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Slothcreep Games (Jezefelto)

A member registered Oct 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Kudos to you for finishing the game with the extra challenge! :D Thank you so much for playing and the great feedback! <3

Thanks so much for playing and finishing the game with the extra challenge on top! :D Really happy you like it! 

Thank you so much for playing and the great feedback! We really appreciate that! <3

Thank you so much for playing! We are very happy you enjoyed it! Great time as well! :D 

Thank you for playing and the great feedback! The key restart binding could be improved for sure - or viewed as an extra challenge! :D

Unfortunately, I somehow couldn't run your game. It's a shame cause I was already hyped to play a horror game entry! :/

Unique twist on the theme and interesting game idea! Unfortunately, I found some mistakes, which I couldn't mark as errors. :D But I still really enjoyed playing! Well done!

I like that you went for 3D! Little relaxing game, music and audio design fits well. I only wish I could dive a little  deeper! :D Well done!

Got jumpscared by the shark! :D Gameplay feels smooth and fun. Visuals are great too! Overall well done!  

Exploring the ocean and finding the materials is fun and the increasing darkness the deeper you go adds a lot to the atmosphere. The drilling sound got me a jumpscare the first time around as the game was completely silent before! :D Visuals are great and controls feel nice! Well done! 

Nice little game! Loved the visuals, especially the cute rabbit. Audio has nice retro vibes. Mechanics are fun! Well done!

Addicting, rewarding and fun gameplay! The level ups add a nice element to it. My favourite feature is the "Generator" Level up, which you can use as a metronome to jam out to (but tbh the sound can get quite annoying over time) :D Very well done! 

I really like the minimalistic animations, makes it feel kinda experimental! Performance needs some work tho as my browser froze multiple times during loading and playing. :D Still well done!

I have to admit I am way too impatient for these types of games so I found it - at times - too challenging to play, especially with the rapidly increasing amount of obstacles. The concept in itself is great tho! Well done!

The soundtrack is so relaxing! Expected to die from the sharks but they were all chill and friendly. Visuals are great too! Extra points for implementing anglerfish! Well done! 

The music is nice and catchy! I love how you chose multiple Game Jam themes and restrictions! Unfortunately I wasn't able to fully understand the controls. I clicked on the dice to attack the enemies but does the dice have some random element to it as well? It's a dice after all... :D Still well done! 

The gameplay is fun and the controls add a nice challenge! The visuals and audio are great too! Very well done!

Nice little game! The gameplay is fun and the visuals and sound effects are great! I especially loved the big shark shadow accompanied by the iconic Jaws melody! :D Very well done! 

Very nice game! Addicting and fun gameplay! Great visuals and music choice! The way the camera adjusted to the size of your fish added to the feeling of progression and being able to eat more and more fish felt rewarding! Well done! 

The visuals are amazing! I love the blur effect and the artstyle! Reminds me a lot of old animes I watched as a kid! Exploring the various types of fish and upgrading was a fun and rewarding experience! Fleshed out design, smooth controls and very polished! Excellent work!

(3 edits)

I love that you went for a rhythm x fishing game crossover! Nice idea! Unfortunately the notes were out of sync during some sequences and when the song stopped I was trapped in the endless depths of the ocean without a way back up or to the menu... :D But still a great little game! Well done!

I like the visuals a lot, especially the cute shark with the unibrow and pufferfish! :D I was kinda confused by the fish swimming backwards tho. Overall nice, little game! Well done!

Love the clean, minimalist visuals and soundtrack! The controls feel very tight and responsive and take a while to learn and master, which is a nice challenge! Very well done!

Very nice little game! The enemy movement together with the restrictive controls (which fits the underwater theme) add a nice challenge! I also love the music! Very well done! 

Really nice game! The soundtrack is awesome and really makes you feel like a mermaid! I love the sound effects, especially the death sound! :D Visuals are great as well! Overall great atmosphere and fun to play! Well done! 

Very fun little game! Controls feel tight and responsive, overall very polished! The difficulty feels just right to be challenging and fun! Addicting gameplay! Well done! 

I'm extremely impressed! The gameplay is a lot of fun and very diverse, narration (especially with your french accent :D) is amazing, diegetic, intuitive tutorial, awesome visuals, excellent sound design and great choice of music! Also love how you implemented muffling whenever the player is outside of the capsule, which makes it even more atmospheric! You even implemented two language options!

Very well done! Keep up the great work! 

Never thought I'd dig an underwater tunnel with stilettos but here I am. Unique concept! :D I like the subtle tap dance influences in the soundtrack!
Some critique: Playing in fullscreen doesn't work because of the ESC binding for drilling/dancing. The game overall feels a bit too easy, which surely can be fixed easily tho. Other than that; Well done! 

Nice little game! All time classic, but addicting mechanics! :D Well done! 

I love the relaxing music and the way the sound effects (diving, clouds etc) blend into the track creating a great atmospheric experience! The parallax scrolling works very well with the minimalist visuals! Well done!  

This is something special! I get a very odd, eerie, spooky vibe listening to this - as if there was something wrong but you can't quite put the finger on it, and then when you finally's too late! :D Would be awesome in an experimental horror game! I love it! <3 

This is some seriously great stuff! I love the chill vibe and the way you handled the sound font theme! Awesome work! <3

Hey! So sorry for the late answer! Wow this is some nice feedback! "Definitely feels like something I'd hear in an indie horror game and think was a good soundtrack" ... man this makes me really happy! Thank you so much! <3

Heyy! I do apologize for the late answer! I'm very happy you like it and funnily enough I didn't even recognize the switch happens at exactly 1 mins. :D Actually a great idea to let a creepy track end in tension rather than a fade! Thanks so much for your feedback! 

Heyy! Sorry for the horribly late answer! Thank you so much for giving it a listen and your feedback! Glad that you like it! I actually planned to do something chill as well but when I zoomed in and saw the ghost lady I had to embrace the creepiness :D

I love the weird energy in this track and how you combined all the different elements! The Pokémon samples go perfect with this! :D I can imagine this was a lot of work and I think you did a great job! Kudos to you! 

This is awesome! I love the atmosphere and vibe you created here! Listening to this I imagined a lone traveler going on a trip through a secret river portal entering a magical natural landscape. Great job! 

Hey there! Thank you so much for listening and your great feedback! I see where you come from regarding the track being a bit too intense for the picture! I tried to capture the feeling of shock and horror you must experience when you suddenly spot something unfathomable (potentially paranormal) on a normal vacation photo. :D