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A member registered Jan 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Take a look at the 'Matrix Functions' page in the GMS2 Manual. The basic idea is that the converter makes a vertex_buffer which you can think of as a 3D sprite. Then to draw that 3D sprite at a particular position you simply apply a transform (matrix transform to be precise) before drawing the buffer, that way you aren't having to rebuild the entire buffer every frame, which would be very inefficient.

Here is some sample code from a basic project I had when using this:


(Draw Event)

var tempMatrix = matrix_build(x, y, z, 0, direction, 0, scale, scale, scale);

matrix_set(matrix_world, tempMatrix);

vertex_submit(my_buffer, pr_trianglelist, sprite_get_texture(tx_Earth, 0));

matrix_set(matrix_world, matrix_build_identity());


'z' and 'scale' were both object defined variables. In the step event I simply had 'direction += 0.2' in order to make the globe I was rendering slowly spin. In order to move the object, you would just have to change the x, y, z, values in the 'var tempMatrix = matrix_build(x, y, z, 0, direction, 0, scale, scale, scale)' line.

Downloaded the fixed version. Cool idea. Learning curve is a bit steep with the number of factors to consider.  Also, the text was off the screen in a couple instances and I had to resize my window.

Really cool art. Liked the glowing lava effect. Character animation felt a lot like TABS. Took me a bit to realize that my health was represented by the glowing orbs. The game-play needed some work. I'm all for live die repeat if it is quick or you have something to do in the loop that makes it fun. But just telling your avatar to stand somewhere and watching as he inevitably dies doesn't really hook my attention right off the bat.

Great art. Only wish there were sound effects when shooting fireballs and hitting objects. Auto fire with the space-bar would also be nice. Having the boss switch to trailing behind you after a while was something I hadn't seen before, so that was cool as well.

Neat little game. I like having to balance exploration, building, defending y assigning minions. Had a few bugs though:

  • Some of the text was misspelled
  • For some reason upgrading my wall and turret didn't actually take away money, so it was free upgrades.
  • So long as I had above 0 gold I could make as many trolls as I wanted. So I made 5000 at once and was in debt -34000 gold with ~80,000 defense :)

Despite that, cool execution and solid entry

Neat 3D use of text. Would have benefited from some audio feedback so I knew when I was hitting enemies. Also, some indicator of their health level maybe would have prompted me to be more strategic as oppose to mashing buttons until everything dies.

Well written. I like the branching choices and how much content there is. Breaking it into parts was also a really good call, and helped me grasp where it was headed without tipping your hand completely.

Great music. And the story matched the theme nicely. 10/10 would swing the stick at the robber and get stabbed again.

Might be a bug, but when I picked man > mage and hit alt twice in rapid succession fireballs would rain from the sky perpetually. Also, notice a few of the early levels, the top or bottom weren't solid so I could just stay there and take a few hits and afk to the end of the level. Controls weren't super snappy either. Otherwise good music, impressive amount of content, and I appreciated having more than just one level. Cheers!

Nice atmospherics with the water and dragon flying by. The controls felt really stable. And I got to the end once my brain figured out I could double jump instead of sitting in the lava :)

 A solid entry. Well done.

10/10 would choose option 2 again. Not much dragon or dungeons. But short and funny. Great stuff.

Love the art and the concept. Fun and just the right length. Only issue seemed to be the DM attacks showed the Goblin attacking. Well done though.

Controls are solid. The feel and theme is great. Was most impressed though by the collision detection on the letters and how buttery smooth it felt sliding over them. Really well done.

Not really sure how I won. But it said I did, so I'm not one to argue :D

Cool sound design.

Interesting use of the concept. Wish it had branching endings. But overall, well done.

Also. Fricken "Management Consulting"...

(1 edit)

Great story. Love interacting with the different dragons. Well done.

10/10 would fire breath my way through a 500ft thick door again.

Without audio or visual feedback I wasn't really sure if I lost because my key pressing skills suck or if I wasn't directing my newt right. I like that you took the drag-on prompt in a different direction though. GG.

Neat word game. Gets a bit hard towards the end, leaving you to the mercy of whatever letter is randomly generated. Perhaps a power up that lets you see +x letters ahead would have made it more manageable. But great game and kudos on the intro!

Cool concept. Really enjoyed the backstory and all the random names.

Was kinda lost on exactly how the deception and reward stats factored in. But neat character expressions and a cool take on the theme.

Interesting using Bat files. Had to read through the comments in order to figure out how to get the game to run.  Thoughts:

  •  Not sure how I feel about running .bat files from a random internet page O_o
  • The password thing seems a little excessive for a jam game, especially because you have to manually get it from the file and there is no instruction how to do that included in the ReadMe
  • Cool animations.
  • Wish you had extracted the game setup files into the same folder so removal wasn't an extra step.
  • Maybe it's because always on type games aren't my cup of tea, but hours to complete seems a bit steep in a jam game, especially if there isn't much variety to the content. But that might just be me.
  • Cool idea though.

Beyond what other's have already said, I was most impressed by the mouse path-finding. Just as I was starting to dread searching the entire maze with WASD, I started using the mouse and it worked really well. Kudos for a well ironed out quality of life mechanic.

Besides what other people have said about the window size and neat art, it definitely needs more to do. Even two or three more enemies would have made it into more of game. It also didn't seem to matter where the stats were distributed. I won when they were even and also when I just did nothing but training.

Maybe. Were the buttons to hire visible and just didn't work when clicking on them?

Oops. Forgot to reset the unique game identifier on loss.

In regards to troop placement, what made it hard? Was it because I didn't specify using the mouse or maybe which spaces were valid?

Looks like it was throwing an error on lines with no text due to the way a Substring loop was running. I uploaded a v1.02 with a catch that should fix the problem. 

Hmmm... I'll look into it tonight when I have a chance. Magica probably exports to the .obj format differently.

Hey. Sorry for the delay. Missed the reply notification.

Looking at the .obj it did in fact have exponential notation in it. I updated the tool and it will now convert extremely large or small numbers to within 8 points of precision so GMS2 can read it. 

Hmmm... the E at the end of the number  is a power multiplier. So that last number is actually [5.310774 * 10 ^ -5] or [0.00005310774], which is really tiny.

It looks like it's either my program and c# adding that shorthand to save space or it might be the 3D program you are using.

What does the .obj file you are trying to convert look like?

Progression: The further you sail, the better / newer items you start to unlock.

Sails: More sails equals faster sailing (err.. or drifting). Don't have to necessary move the raft. Just an internal distance counter.

Storms: Clouds building on the horizon then you hit a storm. Huge waves would be legit (although maybe too complicated to simulate) but just heavy rain, wind, and parts of the raft having a chance to break off would be great. Might mess with your distance as well.

Left Field: Ice-burgs.

Keep up the good work!