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A member registered Jun 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Lowering the number of stars, in our opinion, really helped with the visibility, thanks for the suggestion! In the spirit of the jam, we are going to refrain from uploading the changes until after the voting period is over (as it required some changes in the code).

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! The biggest points of improvement we've heard thus far from all of the comments are either the enemy's bullets are very hard to see, or the player didn't know why they died. To try and fix this, we went in and inverted the colors of the enemy's bullets, which hopefully give them a more enjoyable visibility. If you have time, let us know if this improves the overall game feel! Thanks again!!

Really phenomenal. The style and atmosphere are amazing, and the voice acting is something I thought would be impossible in only a week. Everything here screams polish. I wish there were more indicators in terms of where to go, especially in more open areas, as I found myself lost quite often. Really, REALLY, great job otherwise!

I just rated your game, really nice stuff! 

Here's ours: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

Let us know what you think!

Love the art and animation of this game, feels extremely fluid. If I were to say one thing, it would be that the movement was sometimes a bit hard to control, especially with the tight platforming. Otherwise, great job!

Very fun and fast-paced! I Love how satisfying the sound effects are when you move your cursor, and the effects when enemies die are great! 

Nice atmosphere and art! The looming presence of the boss-like character really kept me on edge throughout my playthrough! If I were to wish for something, it would be nice to have some checkpoints at pivotal points in the game to avoid redoing long sections over and over again. Otherwise, great job!

Nice! Here's ours: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

Let us know what you think! I'll get to playing your game shortly!

Here's ours: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

Thank you for offering to review it!

Heres our game: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

Let us know what you think! I'll be sure to play and rate your game within the next hour or two!

Really nice animations! Loved the title screen you guys had as well as the intro cutscene. The main gimmick of having to control two characters works very well, and really fits the theme! If I were to nitpick, the characters' movements were a bit odd, but I eventually got used to it. Nice job!

Sweet! I really like the visuals and especially the music/sound design, really helps with the vibe. 

Nice, reminds me of Papers, Please. Has to be rough working from 5:00am to midnight lol. In all seriousness, this is super ambitious to have been done in a week, and it works great. 

Nice! Here's ours: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

Let us know what you think!

Also, the sound design is amazing!

I absolutely love the mechanic of switching characters, and it feels awesome. The art is also amazing. Great, great work!

Oh! Thats great to know, I'll give it another try with a slower camera.

really cute game! The controls feel really fluid, and the art is great! 

Neat submission! If I were to suggest one thing, it would be to give some settings for how sensitive the camera is as it made it a bit difficult to control the character. 

Really creative theming for this jam! Very good job!

Visually, this game is stunning for the game boy. This project definitely has the potential if you continue developing it. Great work!

Really neat entry! Love the atmosphere of the game. I'm not sure if its just me, but I couldn't hear any audio :(. 

Neat! Definitely reminds me of atari games, and it is really cool to see another area to explore when not on the road. 

Nice! I particularly enjoyed trapping myself and the mice between portals, really funny lol. In all seriousness, really neat mechanic, and I found myself adapting to the controls quite well after a bit of learning. I got to the section after you are given the fireball and died there, I would have really liked to see a checkpoint system so I wouldn't have to do the entire game again. Otherwise, great job!

Here's ours: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

Let us know what you think! Can't wait to try yours!

WOW, that ending! There is so much that creates a sense of mystery and that inkling that something is off, and it was executed beautifully. Incredible work.

Really love the UI and shaders in this game, really makes the whole project shine with polish! Kudos to you for having an options screen and controller support as well. Overall, great job!

Really nice job! The controls were super intuitive and I was able to understand a bunch in a short amount of time. I really like the mechanic of going in and out of two separate dimensions, each with its own spoils, really neat idea. If I were to say something, I wish the traps on the ground were more apparent because I died a few times without realizing what killed me. 

Heres ours: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -

I'll be sure to play everyone's game here!

Incredible atmosphere and writing! 

Really neat little puzzle/card game!  It took a little bit for me to understand what I was doing, but I eventually got the hang of it. 

Love the art, and I am very happy to see a tower defense game made! I found myself being killed by the bears around 30sec-1min into gameplay as many piled up onto me. Maybe I was playing wrong, but I was not able to get very far. Nonetheless, great job!

My bad! Will update my review accordingly.

Really fun idea for this jam! I love Baba is You and this game really takes on its charm. Great job!

Made me realize how bad I am with typing random letters on my keyboard. In all seriousness, really unique idea, and the execution is great! 

WOW. I am genuinely amazed that you were able to get all of this packed up in this short time frame! I love the effect that you use to make it look as if there are more than two colors, even though there are just two, it is so cool to look at. The effects and physics of the gameplay are also super addictive to play around with. I don't think I could even nitpick anything. Fantastic!

I like the world-building and atmosphere in this game. Love the inclusion of an intro with voiceover, really puts you in the shoes of the character you are playing. However, I felt as if the player movement was a bit off and it was often difficult to maneuver certain areas. I also often got ambushed by zombies which seemed to be a death sentence because the gun didn't do much damage to them or took too long to reload. The game also definitely has more than two colors. Other than that, solid idea and great work producing this!

PHENOMENAL attention to audio in this, probably the best I've seen thus far. I love how tension is handled in this game, especially on ladders. Really, really great job. 

Left a comment under your game, really liked it!  If you would like to play ours, here is the link: Rate Dark Matter by Prestosilver, sciencedoge for 1-BIT JAM -