fun!