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A member registered Oct 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is a great tutorial level if you ever expand on the game later on! It runs players by the mechanics clearly and smoothly. I found it amusing that I could kick the poop around heh. Having different sizes give different mechanics is a great start for some potentially complex puzzle platforming :)

Nice puzzle game, but got stuck on the mostly blank level with the x3 x4 x5 blocks haha. Mainly would like to be able to restart the level without it automatically removing all the blocks. And well, that would require the option to select already placed blocks and be able to edit them. That'd be nice to help the thinking process with trial and error. Great game with everything working in 4 days! Though I wonder why we are an orange old TV?

Yeah ideally there'd be interaction between pathogens, body cells, and white blood cells instead of just everything hurting you. But we obviously over scoped this for a 4 day jam XD Thus the lack of polish. Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!

I really love this little puzzle game! The music was really fun, and it was a blast figuring out the levels. The dotted line boxes were confusing at first, but after some trial and error with observing what's happening, I figured it out that it's a negative number. Love that you reflected it on the bottom left scale as well with the blue pointer. Unsure if I would prefer if you just wrote the negative number or not, since that would be much more straight forward, but I think this is a stylistic choice and honestly, that bit of figuring out is fine imo. Negative weighted boxes also don't exactly exist so having them be dotted line boxes to make them ethereal of sorts is pretty great actually :D This game is just simple, charming, and a lot of fun <3

Wait a minute, who are you and why do we have the exact same game setting? Lmfaoooooooo

Gameplay is different no worries XD, I do like this simple maneuvering through a maze kind of gameplay. The scaling is pretty obvious and is simple fun to grow the swarm. Reminds me of other similar games where you have an army, and you try to take over other swarms of solider units to add to your swarm. Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the game I'm thinking of. Great job for your first game! Would love to see you further expand on it and fix the issues you mentioned :D

Level design needs more work XD It took me a while and a yolo attempt to figure out how to get out of the first room. I would not have normally thought of forcefully passing through the yellow wall to fall past the red floor on the bottom. I'm assuming that's the intended solution since it requires you to be the tiniest size to go through the bottom, and all of my other attempts to jump over the red were unsuccessful. With the platform pushed right up against the yellow wall like that, I don't think a lot of players would think that there actually is a gap between the platform and the real grey wall. 

The choco chip in the second room is unobtainable? I assumed I would need to fall in from another room to get it since I see a gap above it, but didn't get far enough to figure out of that's actually the case. I only got as far as the 3rd room because of how unforgiving the red floor is. Resetting the player back to the start of the game just feels unnecessary. I'm assuming the intent is yellow reduces size by 1, then  resets player if size is too small, while red kills you instantly. Despite it being a kill though, having to go through the whole game again makes it way too tedious and discouraging. Would have though that it being a reset to checkpoint is enough, since the player isn't easily blasting through the levels normally.

I'll make another guess again that the red resets the whole game because it starts to feel exactly the same as yellow? Since I was staying at the tiniest size for quite a while, yellow will just keep resetting me anyways, and would feel the same as red if red only does a checkpoint reset. Which brings in the point that the size mechanics could be utilized a lot more within levels, making it feel a little bit more like a puzzle platformer. More choco chips could be placed around, and players will then have to figure out when to enlarge with which choco chip, and when to touch the yellow to reduce size to pass through which gap. That would differentiate yellow and red areas by a lot (ie. yellow is to be utilized vs red is to be avoided at all costs), and make playing the game more compelling as you're trying to figure out how to get to the next level.

I think there's a lot to be expanded on and explored here, it could make for a silly adventure as a cookie, and use inspiration for obstacles depending on the setting. I hope my feedback helps :)  Music choice is great btw!

Yeah I tried doing that, but my closest attempt was it flinging me into the corner then falling back down XD Then I could not get any closer to that ever again lmfao

Simple and beautiful. It was a joy to finally tower my way up to the end after a few tries

Unsure if the current level is made to be win-able yet haha. The idea is pretty silly and I enjoyed it. It was rather hard to figure out if I was resizing the room good enough for the tenant or not though. I did notice a yellow bar on top of the room that I'm resizing but I'm unsure of it's purpose atm. Would love to see this expanded on :)

Nice little game that took me a little bit to realise that I had to fill / deplete the bar on top to be able to switch to big slime. I like that the music changes between the slime modes as well to reflect the different vibe. However I felt a bit more at a disadvantage when in big slime mode because the ranged fire rate is much lower, and the ground pound feels like it hurts me more to stick to the enemies just to pound them. A pound damage area indicator of sorts would be nice. I also noticed that the health bar of enemies will flip with the direction they are facing XD Would be nice to see the story be finished and things fixed up at a later date :)

I'm not entirely sure what I'm building for, and the pieces not being able to rotate outside the bounding box makes sense but is frustrating to try and control. It didn't feel like there was enough time to fit the piece, so needing to maneuver it more just to rotate it is simply frustrating, because the piece won't fit either way.

However the game runs pretty smoothly and anything that I could do does work, so props for that :) You can definitely build and add more to the game on top of this base mechanic, and tweak the controls a bit for a smoother experience later one. Great start

I couldn't figure out how to jump or physics my way across the first gap with the 2 yellow balls on a chain XD It's a cute and charming game nonetheless, and the short piece of bgm does capture that whimsical vibe nicely

Oh, yes this is a known issue! We didn't have time to implement actual functionality to the top progress bar and we removed it for the submission. But as mentioned, the HUD got reverted during a merge conflict, so it showed up again and have been confusing people. I should add that to the known issues list haha. Thx for playing our game!

Yeah I saw that you mentioned that you can shrink again if I got stuck, but I couldn't somehow. Kept pressing down arrow, and all other buttons and just, stuck. Oh well, look forward to your later updates :)

Genuinely love the level design in this <3

The map is so tiny and mouse sensitivity is so high omg. I very easily disorient myself because I moved my mouse a little too much and then lose track of what I was looking at because it spins so fast. I can see what you're going for with the shop and buying upgrades, but atm I can't get very far due to the 2 issues I mentioned above. However, it's still a cool submission as a first timer :)

Drifty movement is a little odd, but a fun silly game regardless

It's a pretty solid arcade game, where you build more and more, and eventually lose by having built too much. However, I didn't realise at all that I'm able to scroll up and down to see higher up, and had a whole bunch of buildings stacked on top in the middle before I accidentally scrolled the game window instead of the itch page. The addition of the scroll wheel feels out of place due to the rest of the controls being on keyboard, unless I'm just weird that I instinctively move the buildings with WASD with left hand, then switch to arrow keys to move the rat with right hand. Made it feel weird that I had to remove my hand from the keyboard to scroll the mouse. I originally thought the buildings will top off like tetris and didn't realise they were piling up on top haha. Also wish I can hold the keys to move things because there was a lot of rapid tapping as more buildings needed maintenance, and that gets tiring. Still a nice simple game though

It's a nice game you put out with the time you had. I'd say it's a good prototype to start with and works just fine. Nothing stopping you from adding more levels later :)

Nice game to roam around in and just learn by running into things. I did think the sfx is too loud though, but cool otherwise

This is very silly, I enjoyed it XD

Funny  how we kind of had a similar idea but not really haha. I unfortunately couldn't see most of the UI either so I was unsure what else I could have done besides letting the circle auto shoot the spikes. But I also got stuck in UI hell for my team so I get you. But yeah try expanding on it some time after the jam, I would like to see how you make the DNA related upgrades :)

I also kept soft locking myself into places where i shouldn't have enlarged XD I just get completely stuck and flail those little leggies around, it wouldn't let me shrink back down. But this game is cute otherwise :) Would like to have some music too

Thank you so much for playing and appreciating our art! :D