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(2 edits)

Lovely concept and I think it fits the theme well! I love the tone of it and I like that the game has an underlying message. Would love to have a few more puzzles but great job nonetheless!

Yeah I definitely feel you on the running out of time aspect. But it’s fun in its current state at least! Thanks, looking forward to hearing your feedback if you do try out our game :D
Hope you like it!

Nice work! Love the hand-drawn look of the character and the bubble-dash mechanic was a nice addition

Nice work on releasing something playable, I had fun playing it a few times! It was very satisfying to set up an array of towers mowing down enemies and taking the risk to pick up the loot. I think my own towers killed me at one point, though I'm not sure if that's a bug or an intentional decision to make me think more about their placement. Great job!

(1 edit)

What a lovely game. Loved the art and music and the general atmosphere. I did get stuck in one point where I couldn't make it back to a bench and had to wait for the wind, but the wind/reset mechanic was very creative and purrfect for the jam's theme. Great work!

Congrats on your first solo jam game, it's a lot of fun! I love a good push-your-luck mechanic and the dark spots and extraction delay added some good tension and some situations where I managed to get out with one or two health left. Nice work!

What a creative an unique take on the theme. Really enjoyed that! It did take me a little while to figure out how to play so a small tutorial would be helpful if you expand on it, but this is great. It was very satisfying to figure out a really short path to the answer and the extra credit sections were a great way to break it up. Great job!

I had a lot of fun playing this. I really like the take on the theme and thought the whole thing was really polished. The voxel art style looked great and the voice acting is also a nice touch, you nailed the atmosphere! I got a little bit lost at one point not knowing where to go and had no solar storms hitting so I thought it was bugged, but eventually found a path I hadn’t explored. Plus the controls felt good and thrusting through windows was really satisfying so I didn’t mind. Great work!

Thanks for taking the time to check out the game and for that lovely comment, we really appreciate the feedback! I'll definitely check out and rate your game too, it looks great :D

My favourite game I've played so far! The gameplay feels satisfying and really responsive and the whole game is very polished. I liked the concept and thought the boss was a great addition as it forced me to balance clearing out the enemies protecting him against matching his size so I could damage him. Great game!

Love the art style and the concept. I think you could do a lot with it if you were turning it into a full puzzle game. Also really polished considering the short timeline. Great work!

This is a great little game. Loved the puzzles and sound effects and the snake mechanic is really creative. I ran into an issue where sometimes the snakes didn't shoot the ball back out (without me changing anything from a previous attempt where they did shoot it back out), but otherwise really fun game. Nice work!

This is a really cool entry. Charming art style and the puzzle design was really well done. I think with a bit more time for polishing the squidge controls (maybe some highlights on the selected object or something) and movement controls (I got stuck on walls and in the floor once or twice), it could be a great puzzle game. Being able to squidge the environment is great!

Great concept and the shoot-jumping mechanic was very satisfying, especially as you got smaller. Also good job at the little tutorial and progression into the main platforming sections. Really polished!

(1 edit)

Cool concept and atmosphere.I think the large environment fits the theme really well. I did have some issues with the controls for climbing and raising stuff (sometimes the camera would reset to point at the sky/floor or poles wouldn't raise past a certain point depending on their start position on the floor), but the checkpoint system helped. Nice work!

Thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback. I'm glad you liked the concept and I agree that it's too short currently. I had a lot of ideas on how to expand it but ran out of time building the core mechanics. I'll definitely check out your game :)

(1 edit)

What a great concept and such a polished game for a game jam game, really well done! I did also find the controls a bit confusing at first but got the hang of them after a stage or two. Love the art style too

Really cool concept and surprisingly difficult with the amount of dodging required, nice job!. Agree that the enemies could have slightly less health.

Nice job with the ship controls, they're very satisfying! It reminds me a bit of Outer Wilds.