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A member registered Jan 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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YO! Gotta say, you've got a very nice base implementation going on here.

Movement feels good, jumping feels like it reaches an adequate height for the world design, move speed is good. Overall input feels responsive and immediate. The art style is nice in its current form; and will look even better with more variety.

Here's my notes from the duration of my playing, and of COURSE please know these are just thoughts, not expected changes:

  • Settings menu for music/sound volume is a must-have.
  • A directional knife throw using arrow keys would be slick, so I could throw a knife behind me whilst running away.
  • The wall sliding/jumping feels nice, but I'd like to only stick if I'm holding the direction of the wall, so I can let go to fall faster without having to move away from the wall.
  • Menu navigation with just the keyboard (wasd to move focus, K or space to submit) would be lovely since you're already setting the game up to not use the mouse.


  • Enemies shoot after their death anim starts: feels kinda rough in some moments when I'm watching the robot explode as it fires off another missile, (but I'm not sure if this is intended, if it is, I gotta get good)
    • As a side note to this, enemy colliders also still damage you during their death animation, which feels counter-intuitive as they are dead/dying and still hurt me when I bump them, but again if that's your intention no worries!
  • Jumping is a bit unforgiving (again may be intended) If i jump even a nanosecond too late, I waste my double-jump and fall. A lot of platformers utilize what is called 'Coyote Time' which basically forgives the player for walking off a ledge BEFORE pressing jump, could be nice to experiment with!
  • Inconsistent jumping; sometimes I can wall jump once and have to change directions, other times I can wall jump twice. I can't honestly tell if I'm supposed to swap walls or if something's going wrong

Overall the game's concept is solid and I would love to see it fleshed out more. More enemy types like potentially flying enemies, or ones that shoot homing missiles? More ninja abilities like a dodge roll/dash, a grappling hook, or a sword to parry missiles with? Other places the ninja may need to infiltrate like robot factories, evil/robot ninja hideouts, or ancient temples? 

Lots of potential and already in a good spot! Keep at it!

I appreciate the foundation of what you've put together! You've definitely got the basis of a game here, and I feel like without too much embellishment at all you could have an overall gameplay loop going.

I appreciate the fact that the game does have a lil' ending already, and with the systems you've built I could totally see our hero going on all sorts of hack-and-slash adventures, potentially more diverse attack mechanics like different keys to press like quicktime events, or specific combos, etc.

Obviously as you stated the game is heavily incomplete, but as a result of this I can see a lot of potential for this project depending on how much you want to put into it!

Keep workin' on it and keep learning!

Whoa, how strange! I wonder if that's a configuration error on my part, or some incompatibility with the graphics device in your laptop? I'm totally new to Godot so I'll have to look around and see if that's a known issue!

Thank you for checking it out and I'm glad you enjoyed the lockpicking! I had fun designing it and adding my own order-of-pins twist to it!

I'd love to get more info from you about this. I've never built games with godot before so I can only assume i've mis-configured something.

  • What OS are you using?
  •  Was the game simply crashing on startup? 
  • Was the UI not working? 

Anything more than the fact that you can't play the game would be very helpful! Either way thanks for checking it out!

A neat and well executed concept! I found the bouncing to be a bit counter-intuitive, but once I got used to it, it did present some pretty diverse methods of solving the levels! Unfortunately I ran into a bug where I accidentally exited to the main menu and lost all my progress, but beyond that one bug I thought it was well executed and impressive how many levels you got together! Would love to see more mechanics added, and a bit of polish on it!

The moment I started playing this, I had already been warned about the inputs so my view is a bit biased, but I thought the game was fun! I felt like it was a battle of wits, who would win, the game, or me? I held my ground, and managed to find my own way to solve the puzzle! I'm sure you know some more player-friendly controls for rotation would've been nice but overall a goofy lil' concept that I enjoyed the challenge of!

I thought this game was very neat, I just personally suck at these kinds of puzzles. The hints definitely helped in most cases and overall I thought the concept was super cute! I like the story you came up with and alongside the music in the game itself and the lil' background animation, there were some nice details overall! Great foundation and you could totally even make this into a mobile game if you wanted to, would be a great idle-time kind of game!

I liked your art for the creatures and the overall concept seems neat, but I totally failed to figure out how to actually play. 💀I can only blame myself, but I feel like there was maybe a bit too much randomization going on. I would've loved to be able to aim the direction of the things I throw myself, but overall I think it's an interesting concept that just needs a bit of tutorial and maybe a bit more for the player to control combat-wise.  I liked the music and the increasing complexity of it as the waves continue. Overall good work!

Thought this was great, to be honest. Very satisfactory scaling with each upgrade, the concept was simple and straightforward, and overall I found myself very much enjoying the time I spent playing! The ending gave me a good giggle and I must thank you for that, and congratulations on your first game!! If this is what your first is like, I can't encourage you enough to keep at it!

This game has some charm! Dug the music and art style, the death sound made me giggle, and you had volume settings which is a huuuge win 👍I thought the concept was fun and found myself instinctively believing things were bugs until I found items that canceled out that bug. Great work and very clever concept!

I really very much got hooked into this game. It kinda hits that "number go up" part of my smooth brain, and alongside the introductory text cutscene building a story, the super smooth character animations, and the music, I was very ready to get cozy, break walls, and make the number go up! I very much dig the active-incremental game concept here, great stuff!

Overall very much dig the concept you're going for here. The management of multiple objects with different interaction behaviors was very clever and it worked well with the theme! The graphics may have been simple but they work well for the concept since the focus is on solving a puzzle, and honestly you could take the art in any direction and it would work because the mechanics themselves are the focus. Everything ran smoothly and although I got frustrated I had fun as well! Good work!

Volume settings! Big thumbs up!👍I also dug the pixel art style and was thankful for the information that was provided on the tutorial screen. I thought the concept was neat, but I found myself confused at some points and needing more information about cards and their compatibilities. I also accidentally deleted a card when I canceled its placement and ruined my run, but overall I think you have a neat concept that could be a fun mobile game after some polish and embellishment, so good work! Also I really liked the music, fit well with the chill card-game mechanics!

Game was super visually impressive, had nice music, and overall had the appearance of something very well put together. I dug the settings menu, though I did find it didn't seem to work for adjusting volumes. 

As for gameplay, I can only blame my PC for struggling with running it, because I was noticing odd issues with traction and steering, I found I couldn't really drive very reliably and at one point sent myself infinitely flying into the sky after my car flipped 😅Perhaps I was missing something but either way I enjoyed my time and what I saw of the world, so I say great work!

I dug the art! It complemented the straightforward puzzle mechanics, though I did find similar issues as others so I'll spare you the repetition of those points. I think overall you've got a super clean start for a polished puzzle game. Just some polish and you're ready to ship it! Thought it was great you had music/sound toggles, but would've loved some volume settings too!

I also somehow got two pieces stuck together at one point, but beyond that can't complain! Good work!

A very goofy concept, with great visuals and overall a fun sort of "I-Spy" concept! My computer unfortunately struggled a little bit, but I still had a good time! I found all the pieces and after a bit of wigglin' got all of them into the portal. Would love to see different scenes, different items to find, maybe different characters and cosmetics you could unlock for your own character too? Great foundation for a lot of potential implementations!

The world was super neat to run around in, camera felt smooth and overall input felt responsive and nice! Your volume settings were welcome but I did notice the volume setting didn't appear to effect the button hovering noise. Unfortunately I found the combat a bit easily gamed, and didn't overall notice a huge difference between level difficulties, but the concept was there and well implemented! Would love to see more mechanics added and maybe different types of mechs, etc!

The world was super neat to run around in, camera felt smooth and overall input felt responsive and nice! Your volume settings were welcome but I did notice the volume setting didn't appear to effect the button hovering noise. Unfortunately I found the combat a bit easily gamed, and didn't overall notice a huge difference between level difficulties, but the concept was there and well implemented! Would love to see more mechanics added and maybe different types of mechs, etc!

I really dug the art style and aesthetic of things overall, and the gameplay loop of gather resources and defend the base was simple and straightforward! You also had toggles for sounds/music which was nice, and adding a volume slider would be huge in my opinion. I did feel a touch helpless at first which could've been just me, so I will say a small amount of tutorial would've been great. But overall the RTS style with researching and making different units through item combos was a nice implementation! Good stuff!

I was honestly not expecting too much mechanically given the title suggested it was "poorly assembled", but I actually super dug the different card mechanics and everything actually felt thought through and balanced! I found myself quickly getting settled in after the initial "whoa wait gimme the tutorial" moment. 😆I thought it was super clever to have the tutorial videos embedded too, great touch. And the sound effects kept giving me the giggles, great work!

I was honestly not expecting too much mechanically given the title suggested it was "poorly assembled", but I actually super dug the different card mechanics and everything actually felt thought through and balanced! I found myself quickly getting settled in after the initial "whoa wait gimme the tutorial" moment. 😆I thought it was super clever to have the tutorial videos embedded too, great touch. And the sound effects kept giving me the giggles, great work!

Camera control was super smooth, and I dug the bit of story given with the cutscene and ending(s)! I really like the base concept here, and think you could super easily make a fun mobile game out of this. With some sounds and more story & content, I think this would be super well received!

Some tooltips for the different objects and maybe mini-descriptions of what action you're taking (IE: Place Shipping Line Input, Place Shipping Line Output) would be an easy way to explain things to the player without making the player do too much reading.

You have volume settings and that's just HUGE for me xD I thought the game was great and straightforward, though my brain could NOT handle most of the later stages, 😅Was a good chaotic time though. Music was nice, UI was clean, very well done! 

I thought your overall aesthetic for the game was super cute, and I dig the concept of building a nest as it perfectly plays into "some assembly required". Great stuff and a super cute concept! Felt good to swoop down and catch a bunch of speed and explore the scene. 🕊

Sorry I'm late to the party Octo, but I love this concept! Feels very complete, like all that's missing is a leaderboard and record-keeping for your best run! Super clean and would love to see more lil' concept-bends like this from you! 😲

(2 edits)

Things I immediately enjoyed:

  • excellent twist on the 2 dimensions theme!! Very much dig the idea of the max of 2 evolvable appendages as "2 dimensions" added to your character's existence!!
  • really dug the shapeshifter gameplay loop! super clever way to put the player in a situation where they have to manage character states to solve puzzles or just plain travel the map easier
  • loved the simple UI for part selection, was very apparent what each part was and the directional menu was an excellent choice
  • the eye mechanic was super clever and I genuinely had an 'aha!' moment upon realizing I could activate it. xD
  • loved the gloopy character cell design as well as all the little parts to grow, alongside the IK foot and hand placement there was a lovely eerie sense of "wow this is some freaky little mutant thing i'm playing, and I like it."
  • ran really smooth in edge, so that's at least one browser you don't gotta worry about!

General Notes

  • took me a sec to figure out controls without reading description (not a gripe, i could've read but wanted to test as a non-description-reader), betting just an icon somewhere with the hotkey displayed on it would be wonderful to help for those who don't read descriptions
  • I actually don't know if I was just doing something wrong, or if the game bugged out, but I was unable to get past the lever-opened door. I pulled the lever and nothing happened. Reactivation of the lever didn't help and I think i either missed something or was softlocked. I even tried a second time refreshing the page but nope, got stuck there. Bit of a bummer, I wanted to see what other puzzle action you'd prepared!!
  • the camera seemed to do freaky stuff sometimes when rotating horizontally, maybe it's because I wasn't playing in fullscreen, but I noticed in certain areas the camera would "skip/overrotate" when i turned, which could be a bit jarring and at some points it was a pretty big skip of rotation. Not sure if it was a result of going around corners, but it did seem to happen more often when going around corners.

Overall I think this is a super fun concept and a solid chunk of work done in the time you had! Would love to see what you can do with this concept with more time.

(1 edit)

Things I immediately enjoyed:

  • I like having the visual aid image to contribute to that mental-GPU requirement of text games. gives folks a bit to play off of in their minds while visualizing stuff.
  • the loop of picking up a quest, receiving a blessing, and heading to the dungeon feels good and I like the idea to take a better buff at a higher cost!
  • I dug the information display for the player, it's nice to see character stats without having to do a health check action
  • the action choices box was a nice touch as well, though I do feel new-line separation of options would be helpful
  • overall very much feels you've accomplished the text-based-game feel with some extra helpful visuals, a nice change

General Notes:

  • typing out the whole words can sometimes feel repetitive when walking around a lot and in combat, a shortcut system where you only need the first letter for directions would help '(f)orward/(b)ack/(l)eft/(r)ight/(u)p/(d)own' etc.
  • also it felt like things had a LOT of health first thing, i'd almost rather have less health on player and enemy side to have fights feel more impactful and go a bit faster.
  • found a couple capitalization and misspell issues but that's to be expected , some were kinda early on though.
  • it'd be cool to be able to press up/down on arrow keys to scroll through previous entered text, especially during combat
  • I couldn't destroy or make an offering to a strange altar I found in my first dungeon run, no reasons were given why that I could see, seemed like it just ate the input and didn't respond. i was able to "break" one later but not destroy or pray
  • feels like it takes a decent chunk of time to load between steps of the game, finding ways to optimize that will help out the experience a LOT
  • something about inventory->weapon->equip->picking an item feels odd to me and took a sec to get used to. I'd rather pick an item from a list and then say if i'd equip, discard, etc.

Overall I'd say this is definitely a great start, just keep workin' on it! 😀

I really like this game's concept, and as a random player, I think a bit of instruction/tutorial would go a long way. Even something simple like a quick info graphic letting people know how to click-and-rotate, and then a quick descriptive of what counts as a "successful combo", even something pre-structured so you don't have to worry about building something that responds to your otherwise generative system. You could just have a first-time round of a tutorial level which shows the player a few viable combos before setting them out on their own.

Some sort of challenge-levels would also go a huge way, forcing you as a dev to build a starting scenario that is fun but solvable, and enabling the player to enjoy something that is structured and not random while learning the basics.

I honestly think you could slap this up on an app store and get easy plays, especially with a global/local/friends leaderboard. And it would absolutely work with an ad structure, perhaps offering move-undos, additional time, etc. with limited ad viewing.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and providing some super helpful feedback! I'll take a look into the interactable menu not disappearing and the health bars, and hit detection is absolutely something I'll be working on, it's been tricky getting it to work how I'd like.. xD

I'm glad you like the AI as well because chances are I'll be taking a second look at it and improving it more, so if it's already enjoyable to fight I'm even more confident I'll be making some surprisingly smart/challenging enemies to fight 😉

The shrine will actually be a gateway to the next world once I've gotten that far, and overall there will definitely be and already is some magic. Nothing too fancy (unless feature creep kicks in) but probably just a bit of expansion on the already existing weapon-tied spells. Might make some magical consumables, but yeah we'll see!

Again, thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to share your thoughts and reporting them bugs!! 🕷️ Very huge and tremendously poggers of you!! ❤️

I really like what I see here. The basis is there for a lot of fun construction-based mechanics. I feel you'll definitely be able to do a lot with this kind of system, especially after taking more time to work on it and iron out the kinks. Thanks for making this, and for sharing it!

I very much dig the idea of being able to set the inputs directly for each wheel as this allows for a lot more control and "special functionality" in a vehicle's control scheme like activation of rockets or other future-added components, four-wheel drive, etc.

I'm definitely lookin' forward to seeing this get more fleshed out as I've already found myself tinkering with it for a decent while just getting the hang of what works and doesn't work. I've taken some time to jot down a few things I've noticed, though I assume you've either run into these issues yourself or they're perhaps a windows thing since that's what I'm running on: 

  • Default controls for vehicle parts do not seem to be initialized right away. I have to click each object while in the "input" mode at least once to get it to properly listen for designated keys.
  • Wheels slide a LOT, so when I accelerate my wheels instantly start spinning out unless I do very very slight taps to inch myself toward a viable movement speed.
  • Braking also seems to be affected by this, I have to tap it multiple times to get the wheels to finally stop and after that the vehicle keeps sliding regardless of braking or not.
  • Clicking the reset button immediately enters the "play" mode, causing the vehicle hull to fall to the ground

And just some side notes:

  • Though you do state it in the description, an indicator or button display for entering/exiting build mode would be nice
  • I'm sure you already know but icons for the components would be FANTASTIC
  • Utilizing a copy of your "input" mode selection system for edit mode, allowing the player to select an object and delete it instead of having to drag it off to the object pallette would be pretty lovely. (even a hover-over and delete-button detection would be nice for this, though i note this is more of a me issue, i just found dragging things back to the pallette to be a bit cumbersome)
  • (I'm sure you know this) An Undo/Redo system would be amazing

Thank you very much! I know it's definitely limited overall but I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

Thank you for taking the time to play my game, and I'm so glad you had even a moment of fun! 🤩👍

Just wanna say thanks to everyone for the honest and frankly mostly positive input!~

 I've participated in a few gamejams at this point but never really received as much interaction/input as this. Just wanna say a special thank you all for your time!!

I totally agree, I'm actively working on refining the movement and response to controls overall, I totally should've spent more time making sure movement worked & wasn't so stiff!! 💀

Thank you for taking the time to play, and today I've already taken your input into account and fixed some bugs! I'll be uploading the changes after the jam, but it turns out the block key was sometimes not being read in the first place, or getting stuck as active!! 😓

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to play my game and give some input!! 😀I'm workin on fixing everything and hope to earn the level of positive input i've received so far! xD

Thank you! I made a few notes of what I might make for each theme before it was chosen, and in the end this was the concept I THOUGHT I'd be able to finish... 😅clearly I didn't quite get there!

However,  I'm so happy you agree that there's at least room to grow, and I fully intend to keep working on this project! Thank you for playing and for taking the time to play and give such positive feedback! 🤩

It was a little tough, I can safely say I made it harder on myself than I needed it to be, I was streaming & designing a chatbot alongside working on it!! xD

I've actually already taken your input into account and added a recoil animation today which auto-plays after a strike is blocked, and it already feels much better to block something! So thanks a bunch for the input, and for playing!

Thank you so much for the positive review! I know there's obviously there's a TON to jab at in my overall design..  And I'm thankful you, saw the roots of good in it all.. 😅I worked probably a bit too hard on feature design and didn't take nearly enough time to smooth everything out and develop the world and embellish things.. xD

Fortunately the time after the game jam's closure is unlimited, relative to how long my human body's HP remains above 0!! So I've got plenty of time to, as you said, to "use this as a base to build upon to make a great player system!!"

Thank you for taking the time to play it! :) I actually have the hotkeys listed both on the front-page of the game, and on the little signs you spawn next to, so in this case you missed the blocking mechanic! 😅Definitely not your fault though, I didn't have any tutorial or anything so it's understandable to skip over things like that. C is also not the most intuitive hotkey for blocking, i will admit.

I also ran into some mild collision issues with the doorways between the fences, I think it's an issue with friction resulting in the player just getting caught up on the collider, and it's something I'll absolutely be fixing very soon.

And as for the puzzles, i designed the mechanics for them early on, and then didn't actually give myself enough time to do some level design and make them an actually cohesive part of the game. And honestly looking at how it relates (or absolutely doesn't) to the combat, I can definitely understand how they would be something a player would just want to skip, and I hope to turn them into a more cohesive and enjoyable part of the game in time!

I appreciate the honesty in your review, and I'm glad you at least enjoyed the overall loop! Thank you for your time and thoughts!

Awesome, sorry you have to spend so much time going around and reminding all of us how to submit things properly!! 😂🤣

Loved the art, music, world design, and quirky little story! Great all-around game that y'all did an excellent job putting together and finishing in its entirety! I find myself wondering what happens next to this character!

As far as the game's design itself goes, I do wish there was a volume setting for the music so I could turn it down a little bit, but turning down my pc's volume was easy enough, 😂 But beyond that, great work, and I hope you and your teammate enjoyed making it!