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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really interesting game! The visuals were cool, and the concept was very cool, but I did find it a little confusing at times, and at points a bit visually cluttered, not being able to tell apart platforms. Maybe some outlines (or something like that) would have made it a bit clearer. Anyway, great entry :)

Really interesting game! I loved the perspective change, and the basic game really does feel like a forgotten old classic! Very cool!

Really interesting mechanics, this could be very cool if you continued development on it :)

Wow, thank you so much for the in-depth feedback! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game, and you pointed out a bunch of stuff that I should look into, thanks :)

Loved this, beautiful graphics, amazing polish, and soundtrack too! This game absolutely has the best writing I have seen in any game from this jam that I've played so far. It's so nuanced, detailed and interesting, really great job with the dialogue, and great entry overall.

p.s. good luck on your midterms :D

Wow, really awesome atmosphere! I fucking suck at that minigame half way through, but I stuck it out becuase I wanted to see where the story was going, and it was a pretty interesting ending! I wasn't a huge fan of the writing, I think it would have been a bit more engaging with about half the dialogue cut, especially the "...b-but..." stuff. You don't need to detail the exact thoughts of the protagonist at all times, let the player sit and think about what's happened instead of telling it to them! I did quite enjoy the animations and the overall story and vibe, so other than some quirks with the writing, I really enjoyed and thought that this was a really great entry :)

You're spot on with the balatro comment lol! Thank you for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it :)

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed! I appreciate the funny edit lol :D

Thank you for playing! I do need to rebalance a few items, I agree :)

Quite a fun little roguelike, I like the variety of enemies and the fact you managed to add boss fights is also really cool!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Thank you for playing :)

This was a very unique game! I liked the interfaces and animations. I do think the combat could use something else to spruce it up a little, like an extra mechanic or two, but other than that, it was quite a fun experience :)

This is a really unique idea, and pretty well written especially for a jam game! I enjoyed some of the humour and the "implied lore" was interesting too. I think my main critique, though, is that the prompts you see often don't tie together, like one moment you're in your apartment and the next you're on the street, being searched by police, so it doesn't really feel like a coherent story. I understand that doing that is difficult, especially if you want to have tasks that repeat, but it definitely makes it feel more like a questionaire than a story if the parts don't tie together. Anyway, that is just a small critique, I did really enjoy the game, great entry overall :)

Played it to the end, really fun and creative, I loved all the different mechanics you integrated! I think echolocation was my favourite :)

Thank you for playing and I'm glad it's one of your favourites :)

Thank you for playing! Yeah the tri-shot enemy was inspired by the primal aspid from hollow knight, if you've played that, and that's infamously a very annoying enemy >:)

Thank you for playing! I think I need to adjust the drop rates for the healing items, someone else mentioned that to me as well.

Thank you for playing! There are some items that heal your HP, but because it's random, perhaps you didn't come across any. Also, in terms of purpose and goal, post jam I do want to try and flesh out the roguelike-ness of it a bit, with proper floors and bosses and that kind of thing, which might help :)

Cool concept, would love to see this taken further :)

Thank you for playing and I appreciate the critique! You hit on a lot of points that I did consider during development, and some that are interesting to think about for post-jam development. A lot of time during the jam was just getting the backpack and items to work, and I did have a boss fight planned and some more enemies, but with little time left I didn't want to have any larger new things to have to bug test. That said, I think I will continue development, and some of your ideas will help inform that :)

Haha, great! That's emergent gameplay!

Oh, I see

Loved the idea for this one, really fun and creative! I think that in terms of balance, it might be a bit too easy to have a massive snowballing effect since damaging the player gives you money, perhaps that needs to be adjusted slightly so it's a bit harder to overwhelm the solider in the first few rooms. Anyway other than that, I loved the art, dialogue and story, really great entry :)

Pretty brutal & difficult, but I really enjoyed it, incredible polish and cool mechanics!

Pretty fun little game! reminds me a bit of doodle jump, and I like how the game allows you to confirm your finger positions before continuing. Overall, great entry :)

Not 100%, but I think you can alleviate this in godot by using "physical keyboard" buttons:

What a fun game! 18 was my best score, on hard mode:

I really enjoyed figuring out tactics such as picking victims who were towards the beginning of their walk so I'd have enough time to finish them off before they walked off screen, and making cops easier for myself by positioning myself parallel to them when they start boucing so that they'd go over less of the screen. Really cool stuff!

Very cool concept! I like how free-form and exploration-y the gameplay is, great entry :)

Love the gameplay and polish! I think this is a really cool concept and I loved seeing the names of stars and constellations! I think if you took this game further, it could do with some kind of auxiliary mechanic, like smaller particles you have to pick up to keep going faster (a bit like slither.io) or something like that, to keep it interesting between the stars. Great entry overall :)

This was pretty fun, our games have quite similar design sensibilities! I liked how power ups like the spider legs were shown on the character! Overall, great entry :)

Really cool tiny metroidvania! I thought music could get a bit grating, though. Other than that, great entry :)

Glad you liked it, thank you for playing :)

Very interesting interpretation of the theme! This game is pretty brutal though, if you go a few pixels off course you have to start over! I do really love how you see the different activities of the gnorms as you play though, it adds a lot of story depth and interest. Overall, a really great entry :)

This game is fantastic! Great visuals, story, all the types of gameplay mixed together, it's incredible! I couldn't finish it because I'm a bit shit at the platforming, but I did enjoy finding the treats and the RPG-lite combat :)

Love the environment, mood and vibes! I also thought the reveal towards the end was really good! Well made, great entry :)

Hey, unfortunately I think you forgot to include the .pck file, which is required for a godot game to run if you build it that way! So your game is unplayable in its current state :(

Fun little game, reminded me of doodle jump. Great entry :)

Thank you for playing :)

Thank you for playing :)