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A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Fun game, weird sounds for when you get stung tho xD! 

Deff needs some polish with the timer haha and some good UI.

Sweet nice lil game!

It's a unique and amazing game. I really enjoyed myself strugling to keep it on the ship. 

Maybe the sprites are bit too big cause 1 misstep and it's chaos haha. So was very difficult good to have an easy option!

Well done!

Fun game seing lot of potential with adding jump or powerups.

Maybe add some difficulty later or so with blocking boxes so you have to do more than just press right!

Neat idea funny art, wel done.

Cool game first thought it be a rythm game but NO, get those dancer off haha! Really unique and fun game! 

I'm sure with lot's of polish it can become super. Would love to have more difficult levels.

I think the game over was bugged, cause I still could roam around and catch more ghosts. It's a unique idea so far.

It's a good basics for a tower defence game! With tower upgrades it be even better evntually!

I was scared I would lose in the end but won, with more time to work  with this game could be a good and unique tower defence game.

Real nice game to add a leaderboard to it! It's good you added a tutorial on the page cause otherwise I would not know what to do. You can always add text in the starter area of the game to show the mechanics. 

I had some trouble with getting up when my inventory was too full, I get that it makes you slower so it was doable. I don't know if it's something in game but the Inventory size bar isn't always right with the amount you have? Like I had 5 objects and my inventory was already halfway full??

Really nice game you should definitly tweek it some more after the jam! Good job!

Thanks for playing, yea I made the game a bit unfair hahah, maybe should add chekpoints. Who said it is a dog ;)

Thanks alot for playing I'm glad you enjoyed all the levels and the art!

Thanks alot for liking the game, I think that was my inspiration to go to!! I'm always super hyped and motivated to make more art!

Thanks I'm very happy to hear you still liked it! Yea physics are crazy to work with.

Thanks alot for playing, yea you're not the only one. I made it bit too hard/unfair.

Thanks for playing!

This game is a masterpiece! I loved all the stellations! Last level of the 1st round was pretty hard, tho still very good!

Music and sounds fitted so well with the artstyle! 

If you want me to be honest I see this game getting big and really having a big audiance of players!

Thanks I really loved making all the art for the game! Yea last level is a true test of your rolling skills. 

Thanks alot you kept playing, this was my first time using physics so I accept your honest feedback, next time there won't be any bugs and more fair gameplay!

Thanks for playing, I do get that it felt bit unfair next time I'll make it easier!

Thanks for playing! Yea more people think like that, mabye I should have made it playtest more in the end. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing! Yea more people think like that, mabye I should have made it playtest more in the end. Thanks for the feedback!

I like Pico-8 games they are cute! Definitly a good game to work more on!

I lack some cozy music and sounds haha.

At first I didn't understand what to do or what fish where ahaha so a little tutorial could always help.

Nice game and a unique idea. The game is well made for sure and definitly can be worked on like a real game.

Nice to have more types of food, and bit more animations on the wale itself. 

But all looked very good already to be worked further upon.

What a unique game! And such a weird story had me on edge all the time. I love horror type of games so this one was a good fit!

Tho I felt like there should be a jumpscares to make it more spooky!

Thanks probably the sewer which was my favorite!! Yea next time I put more checkpoints instead of making a rage game haha.

Thanks for your amazing feedback, fair point on the frustrating part. 

I went with a rage game in my head but I think a cozy game would have been better, I should have added some type of checkpoints.

I'm glad you enjoyed playing it!

Wonderfull I'm glad you enjoyed!

Super game loved everything about it!! I'm in love with arcade games so I always think the best out of them.

The movement felt nice and the visuals to, good to see more than just one type of fish and action! 

I really would love to join a jam with you or work togheter on somthing!! 

This game might get the top place for sure!

Amazing game, sadly I'm bad at Rythm games, tho I really enjoyed!!

I don't know if I did wrong but my right arrow didn't work all the time correctly or I just bad at pressing it on time??

As I really enjoy the music the sound the pawn made was bit of for me but not nesecarely bad.

I reallt think it's an awsome game and deserves to be in the top!

Cool little arcade game, I love arcade games. 

Tho one thing is maybe zoom te camera more in or make the little orange fish another colour cause it was hard for me to see them.

Thanks for the awsome feedback! Yea sewer music also my favorite! 

Seems like the sewer really is hard I already have the hitboxes very small but I get the gist. Yea maybe people like having checkpoint more than just rage and do it all over haha.

Thanks alot I worked to much on the graphics! So it really makes me happy hearing that.

That be nice but don't worry I don't think there are many colorblind people here and I still enjoyed the game, I didn't lowered the rating cause of that so don't worry just a little point to give out.

Thanks alot for playing, it was surely hard for me to make all the art of it.

Yea I want to keep it challenging so the game wouldn't be too boring.

It was fun and breaking my brain for sure, I made to level 4 and than my head just gave up!

Tho one big issue for some people Colorblind people will have a hard time cause some colors look similar which in my case was even harder cause I'm bit colorblind.

Really cool idea and gameplay I liked it! Just flopping around!

Controls were a bit hard to get and some visuals (obejcts) where bugging out of view.

Neat game , will play it more later for sure.

This game is dope haha really enjoyed it! Cool design to very unique tho enemies looked the same cause of the bowl thing.

One thing is maybe change the cursor cause most of the time I lost my cursor cause it blendid in with evrything haha! 

A very polished good game, killed like 30 people haha! 

Controls are very sensitive ahah a bit to aggressive for me, felt like it should tone a bit down for me!

Also the camera moving when telling the story was not my thing I kinda have bad eyes and get dizzy of it haha!

Besides that the game idea is good , visuals and sounds on spot! Really well done in just 4 days!

Really nice game was at first bit overwhelming but it did the gist, and I liked it!! Didn't completed it tho cause it took way too long for me. 

So maybe give the sub less health cause people wanne play a jamgame for max 5minutes.

The rest was all amazing good visuals and music also good!

Super sweet game I liked it alot, and played until the end, end was getting very hard which was good!

I really would have like some more aliens stuff cause those 2 did get a bit boring after a while!

Super good game defenitly liked it alot, tho making all this in just 7 days as also being that young really suprises me!!

I feel beaten, don't have any points to say you can work on, you can make this all story based game to make it a full game!