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A member registered Mar 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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I had a lot of playtesting and my conclusion was just make the game so easy that I don’t enjoy it myself anymore :‘) Playing gamejam games is exhausting so I didnt want to make it frustrating. 

You can still go for the challenge mode if you want the original intended experience it will make dodging a lot more important! 

Thanks for playing! 

Very polished and fun to get into. sadly very repetitiv gameplay and for me way too much hp on the boss. but i guess thats no problem for people who enjoy this kind of combat (maybe i was just to bad highest damage i dealt was 300?). For me half the HP would had been enjoyable since there is not much else going on but doing the same thing over and over again.

The story was entertaining and super well executed (some one references in the artstyle?). The sound was smashing but due to the long hpbar also somewhat repetitive.

Sorry if I sounded harsh im sure you got a good amount of deserved compliments already so im just trying to find things you might want to work on in the future. 

Nice game. I had fun with the different ways to dodge attacks and the animations and visuals where super good. UI could had been better and a healthbar for the player would had been nice to have. The use of the theme was rather weak. still quite enjoyable

Something you need to fix is that the reload sound is not bound to any soundcontrols so I had to tune the sound down but reloading was still super loud. 

It has a great nostalgia vintage look. Sound was awesome. Controls felt very unforgiving I decided to not change the motion at all because i would only drift off the map. I dont know why im fighting planets but I guess thats alright... Am I the bad guy? 

Had fun nice entry for a first gamejam!

Its well made but I cant get myself to enjoy any "spin your mouse to attack" type games but the throw your sword and teleport to it mechanic was quite enjoyable. The boss designs and the attack patterns are nice, sound design is also great.

i only managed to beat the avocado ._.

Had some good fun with my brother. It was sadly a bit buggy but enjoyable anyways. sometimes the boss is invisible and fuzzball can glitch into the wall if you make him too fast. 

Awesome game! I was missing a soundcontroller. Player hp was maybe a bit high but I guess thats fine for the purpose of the gamejam. I didnt really see where the theme was incorporated. Loved the visuals and flow!

a lot of fair and valid points that i agree with thanks for the detailed review its honoring me.

this seems pretty much pro gambling lol. i had 200 gold after a few seconds on the slot machines and was able to purchase every card for the wheel right away.  the art was wonderful. the gameplay fluid and entertaining. bosses had too much hp for my taste and the spinning mechanic was a bit boring to me. still very very good entry 

fun game. i think the spin on the boss selction was a bit useless since it had no impact other than waiting a while until you spin on the boss you wanted to fight against. combat was entertaining and fast enough, boss HP just right.

it has muchpotential but i fear its not quite there yet. needs more options on the planets and buildings, maybe upgrades on structures and more bosses. it was entertaining anyways but i felt out of control 

if you dont get at least top 10 on fun i call it rigged

(1 edit)

lets go gambling! dont have much to say about this one. it does what it does in a very funny and entertaining way. good job, had fun, would play again.

oh maybe one thing. bosses are a bit boring you could improve on that

was some fun to get to know the patterns and the story was nice to read. overall a nice experience. cons might be: character feeling slow and clunky being glued down for a while when attacking and boss hp was too high for my taste. still very nice game had fun

very polished game! i can easily see this one winning. cute boss design, very fluid controls, appealing art. Only things i would complain about is a rather weak use of the theme and the amount of hp on the last boss. He takes forever to fight i dont even wanna try the hard mode ._.

If you beat all 3 bosses in a row you get a new weapon then you can fight the last boss and get a little comic for some lore. Its like not possible to not use the new weapon so i guess you did not make it x) and yeah im thaddeus 

thank you ! Yeah maybe i add some waves or more bosses after the jam, but i gotta say its nice how it is for balancing reasons. On the other hand a roguelike might not need to be balanced 

thehe just like playing with lego but less expensive  


thank you so much! Sounds like you might be one of the few who played the whole game? I guess i should have given the player the second weapon earlier it feels a bit wasted now :‘D

thank you! I put a lot of work into the balancing but there is only so much time so music and art had to suffer (sad on the art part because thats the thing i thought i was good at)

thanks! I sadly dont know much about sound so im kinda proud of what i managed to do anyways^^ but yeah there is a lot of air for improvement 

i do had some fun. is it possible to switch between characters in the last fight? i was missing some instructions on that. or anything at all :D but i managed to beat the game anyways

my mouse sensitivity made it really hard to play the game but after turning over and laying flat on the ground i managed to kill the spider without being able to move anymore. was fun anyways and the artstyle is just awesome,

maybe you should fix that you dont have a mouse anymore after victory or gameover lol

the dash into slam was a bit unforgiving but doable after a few tries. i feel like you could make that more engaging. i enjoyed the art. i would also like a few more different attacks on the boss since the only threat was the dashslam. i think it has some potential looking forward to see if you continue working on it

ah i see. i honestly never used the parry for the other 3 bosses since it felt not really useful to me so i kinda forgot about it ._.

fun game overall and a neat mechanic but you really need to tone down the snake. i managed to beat all the others. i mean its fun to get to understand the snakes first phase and where you need to position. but the second? i guess you need to hit the tail holding the bone? i never managed to do so the snake fired too many attacks at me and the target was too small. i played it good 20 min and i think you have a nice artstyle going! well done :) snake was rather frustrating than fun. 

thanks means a lot! ill make sure to check your game out once the rating starts ! :)

haha thank you so much! actually (little flex) we did most of it during the last week x) i was procrastinating so much i watched whole 4 seasons of attack on titan and all of mob psycho before i really started drawing :P programmer has a little kid and work and i asked our storywriter one week before the end to join in! she did an amazing job on such short conditions. but yeah last few days messed up my sleep rhythm 

the game was cute and had some smooth and pretty animations. i had some overlapping audio after dying a few times and i feel like the fireburst from the ground gives the player noroom to dodge if you dont know that its coming. so beating this boss at first try seems impossible since the burst also stunlocks you and at this point its basicaly a oneshot.

after dropping all 3 heads down the boss just kept shooting and the game went on i dont know if thats a bug or if you didnt managed to make an end. 

anyways still a nice game well done :-)

thanks for this little gem! it was fun and fast! perfect for a gamejam game! even tho the fightsystem seemed a bit simple it still offered to play with a bit of strategy :) 

would like to see more

cool style and the name and idea is fun but i gave up on the second boss because he oneshoted me all the time and sometimes i didnt even knew what hit me. 

I felt stunned each time i attacked and throwing my blades felt kind of useless. the wizard was by far the hardest boss. the last one was rather useless since he was as stunned in his attacks as me while his aim was worse than mine lol

i liked the visuals and with a better gameflow it would be a nice little game. but the slow attack makes it a bit hard to enjoy. still good entry! 

Thank you so much ! Means a lot your game is awesome! I was kinda blown away by how clean it is everything fits so perfect 

im already fixed in this team but im sure ill have some time left because my team has only so much time with job and family. Games is part of my studies so i cant ever collect enough experiences.  let me know if you ever want to participate in a gamejam together :) you can find me in the discord server @smörrebrot 

i love this game! it has a very unique style and is the right amount of challenging. im proud of beating it!

the pace was very nice

i missed attackdriections for ranged weapons even tho you might wanted it that way. bummerang explosion felt kind of useless because being that close to a boss was never a good move (maybe if you want to speedrun the game). oh and i missed a fullscreen option

its a wild one :D love the aesthetics. but i didnt made it past the first boss and i got frustrated over having to restart it always over again. i also somehow landed into a bossfight without weapons once? it has potential, the destructive level had me nostalgic for worms armageddon loved that and the character animations where awesome.

something i would look into is the speed of the player. it feels a bit heavy and draggy, im sure to make him a bit faster and more responsiv would increase the fun a lot. but maybe thats just me

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This is such a smooth game, the music is hiting good and the idea of getting back to your original body is fun! congratualtions on such a brillant piece of art :-)

thanks a lot! There already is a little red rectangle next to the player showing the direction to the boss. But yeah this needs to be improved. some suggested the cam focusing between the player and the boss

yep it’s something we added because we couldn’t decide on an ending. It will just change the last dialogue with Sakura