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A member registered Jun 01, 2022

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So much satisfaction after beating the game!!!
I think it needs some more balancing and the controls need more polish, but there's a lot you could do with his great concept! (Which, by the way, was very well-executed and creative.)

Hope you had fun making it!

Everyone has taken the words out of my mouth. Great game!

But... is anyone else stuck on World 1-9??? It might just be because I have a trackpad but I canNOT for the life of me click on that second moth. I don't like when platformer-puzzle games throw in a level that randomly needs super fast reaction time, so that is my one complaint about this game. Or maybe I'm just completely missing the puzzle. *shrug*

Good luck! Hope you make it into the top 20!!

Ha! I'm glad. You guys deserve it!
I think what impresses me most with the game is that I never died (with one exception where he glitched out and wouldn't jump) because the AI didn't do what it was supposed to. It was extremely consistent how it would work so when you die it never feels unfair.
Also, I didn't even think of having different types of blocks! That is such a great idea, and another reason I would love to see this expanded on.
Good luck! I really think you have a shot at making it far!

Wow. Wow wow wow wow. This is (so far) my FAVORITE 2023 jam game! It's also the best take so far on the "you make the level" concept.
I'm glad you guys kept the scope very tight to work on making a fun game rather than a "all style no substance" game. The placing and removing blocks is so intuitive and it's so fun trying to make a path for the player while also removing blocks to try and stock up.
I also love the upgrade concept as it kept me replaying to try and get the most upgraded I could get!

Although, this is where the biggest problem is, as it is totally unbalanced when you upgrade yourself enough. At a certain point, as long as you collect upgrades every once in a while, you just never run out of health or blocks.
Another problem is that once you get pushed back, there's no way to  catch up with the screen.

However, what you've got is a great concept with great execution. I would love to see the concept fully fleshed out and expanded. I hope you had fun making it!

!!!! So creative!!!
When I saw the premise, I was unsure how it would be executed but in the end it was actually a really great effort!
Also, I love how instead of just using darker colors for the shading, you use dithering. Really gives me WarioWare DIY vibes.
Would love to see this refined and expanded on. Like, for example, making the AI learn your patterns.
All in all though, great game! Hope you had fun making it and participating!

Not going to play just because I have to download it, but the concept sounds AMAZING!!! Sounds like a game that would be perfect for me and could potentially make it into GMTK's video. Good luck!!

Wow. Pretty amazing!
Was definitely very fun, but I can't help but feel that it would have been better if you could always move the planets, not just when they are in range.
The visuals are perfect! Love the satisfying little squishy animation when you beat the level (honestly, it's what kept me going!)
Not super convinced it really fits the theme, but great job overall!! Hope you had fun making it.

Missed opportunity to call it "Rolls Reversed"

(1 edit)

This is one of the most fun jam games I've played today! Absolutely no bugs, clean presentation, tight controls... it's just pleasant!
I found myself playing over and over again to try to get a decent score which is NOT usually like me.
This game has also had the smoothest introduction to the game I've seen from this whole jam!
Great job and I hope you had fun making it.

This is the most fun jam game I've played today! I can't tell you how satisfying it was to finally kill the player!!... or wait... I guess you designed it that way. 
Well, in any case, great job! Hope you had fun making it!

By FAR the best game I have played today!
Loved the original concept, the amazing graphics, and best of all, the frantic gameplay!
It was hard to play at first because I was using a trackpad and for some reason every time I tried to rotate or flip a piece, it would drop it. However, when I switched to a mouse, it all started working and I was able to react faster.
It is so scary to try and drop a piece of loot from your backpack to rearrange everything to fit more before the loot you dropped falls off-screen.
Great game!! Hope you guys had fun making it!

(1 edit)

I like the idea and it was satisfying to connect the rooms.
But I don't understand why you control the rooms and the character. Also, the lack of a visual indicator to show which rooms you can grab and when you are allowed to grab them led to some mild frustration.
I enjoyed the style of it! Hope you had fun making it!

Ha! Love stories like that where bugs get turned to features.

Ah, I see. I think the problem actually came from the screen being too zoomed in (which I'm pretty sure was a problem on my end) and I couldn't find a remedy for it.

LLLLLLOVE the idea!
I know you were concerned with bugs and lack of polish, but I didn't really have problems with those at all.
I was more confused why you have to jump on top of the dinosaurs and why you take damage when they run into you. I feel it would have fit better as a riff of the original Dino Game if you had to make the dinos run into you by jumping when they jump or standing your ground when they try to crouch under you.
However, the music was nice, the art was accurate (love how it turns to nighttime), and the effects were satisfying. Well done! Hope you had fun making it!

Although, in the screenshots, it looks like there is some dialogue. I didn't see any though. Was that supposed to show up?

i LOVE the idea of being the narrator and trying to control the player but... it just doesn't feel focused enough.

Instead of feeling like you are trying to convince the player what to do, it feels like you are watching a 4-year-old controlling a character and you are yelling at the screen hoping they will make the right move.

When I was able to make some progress, it was definitely fun and got some chuckles out of me! But... it was 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

Glad I played it though! Hope you had fun making it!

Ahhhh, ok! That makes them a little better.

But, I am still against them. Pressing the button repeatedly on a keyboard is uncomfortable for me. 

Also, Sonic Colors has scarred me...

It seems many of the comments have covered most of the problems I had. Mainly, the hub world feeling clunky and too linear; the key ending the level feeling unsatisfying and jarring; and the softlocks feeling frustrating.

However, there was one major flaw that I cannot forgive, and will not rest until it is resolved. In order to get to certain higher platforms, there will be several platforms stacked above each other, creating what I call a Platform Burger.
Platform Burgers are my worst enemy. The act of repeatedly pressing the jump button and waiting for my character to go up and down, up and down really gets on my nerves for whatever reason. A ladder would fix this, or maybe a little bar you grab onto that pulls you up.
Whatever the case, I wish to see Platform Burgers thrown into the fires while I stand over them, laughing, with not an ounce of remorse.

Overall, GREAT demo. I didn't play the first demo, but this one was fantastic. The "aha!" moments felt good. Also, THANK YOU FOR THE OPTION TO HAVE THE MAGNET BE ATTRACTED TO THE SAME COLOR!!! My brain struggles with things like that, so I was very happy to see the option.
Great job, me matey.