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A member registered Jan 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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The categories seem balanced out to me. There's 1 for gameplay, 1 for visuals, 1 for audio and 1 for how well it worked with the 64x64 rule. While the visuals and authenticity categories are the ones closest to each other, I still feel they're different enough that they deserve separate categories. 

A simple 64x64 game with a 1 pixel player character and nothing else would not be visually pleasing, but it would get the highest authenticity score from me, simply because it's a proper 64x64 game. The opposite might be a great looking game where the UI is in a higher resolution than 64x64. So while it's true that visuals and authenticity are both visual categories, they are about very different things. 

Merging audio and visuals into 1 category doesn't seem like a good idea to me, even though it would probably benefit me, as I barely have audio haha :P. What kind of gameplay-centric categories do you have in mind?

I think it's also a matter of what you find important. For me, I try to score highest with authenticity and gameplay. I don't care much for my score on visuals and audio. And maybe that's the reason why the categories feel balanced out to me. :P

Exactly, I honestly thought it was another secret :P

I like the idea! Whenever the dog would be attacked, I'd just throw myself into the group of monsters and start flailing, which resulted in my own death multiple times haha. Throwing the ball and swinging the sword felt really good. Fun to play!

I'm happy to hear you've had enjoyed it, thank you very much for playing! :D

I'm happy to hear that the game grew on you and that you've enjoyed it, thank you very much for playing it :D

I like collecting stuff in games as well, so an album of fish to catch is a great idea! Do you think that would still fit in the game as it is currently, where you only have a limited amount of time to catch fish? Or do you think it would be better if there were no such limit?

It's amazing how much you've managed to fit in such a small frame! The game is fun to play, the graphics look nice (I wasn't always quite sure what I was looking at, but I knew danger when I saw it!) and the audio is great. The frog sounds cute, but it still makes me feel bad for being hit. At first glance I wasn't quite sure how the game worked, but it's quite self-explanatory, so I picked it up pretty fast. Well done!

A bit short, but very fun to play! I thought the gorilla looked a bit like the Tasmanian Devil haha. I was also looking for a way to free my fellow gorillas, it would be fun to see them running around causing chaos :P

Fun game! Quick to jump in to, which is good, because I died a lot haha. I'm ashamed to admit that I had to drop the difficulty to easy in order to get a decent score :P Does the accuracy affect the score? I think the difficulty did give more points per kill on higher difficulties, is that right?

It's a nice game, fun to play! I love the running animation! :P I like the lighting effect as well, it almost starts to feel like a horror game haha.

Great game, really fun to play! I'm amazed with how much detail you've managed to put into the graphics. Nice sound effects as well. And I really like the theme! Were you inspired by the TVA? :P

Thank you very much for playing, I'm glad you've enjoyed it! :D That's a nice score! And yes, I'm glad someone picked up on it haha. As soon as I decided to add fishing in the game, I knew there had to be a reference to Baelin. :P

Thank you very much for playing, I'm happy you've enjoyed it! :D What kind of stuff would you like to see on the island? Something like a shop to buy fishing rods or bait, or just some decorations (trees, rocks, buildings) in general? I agree that it's missing something!

That's high praise, thank you very much! I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed it! :D

Thank you very much for playing. I'm happy to hear you had fun! :D

Thank you very much for playing, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed it! :D I have to admit I was surprised with how the clouds turned out, and I was actually quite proud of them haha! :P

Thank you very much for playing, glad to hear you've enjoyed it! :D Do you think the fishing in itself should be more complex, or do you think adding stuff around fishing (like different fishing rods, bait for different fish) would be enough?

Nice puzzles! The music is great, really fits in with the game. I also like that the clues are different with every playthrough!

Fun game! Every now and then I would get stunlocked when being overwhelmed by a group of monsters, but by blocking and then attacking I would manage to break free. Always felt great when I was able to survive by doing so!

Great game! The battles are fast, while still requiring tactics to win. I love the audio!

Enjoyable game, the first time I managed to survive a landing was very satisfying! I liked the secret, eventually unlocked all upgrades as well! I did notice it I was able to go higher than 10 with the upgrades, not sure if that was intentional? :P

Nice relaxing game, I enjoyed making donuts! I think some sizzling sound would be a nice addition while making the donuts, maybe some sound for when they get burnt as well. The graphics are great, and I couldn't think of a more fitting game for this theme!

I wanted to go with the "false reality" theme, combined with "gone wrong". The idea was to give the player the impression that it was just a simple fishing game (false reality). After a minute or so of play time graphical glitches would occur (false reality gone wrong), the world would fade, and it would be revealed that the player was locked in a simulation chamber on a spaceship. The player would escape by solving puzzles.

But in the end, it really did just become a fishing game haha, as I didn't have as much time to work on the game as planned. :P

Of the 1709 people that joined the jam last year, there were 366 submissions. So if we go by that ratio, we can expect around 300 submissions.

Thank you very much for playing, glad you like it! I was considering having the preloaded spell remain for only 5 seconds, but in the end decided against that. I like being able to preload spells as well. And since it's something that can backfire (for example having an Open Door spell preloaded, and then encountering an enemy. Though I doubt people would preload non-combat spells) it doesn't seem too overpowered. I think that would still be the case when adding more spells as well. There might be encounters where some combat spells are more beneficial than others.

I liked it! The first time I didn't fully realize what happened during combat, because it was over pretty fast. So I wasn't sure if I actually did something good or not. But during the second battle I realized how it worked, it was pretty straightforward from then on. Nice job!

I'm impressed with how polished the game is! Plenty of content, great use of themes, fun to play and good sounds and graphics. Well done!

Great atmosphere! I like the shader you used a lot. While I don't have epilespy, I did feel uncomfortable when picking up the power up. The purple visual effect you mentioned earlier in the comments does look more comfortable to me. The sounds were great as well!

Even though it's unfinished, the game immediately felt familiar when playing it. You nailed it with the Dungeon Keeper vibe! I actually feel like booting up the game now haha

Hahah no worries, I'm actually really happy that I'm receiving feedback!

Thank you for playing and the great feedback! Haha you're right that it would be more user friendly to show the spell combination immediately when picking up a new spell. It was something I was struggling with when creating the game but looking back, I could probably just make the notification larger. It's something which is shown for only a few seconds, so it shouldn't block the game too much. And there definitely should be some visual feedback if the spell was cast correctly. One of the ideas I've had for the game was to show text like "Failed to cast spell" and "Cast spell Open Door" when casting spells, but I didn't end up adding it because I thought it would clutter the game too much. But maybe showing a little "poof" (not sure how to better describe it haha) would be enough for feedback.

Thank you very much! You're absolutely right! As much as I wanted to add more things, there just wasn't enough time, so I had to set my priorities straight. I will be working with deadlines on my projects from now on, because then I just can't afford to be distracted.

Thank you very much for playing, I'm happy you've enjoyed it! I agree with it needing more spells. Did you miss more spells in general, or non-combat or combat spells in particular?

Fun game to play, but I felt terrible whenever I saw the crying yeti when I lost haha

Great puzzle game! I like that whenever a new hero is available, there's an easy level which basically shows the correct way to use the hero.

It's amazing how polished this game is! I really like the axe throwing and how it returns to the player.

Great atmosphere, I think you have a good base for a horror game here. I felt like the rotation input detection was a bit too fast though, I would often be turning further than I wanted to :P

A very immersive and slightly creepy game! I had no idea what was happening, but felt the need to carry on anyway. Well done!