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A member registered Jul 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really like the concept, but it felt really linear. I cycled through a few games to see if anything changed when you incite/send people to different camps but it seemed like the only thing that matters is that the numbers were right in the end. The twist was also a little bit too on the nose.

I think if you changed it up so that choosing the wrong option for people would penalize you in some way but not completely stop progress (e.g. in Papers Please) that would be more fun. That way, rather than having to immediately turn your daughter into canned soup, you have to fight to keep her alive as the game progresses but each time you do is a setback, making it harder next time.

Definitely creepy. The diary thing was great, but it took longer than I would care to admit to think to click and drag the pages.

The option to continue down the trail leading to an infinite loop was frustrating. It felt a lot like older (and sadly also more modern) Nintendo games offering the player 2 dialog options but refusing to continue until you choose the “right” one.

The level design was absolutely gorgeous, but the 2D art assets in the 3D space was a bit jarring. The credits sequence also hints at potential horror elements to come but as-is it feels like it could be a 3D slice-of-life SciFi game. I assume that the pacing will be a bit slower to make the horror elements more impactful?

As with some of the other commenters I had some serious FPS issues, particularly with the motion blur effect. That being said, it was playable on an RTX 3060 if just barely.

I’m excited to see where this goes. Horror games aren’t really my jam (pun intended) but what I experience in this demo was good enough that I’d be willing to play this though once it’s finished.

Solid all-around game. My main nitpick is that mouse controls for attacking that don’t track mouse position relative to the character, makes it feel really awkward to play though.

Solid all-around game. My main nitpick is that mouse controls for attacking that don’t track mouse position relative to the character, makes it feel really awkward to play though.

Great first game! I agree with the other comments, being able to look around would be a huge improvement.

One note on the movement: when you are moving diagonally then jump then land while holding W, your character continues to slide a bit in the original left/right direction. If you jump diagonally then land while not holding any movement keys, however, you stop instantly. Not a huge deal, but I think that might be contributing to what people are describing as the movement feeling odd.

Definitely felt super spooky!! Having the camera locked to a top-down position felt a bit awkward though. The number wrench monsters swarming you goes from like 0 to a dozen really fast, might be nice to have more of a difficulty curve. Really great sounds!

Good looking game, follows the theme well. The timing on jumping over boulders feels really clunky because of how slow they move though.

Glad you enjoyed it, I’ll add that to the bug tracker!

Thanks for the kind words :)

I’m not sure how to fix this 100% (itch is new to me) but when I experienced it refreshing with ctrl+f5 allowed the game window to capture keyboard event. I’d love to offer it as a downloadable, but I’m not sure how yet - the engine requires most of the files to be served from an actual web server :(

I keep getting an error message in the cmd window, which I’ll include below. I’m not sure if that is causing some other issues… Everything I’m about to write is intended as constructive feedback, I really like what you have so far!

  1. The ambience is certainly creepy!
  2. I have no idea why the main character wants to go around collecting data
  3. Not sure if I’m just missing something (didn’t see controls listed in game anywhere) but it’s really hard to know where you have already checked for data, and there is no indicator as to how many bits of data are in a level. I think it’s important to show that info, since the MC clearly knows (they won’t leave the level if you don’t have it all).
  4. I can shoot stuff, but no enemies seemed to spawn. I only visited the first level though because I couldn’t find all of the data.
  5. The loop point in the background music is pretty noticeable

Error message: ERROR: emit_signal: Error calling method from signal ‘finished’: ‘KinematicBody2D(’: Method not found.. At: core/object.cpp:1257

I don’t feel right leaving a rating since it’s not ready yet… I’d love to try out the finished version (if you plan to finish it) or whatever you submit for the next jam :)

Loooooooooooooooooooooove it!!!! Also, I can kick enemy bullets but not the enemies themselves, intended?

Oh no! What browser are you using? I’ll download it and see if I can fix the bug.