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A member registered Feb 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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I did actually in the comments down below cause I was curious if I missed something obvious :D Pretty ingenious!

Holy crap this is an amazingly well done game.

The music, the sound design, the camerawork, the narrative & tutorial... it's amazing...

And with that pursuer the first few times I can't remember when I had my blood rushing as much in a game - how can a damn triangle make me feel that?

I wrote something else in my review, but leaving it out here to not spoil for anyone!

All solid ideas indeed, there's a lot of room to improve on the upgrades and mechanics. I'd like to especially expand on the color mechanic more. Hopefully I can start doing some updates to this in the following month. Thanks for playing!

Aaa, just did, neat little trick, but easy to miss :D Can't rate it again, but don't worry, rated it very highly anyway, and this ending didn't take from it at all!

Really well done game, but for the love of me I can't find the exit. I tried going back to the first level, just on top of the door at previous to last etc., nothing seems to work? Is there something i'm missing or is there a bug 

(1 edit)

Man, this game is better than Dashing Fire, which for some reason I wasn't even compelled to try after looking at some vids of it. But this one, it felt amazing, really well done on all fronts! I think you definitely have something here you could expand on!

It's a great use of the theme, however I felt that it became a bit way too repetitive/too long to keep repeating the same mistakes to get forward a bit by bit. The concept itself I loved, but I felt there could be a bit more leeway in the pathing, OR give the user more checkpoints to not have to walk so far every time.

For my taste, the take on the theme was best by far by this game. It took what I imagined someone should do with the theme, and it was done here - something other than just a number/story, and a mechanic of light being core to the gameplay. The very bad part for me was the awful balancing and way too slow pace. If that was fixed slightly, this would've been a 5/5 for me and a clear winner for the jam, because it introduces new mechanics and how they can be applied to the genre - There's a ton of games great just with numbers, but I think we need to see more originality like this, where actual interactions/visual progress is presented in a fresh way.

Although I didn't feel anything was super original in this game, I loved the simple meta shifts and difference in each traffic light of how the numbers went up or down. The texts on the side gave it a bit of a compelling story push to keep me going.
I liked that the balance was quite good - slow with a feeling of progression at the start, but also sped up significantly later on to let you finish the game. I ran into a couple of bugs (or it's just really unclear what to do), where I was completing the red light, and suddenly got back to green one, and I had no way to get back to yellow one.

An amazing game, that makes the usually non-appealing visual progress of incrementals far more appealing. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would like to see it expanded further!

Thanks for playing :)

Very interesting game! Although I'll admit that I almost quit it in the first few minutes as I wasn't quite sure what I had to do, and was just randomly jumping around.  Took me a while how to do the dash to use the bits, and also to figure out that letter colors indicate to you if that character was attempted yet or not.

But really innovative mechanic here - if the onboarding was a bit clearer of what you need to do it would be more fun from the get go for me - but sometimes figuring things out is a bit of charm on its own I ugess.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it :)

Hmm, I'll try to have a look over the weekend, no time during weekday.
Does it happen to you every time, or just randomly sometimes?


GREAT concept, but unfortunately the controls feel awful and make it a bit annoying too play, because you can keep dying because of bad/inconsistent controls, at least that's what it felt like to me.

If jump was better responsive & not so penalizing for slight off timing (i.e. jumping off the ends), and the view box was bigger (makes it super hard to land accurately when you can't see what's below you). Really well done, but hope you can polish the controls a bit better, as that's the only thing taking away from it right now

Fun little game with neat visual style. I primarily enjoyed the doodles at the start. What annoyed me after a while, was that camera doesn't rotate in the direction where you go in, making it super annoying if you go too much forward, and then can't really go backwards anymore, as your FOV is simply too small.

Yeah definitely needs a bit more balancing and clearer onboarding. Was just hectic to get it all done in the jam :) Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, thanks for playing!

:D The progression is made to be like that indeed, but make sure to give other games a look as well, tons of great ones here :)

This is the best visual game I've played so far at this jam! The art is simply stunning, as is the engagement in the world (those farmers are an amazing addition). Loved the game, it's super enjoyable!

One thing you might want to change a bit- at the last tree, it took me 20 tries before I figure out how to get up there, as one of the platform doesn't look like a platform at all. I could see many players just quitting the game there.

Ah - because for me I think I picked up the sword without pressing E, or maybe I did it without realizing :D

No worries mate, it's hard to finish a game in 2 days, especially if you're new to this. Props for trying, a lot of general things you did were pretty neat, just lacking a bit for it all to come together. You made the right choice to still publish it, some people wouldn't if it had some issues like yours.

Cool, that was the goal :)
Yeah, ran a bit of time to polish the upgrades or add some more variety to it - a few more hours would do :D
And an upgrade all/an indication of when you can upgrade would be pretty useful as well.

Thanks for playing!

The mechanics are definitely fun. I think if you could expand those and add a bit more of a challenge you've got something quite good on your hands here :)

I'll be completely honest here - the game as is has a few big issues that make it a bit annoying to play:

- it's not exactly clear what you need to do
- there's an instruction for "E" but I couldn't find what it does?
- I was not sure if the sword does anything or not
- there is no way to exit the game other than Alt + F4
- I was running around until I found a chest and finally randomly won

That said, don't let this discourage you! The music is quite nice, and I loved that going into the lava dropped you to a new level, giving you a good feel of discovery. 

Trying yours out now, if you can have a look at mine that'd be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks for trying it out, glad you enjoyed it! Yeah it's meant to be a bit chaotic, but was running out of time to balance it better. But then again, didn't we all? :D

Awesome game! I first thought the very first instructions had a typo haha

The "sarcasm" of the rules got a bit repetitive, but can't say it made it any less fun. The pacing, tutorials and everything was on point, and a really cool game you got here. Well done the whole team!

(1 edit)

Very good take on the topic, however it gets a bit repetitive quickly - always the "2 coins" - but, that's understandable for the jam. Really cool music though. I just wish the controls when moving were a bit more delicate as it's sometimes almost impossible to align properly when you have the upgrade to pass things - if it wasn't for that annoyance the game would feel much better!

I love abusing jumping to the left wall and hugging the ceiling though in many levels, feels satisfying :D

The game doesn't work for me. it loads and everything, but when I try to use any of the controls nothing happens. Tried on Chrome and Firefox, same issue :/

I'm having a look at yours now, please check out mine if you can as well :)

Here's mine:

I'm checking yours out now :)

When I first opened the game I didn't think too much of it. But how you handled the loss of progress is neat, it keeps you playing and seeing what will happen next when you get hit?
A few pet peeves: Lack of auto reload is a bit annoying, and the ghost part is a bit too slow to be enjoyable - even though it's really innovative when it happens.

Music is decent as well - overall really well done for 2 days!

Yeah, I focused mostly on mechanics and music, had little time left for the visuals, so wanted to stick with a simple design. Thanks for playing!

I played for a good 10 minutes, but couldn't find how it matches to the theme of "failure is progress", did I miss something?
The music was quite good, controls a bit tacky, and the player feedback wasn't the best when attacking. But on the other end I quite enjoyed the simple visuals and being able to move around anywhere. keep it up :)

Really well done for this Jam! Mechanics are great, but the levels are quite easy. I love the speedrun timer, could make it interesting for speedrunners or to try different approachers!

Very cool concept! Played through it all and enjoyed it thoroughly. However none of the levels were really challenging, but I guess that's understandable for such a short time frame. The mechanics of the ghost are on point and could easily see this being explored further!
Music is fantastic as well!


I'll be happy to check your game out in a couple of hours when I get back :) Would be great if you can check mine as well:


I'll check yours out when I get back from home in 1-2 hours, would be great if you can check mine:

I'll check yours out when I get back from home in 1-2 hours, would be great if you can check mine: