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A member registered Mar 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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ah yeah that was something i really struggled with, was getting the UI to work right on different screen sizes 😅 definitely something i wanna get better at

thank you! i was really proud of that 😁

very awesome! takes the best parts of the original game but reimagines them in a very fun way. love it

game crashed my browser, even when i switched to chrome. i dont know if anyone else had this problem?

Wow this was super cool! It was a little hard to figure out what to do (so thanks for the walkthrough, that pointed me in the right direction). Awesome art, awesome music, awesome style

i like the premise! wish the level were a little bigger


this is very fun thank you for clarifying

oooo this is clever, although more challenging than i expected. love the premise!

hehe pretty fun

This is really neat. The collapsing of the tiles feels super satisfying

i really liked the art and music, but i couldn't figure out how to dash again after dashing once. a very fun concept tho

this feels really polished, impressive for 48 hours!

very creative! 

Fun and addicting. A good job ! 

fun concept but the ai felt completely random

woah super clever and well done! i like that i can use r to reset if i get stuck, nice detail

cool art style

great idea, but was kind of hard to figure out what i was supposed to say

love the concept but it was a little unclear what to do at first. thanks for the "cut me some slack" button

love how the goal changes each level, keeps it fresh. the graphics and animations are nicely stylized

fun game i just kept accidentally going back to the store when i walked by the bottom of the screen. awesome mobile support tho

pretty funny

really fun however it breaks after one round. reloaded the page to play it again tho, a good time

rock rock rock rock rock good

(full of personality, very fun)

very fun yes