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A member registered Jun 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really cool idea, love seeing different takes on the mech theme.

The internal view of the mech pilot was a really cool addition, although the art style did clash with the rest of the game's art.

The movement was fluid and fun, even though the game didn't have much content, I still found myself riding and jumping around for about 20 minutes.

Great job to you all, and I hope you keep working on this!

Mech drifting!

It's honestly so much fun just to drive around in this game, I really hope you keep developing this, as I'd love to see more.

Awesome, thank you. I've got to say this is incredibly visually impressive, I hope you continue to develop it.

Probably the best start menu I've seen in a jam game, and the music and whistling wind worked great together in the main game.

I'm not very good at this, but the concept is awesome. Maybe if my audio setup was better, I'd have an easier time navigating this, as I could only tell if a noise was coming generally from my left or right, and it was hard to gauge distance or exact direction.

Still, I'll bookmark this and try it again on a computer with better audio, as I think the concept is really cool.

I'd been keeping an eye out for this ever since I saw it posted on the work in progress section of the mech jam discord.

I love these kinds of mech games where you have to manually press the buttons inside your mechs cockpit, and this is one of the best examples I've played. It feels great just to fiddle around with the buttons and levers inside your mech.

Characters are super cute, and I love the relaxing music, gives this a nice casual vibe, I can play at my own pace and work stuff out bit by bit.

The only real criticism I can give is that I'd like if picking the vegetables was a little more interactive, maybe with a grabber arm that you had to guide onto each one in order to pick them, rather than just flicking a lever.

Still amazing job to you all, well done!

I think I got to the end, messed up about halfway through and had one of the bugs chasing me and just started running. Had a whole swarm on me at the end when suddenly everything blew up.

That was meant to happen, right?

Good job with this though, it's a fun little game, no major bugs that I could see (except the ones chasing me) and I loved the visuals of having both foreground and background elements.

I'm going to hold off on rating this until there's a downloadable version as, unfortunately, it runs really poorly on my browser.

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you hade fun with it.

We're going to take another look at the difficulty post jam, as we definitely didn't give it enough play testing.
We were originally going to have ammo and health pickups, but it got cut for time, maybe we'll look into it again.

Thank you for the feedback.

We had no one on the team with any animation experience, and our 3d character modeller fell sick halfway through the project. So the method we came up with was just to have it sliding around and use an effect to imply it was "skating" like mechs in Armoured Core. It's also the reason that we kept it fast, as we felt it would look weird if the mechs were all just slowly sliding around the map.

Thanks for letting us know there's still issues with the map borders, I had thought we'd ironed that all out, but there must still be some gaps in the invisible wall we haven't found yet, so we'll go over that again.

For the reload, we had planned to have a visual indicator for reloading, as I agree that just using the sounds isn't quite as clear as it should be. Sadly, this feature got cut due to time constraints, but we'll try to add it in post jam.

I'll increase the turret's hitbox as right now it only covers the centre gun part of the turret and not the base. From a top-down view, I can get how this would look wrong and like your shots are missing, as the turret would look larger than it really is. It is programmed to flash red, but with the point light on the bullets being yellow it kind of becomes hard to see it flash, so I think we might try adding a spotlight above the turrets.

As for the text box not appearing, could you tell us what scene this happened in, as we've been unable to replicate this bug?

Again, thanks for all of your feedback, it's super helpful when it comes to improving on our game and game development skills.

Thank you for the feedback, and I'm glad to hear you liked it.

I think post jam, we're definitely gonna experiment with the difficulty a bit as I've seen a few players struggle to get any further than the second stage. We definitely needed more playtesting from people not used to the games systems before releasing, but we'll learn for next time.

Thank you 😁

Incredible little throwback to the RTS's of my childhood. You've nailed everything from the look to the sounds of those games.

My only complaint is that if you encounter a stronger mech, you can't run away from it, as it'll chase you to the ends of the earth, which can be a death sentence early on. I also had a bug after one of my mechs lost an arm, I couldn't repair it at the repair bay, and it could no longer attack, despite still having a weapon on its other arm. Enemy mechs would also just ignore it like it didn't exist.

Still think this is an amazing game though, as I've been coming back to it again and again since I downloaded it early today. I'd actually quite like to see this expanded further, we need more RTS games out there!

That was fun. Really nice mash up between a tower defence game and strategy game. Felt great to get your mech in just the right spot and have it lay waste to a horde of bugs.

I will say, as others have pointed out, that the walls seem a little pointless as the enemies have no problem just walking around them, and it's hard to create choke points, especially when you get so few per round.
I think something that could serve the same purpose but with a bit more utility would be a "slow zone" generator of some type. That way, anything that paths through the zone could be exposed to nearby turrets for longer.

Another thing was that the mech would sometimes decide to fire at a bug that was really far away, rather than the once closest to it. It was frustrating as with the low speed of the bullets, it tended to miss those far off targets. Would be nice to have a button to reset the mechs aim and get it firing the bug closest to it.

Over all though, this is a very impressive game for a jam. I know it's not easy getting so many different systems functioning in just two weeks, so you've done a great job getting this all working and bug free (well, except for those damn bugs that keep hitting the generator🦗)

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback, and glad to hear you enjoyed it.

The offset with the weapon and the aim was caused by an unfortunate miscommunication between myself programming it and our 3d character artist modelling the mech. Didn't explain to him that the weapon would need to be centred, so that's on me. I might see if I can adjust the way it rotates to see if we can get it always hitting where the mouse cursor is pointed.

Having the weapons above the health bar is actually a great idea, and we might use that. Originally we were going to have upgrades between rounds where the player could buy a new weapon, but we ended up cutting that system fore time.

Adding a skip button into the menu should be an easy fix too, so I'll implement that once the Jams over.

And again thank you so much for the feedback, it really helps :)

A simple yet solid little game.

For some reason WebGL wouldn't let me full screen this one so I just had to zoom in.

But I thought it was a fun little platformer with just the right amount of challenge.

was a little difficult to manoeuvre in the air as it seemed that you couldn't move in the air if you jumped while not moving and that you could only move at max speed left or right if you did jump while moving, so some jumps took a bit of finessing.

I'd definitely advise you to experiment with more ways of doing player movement in the future. Have a look at how others have done it and see how you can replicate that.

But still overall a great effort, well done for getting this out!!

Same Issue others have had, you need to upload the game build, not just the .exe inside the game build. Find the folder unity put the build files in. Zip it and then upload that.

Might make a little guide for it and post it on the discord.

Same Issue others have had, you need to upload the game build, not just the .exe inside the game build. Find the folder unity put the build files in. Zip it and then upload that.

You need to upload the game build, not just the .exe inside the game build. Find the folder unity put the build files in. Zip it and then upload that.

Was indeed a pretty spoopy game.

Loved the way that the player swayed as they moved, and the music was genuinely creepy until it cut out.

Really felt like something could come out of the dark at any moment. It's a pity that I couldn't find any kind of monster in the game (I did go looking)

Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out what I needed to do. Walked until I hit an invisible wall and then turned around and tried a different direction until I hit an invisible wall.

Eventually I seemed to get out of the invisible maze, but then I was just walking endlessly into the dark.

Still great job getting all this done, well done to you two!!

You need to build your game and then zip the folder created and upload it here. The .exe file on it's own isn't the game.

It's a pretty common mistake for someones first game jam so don't worry about it too much.

Had some trouble figuring out what the goal of this game was.

The description says to escape the hut, so I thought I needed to escape the map, but that just restarts the game.

Didn't realise the shift key was a crouch the first time around as there's nothing on screen to indicate the crouch.

Assets all seem fine and fit well together, bit of a bug with the character unfortunately being off to the side of the screen.

Good job getting this all done in time for the deadline though, well done!!

Simple yet challenging, having the speed increase as you gain score was a nice touch.

I love the cute art style, and the music and sound effects work great.

Instructions on how to play were laid out clearly and I had no issue figuring out what my goals were.

Only criticisms I can give is that things can sometimes spawn on top of you or directly in front, can be a little frustrating to lose to something outside of your control.

Including an automatic restart after a few seconds or a game over screen might be a good idea as well.

Really good job though, well done to you both!!

 I really, really tried to beat this, but just couldn't.

The controls are backwards and the fact the players Rigidbody doesn't have its rotations frozen meant I was constantly "falling over".

Also, you might want to make a Cinemachine follow camera for a game like this and zoom it out a little more. Was hard to see where I was going until I jumped.

I love the 3d pixelated art style though and what I managed to hear of the music beyond the first 20 seconds seemed good.

So good work getting this out!! Hope you keep working on you player controller a little more as I think this could be quite fun if you get those little issues fixed.

First of all, I love the general vibe of this, I was constantly expecting something to jump out at me.

A little bit of spooky music would have definitely added a lot to that, so you might want to look into how to add music and sound effects for future jams.

I did encounter a few small bugs that you can see in the video, camera was clipping through walls, which can be fixed by changing the cameras near clip amount. Also had a weird moment where I manged to clip through a collider and got stuck in the corner of a room. Wouldn't worry too much about it, it's just the kind of little thing that comes up while playtesting.

I also couldn't tell if my game crashed at the end or whether that was the end of the game. You can add a scene transition to another scene with a simple game over message to signal that to your player. Or just have a UI element activate on the screen.

From the shadow I could tell that the player had a full model, was kind of unfortunate that I could get a good look at it, I assume it's the same one as the minifigures, but I couldn't see them to well either due to the lighting being quite dark wherever they were.

But they game did look really good the models and textures all gave me that Indy horror game vibe.

Really impressed you got it running through WebGL though, don't think I ever had a game that worked when I tried to publish it, well done to you all!!

Really enjoyed this.

Was a little easy to start off with but the difficulty ramped up quickly and I had to start taking things seriously. The lecturers will struggle >:D

There was a good amount of levels for a game jam and they all had interesting challanges that made them unique.

The assets used work well together and you even included music that fit the theme nicely.

Only criticism I have is of how slidy the player movement was at times, made it hard to go through small gaps. Might wanna increase the drag when grounded or increase the friction of the floor with a physics material.


Overall, really good, well done to you all!

Thank you!

Was really happy with how the ending came out, despite it being a bit of a rush job and being quite buggy to start with.

Really nice use of lighting and interior design principles.

Trying to re-create the Superliminal perspective resizing mechanic for a jam game is pretty ambitious. So it being a bit buggy is to be expected, but overall I'm impressed with what you pulled off.

The loud sound jumpscare at the end was a bit of a cheap shot at your players.

Incredible art and music.

Loved the short story.

You're really pushing the Ren'Py engine to it's limits.

Short but effective.

Love how you use the music and SFX to build tension and the lighting effect is really cool.

Might be a bit of a stretch to call this cosmic horror, but I can use my imagination.

Nice! Someone found that ending :D

It's my first time really using VFX and trying to do most of the visual assets myself, so yeah I might have gone a little overboard.

Thanks for the feedback though! I'll try to tone it down a little for my next game.

Got stuck a few times, but managed to click on everything in the area and eventually progress.

Very creepy game, I hope you do more with this.

Nice Visauls and goof creepy atmosphere.

Got stuck at the crate that swings rapidly back and forth. No idea how to get passed it.

Actually didn't notice the "i" button.

I've got the instructions now, but the only game mode that I'm able to beat is the Idol builder one.

Issue I'm having with the translator minigame, is that even though I can figure out what letter I need, It takes a long time for me to find it on the "keyboard". The layout is very unfamiliar to me and I spend more time looking for the right letter than I do translating the word.

With the food offering minigame, I simply forget what each of the sounds are supposed to mean when playing, and I have to quit out to see the information once again.

I hope this feedback helps. I really do like the art and general vibe of this game.

Always love a fishing game.

Really love the art and especially the game over animation.

Was a little confused of what to do at the line checking screen. But managed to figure it out.

Thank you, and I'm really glad to hear you liked the monster design. I had a 3rd party asset for it originally, but it didn't really fit with the rest of the games look, so I changed it last minute.

It's a cool idea. Hopfully you can get it up and running one day.

Some meaty gunshot SFX and cool monsters.

Like others have said, shame you couldn't finish, but making something at all is what counts.

Well done.

Thanks for playing :D

Can tell a lot of work went into this.

Nice little story in here, was starting to wonder how this was a cosmic horror game, until the end.

Really love the sled/snowboard mechanic, really fun to play around with, kinda wish it was the focus of the game, rather than just an extra movement mechanic.

Mouse sensitivity is a little high but other than that I really enjoyed this.

Lot's of really cool ideas, I love the little Eldritch being builder.

But I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing, really need some instructions.

The only game mode that I could figure out was the translator one, and that's really hard to beat in the time limit.