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A member registered Apr 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really fun / focused little experience! I knew the objects around me had a purpose but when I figured out how they were useful, I definitely smiled and thought, "Ok, that's interesting!" Nice overall touch with the controller design, the music, and the requirement to use both hands. Well done!

If you have a chance, please check out my team's submission. All the best!

Nice submission! Cool puzzles, loved the inclusion of the voice assistant... that's something I haven't seen in most of the jam games. I liked the subtle touches to the environment that made it feel more immersive. Overall, well done.

Please check out my team's submission, if you have time. Thanks!

A lot of work went into this submission, well done! I like the teleport mechanic, that was a nice surprise. Nice job with the enemy animations and AI; I had never developed enemies before this jam, that's definitely a tall order (especially with incorporating the animations).

Please check out my team's submission, if you have a chance. Thanks!

Really fantastic submission! Aside from the obvious amount of effort you put in, I appreciate all the small touches you added: the world-space illustrations of the touch controllers indicating buttons to press, the way ambient sound changes as you transition higher, the overall layout and variety of assets in the map. Great job!

Please check out my team's submission if you have time, thank you!

Great concept and really gorgeous level design / assets. A few pieces of feedback:

  • Ambient noise (e.g. from the fires, footsteps, doors creaking) and/or noise from the orb would go a long way towards adding immersion
  • I played on the Rift and really struggled with the throwing mechanic. It took me a few tries to understand how to utilize the orb to teleport... to teleport I had to click on the joystick while also pressing the trigger and throwing the orb... it felt really uncomfortable and my arm just got tired after a while. 

Really nice work, given the limited time for the jam!

Please check out my team's submission, if you have time. Thanks!

Very cool idea and great execution on the moody environment. The music pairs beautifully with the visuals. Was it a creative decision to not include instructions in the game (allow the user to figure everything out) or a lack of time? Without the online instructions, I definitely had a hard time getting started, but once I did, it was a pretty interesting sensation. Nice work!

Please check out my team's submission if you have a chance, thanks in advance!

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, couldn't get this one to work on my Rift. The version above left me without locomotion or teleportation controls... the "teleportation" version (Google Drive) would either crash or hang up on the main menu each time. What I did see of the main level looked really promising though! Love the simple but tasteful use of lighting to really set the mood.

Would appreciate if you have time to check out my team's submission. Thanks!

Works great on my Rift, can't go wrong with the standard SteamVR controls / mechanics! Puzzles were definitely challenging, but I enjoyed the experience. 

Some feedback:

  • I would disable (or at the very least, heavily reduce) the haptics firing off at the beginning of each level, as well as the teleportation area haptics; there's likely a balance that you can strike between between showing them the joystick teleportation control and keeping them feeling immersed in the game
  • You really nailed the music / vibe of the main level, great job!
  • I found it really challenging to interact with Robochan because he was ground-level and my sensors lose tracking any time I reach below my knees. I would take this into consideration, as many VR users have limited play areas.. how would you tackle this problem?
  • The main level design was great.. loved the symmetry and limited use of color. My only suggestion is to direct the user's attention through the design, so that the user doesn't get distracted by everything all at once (which I found myself doing). A couple ways of doing this: contrast (e.g. detailed areas vs. less detailed, bolder color vs. more neutral), directional lighting, and selective teleportation areas

Overall, great job! I enjoyed testing it out

Great graphics, sound, and music! Plays well on my Oculus Rift. After playing a few rounds, I only have a few pieces of constructive criticism.

  • Would be nice to have an indication of how many rolls you have left
  • It took some time to adjust to the throwing mechanic. With time, it would be great to smooth out the throw to feel more natural. I often felt a disconnect between where I thought the roll was going and where it actually went. But as a start, this is solid!
  • Was hoping to see a stronger connection to the theme of "one tool, many uses"

Overall as a prototype / game jam submission, well done! I had fun

Looking for a team! Rift user, basic Unity & blender knowledge, US West coast time zone. Additional experience in music composition, UI/UX design, web development, basic VR development knowledge. Message me on Discord skiesXR#9686