Please report bugs here! (post release)
Ahoi! First of all, wonderful game you've got here! Absolutely loving it!
However, there does seem to be a small issue with the players running.
So holding the run button seems to not allow me to fire my guns... sometimes...
It seems very fickle, but sometimes I'll run and my guns won't fire at all,
and sometimes I'll run and I only can't fire the alts for the weapons.
Quite strange.
I figured that might be the case.
But with that said, I would recommend that with that being a feature you still get some kind of feedback.
So say if I'm running, and I try to shoot, the gun makes a clicking sound and the crosshair gets replaced with
a prompt to let you know you can't shoot. Without that, it feels unintentional.
I been getting slowdown in most of the Episode 3 levels, and maybe some of the later episode 2 levels. i'm not sure how to be more helpful with my description. i have been playing on Subjugator if that helps.
I would give more information but i kind of trained myself to ignore it, but then i thought -oh shit, i should probz report this just in case.
maybe i could go back and play again? Subjugator is hard tho
So i've intuitively learned of the map [mapname] console command to reload those maps that gave me trouble yesterday. i've been playing at the highest settings and the most i've experienced in terms of slowdown is slightly under 60fps. i was running through areas aggroing every enemy i could find and just dodging while i study the framerate (this was actually really fun for me) and it was all good!
So, i must have been running other shit in the background while playing the game that caused the slowdown. shutting down my computer and then booting it up again today must've fixed it.
Sorry for the false alarm
I think starting at episode 3 the game sometimes crashes when saving, later it crashes on every save or quick save. Happily the save file is always there after restart. I'm using Windows 10 and the version 1808 but played the version before with the same save files. Crashing means the game closes immediately without a message.
it's very strange that there is no message 馃
so far I have trouble reproducing it, and only got hunches what could cause it:
does it only happen on episode 3?
is there a screenshot for the save files?
do you see a file called "tempsave.sav" in the game dir?
also are you using the app to play and if not does that make a difference?
I'm not using the app, I have a folder on my desktop. There is a screenshot and there is no tempsave.sav. It started in episode 3 but I havye savegames from episode 4 and 5 where the bug is reproducable (at least for me). Just load a corrupted save files (this works) and then save again (quick or normal) and then it crashes after saving.
sounds tricky - so the saving seems to work and a corrupted value could be causing a crash?
still it doesn't make sense why there is no error popup of any kind on crash 馃
(I guess if it's truly corrupted save I will be able to reproduce it, but just in case:
so if you start a new game on episode 3 with the level select and save the game then it works ok?)
Can I post a link here to the zipped save files? There are no DM on
Update: I fixed it by deactivating Avast Antivirus, in windowed mode I could read the message. It didn't like the game writing in a desktop folder and asked for permission. Strange thing was, the save files were also written before but with a crash after.
Sorry for the false alarm, antivirus and firewalls can be annoying. It's probably not best practice to run an application on the desktop, but most of the time it works. But I wonder if it gets better under c:/programs/, save games should actually be stored under AppData\Roaming\... or AppData\Local\..., sometimes also in the documents folder.
I played it through and it was very smooth. The level design was extremely creative and never unfair and well balanced. I never got stuck in the walls or anything like that, the controls are very precise. What I found is hardly worth mentioning...
In E1M3 I saw a gap under a path, looking out of a chamber that was blocked by a stone:
In E5M3 you walk at the top of the glass roof where the red key is against the invisible level wall. It was probably intentional, but a high fence would be better and the direct view of the entire skybox is not advantageous either:
Also in E5M3 there were two floating boxes outside the water (there is water on the right, not in screen):
For stairs, it would be nicer if the pattern matched the height of the steps so that each step looks the same. It's close but usually doesn't quite fit:
I tested this on E1M1 in the room where you get the invisibility powerup for the first time. Also on E1M2 where you get the invisibility powerup after a slam dunk with the basketball hoop and then you eventually get five dynamite. Seems to happen in every level. The powerup is bugged with the dynamite, but thankfully, the other weapons are not affected.
Found a missing texture in the first level in the teleporter room (there's a wall on the other side):
and in the same level, there's a weird geomtetry displacement that wasn't there before:
Also, dunno if it's a bug too, but I wanted to experiment with making a map recreating the famous "Into The Abyss" level from Titanfall 2, and run in this effect in which the other side of the mesh becomes traslucent for no reason when it isn't supposed to do that:
I wanted to get below 1 minute for E1M1 so I played the game bit different than before and recognized this:
I have run toggled on, then after falling in E1M1 I crouch into the ventilation shaft. When I'm into it I cannot kick with fire-key, I see the crosshair wobbling but nothing happens, only the kick key Q works. Behind the shaft, when standing, the kick works again with fire-key or Q.
I'm not sure how it happened but somehow a 158mb large decal mesh was generated 馃ゴ
(how it not just crashed is anyones guess)
it's rather strange - there is a hard limit how many triangles a decal can make
and all mem seems to be initialised properly.. so I have no idea of the cause
anyway I better put in some safeguards/sanity checks just in case
for now here is a fixed version of the save:
It's getting worse but maybe the way it does helps you figure it out. I played the same map E2M3 at the same spot. This time I just saved 2 or 3 times until the game crashes. Now this is interesting, the quicksave from 1890 crashes 1890 but works in 1878. So it is somehow corrupted but you only stopped the uncontrolled growth.
It's no big deal for me but this could be one of the more serious bugs which affects at least some people.
Can you confirm the crash with my savegame in 1890 on your computer?
yes, save files help me a lot - I can actually debug and see where the crash is 馃憤
of course in this case an opengl call seem to not like something about the mash data
so all I know is that a decal mesh that got malformed somewhere
I added more sanity checks and it seem to have worked
( it now attempts to fix the mesh on load more aggressively - or throws away the decal altogether if it's beyond saving)
anyway I added the fix to (Build 1892)
also thank you for finding this and of course helping fixing it!
this is one of those - how nobody have noticed this before bugs 馃様
I tested gamepad support in 1892. I'm not a gamepad player but I can give you some feedback for that. I'm sure you are making many couch players very happy with that functionality.
For the moment I still see some work to do. It's not always picking the right controller.
I'm using (newest gen) XBox Controller and have two paired, but only one was connected ("switched on") and I had NO working gamepad in the game. Second try I connected both controllers and the other which was switched off before worked. Next time I started the game, the other one worked.
I think it is complety ok to automatically pick one controller if more than one is connected but you seem to pick just "controller 0" if it is connected or not. I'm not sure how a connection is detected but the axis should have valued around 32k when on and 0 if off.
Another problem is with looking, it is splitted between the wrong axis on the right stick and the trigger buttons:
right stick up looks to the left
right stick down looks to the right
left trigger looks down
right trigger looks up
So for the moment I cannot test how it really feels in the gameplay but I will do that, when the axis are fixed.
thank you for taking a look!
but it was only included because it is what I'm working on now (and that is why I didn't mention it):
my XBox controller is only arriving on wednesday (earliest)
and so far it was only tested with a PS1 controller I had lying around
alas it looks like I'm far from finished 馃様
I updated with Build 1903
it has an improved support XBox controllers (if you are interested)
it finally arrived today: turns out both shoulders use the Z axis
still needs some adjusting and I still need to account for possibly multiple controllers ones plugged in
but at least now you can move and aim at the same time
of course I'm assuming that all XBox controllers use the same input setup 馃
Great work, I think this can be productive used by any user! it was a good idea to handle the triggers as buttons and not as axis. I am not the right person to tell you the best (most common) defaults but it seems to work very well.
In my opinion the assignable actions are complete but maybe someone could wish quicksave/load
D-Pad diagonal does nothing, doing both would be better at least if you move with it
I would call the "nubs" left and right stick
To name the buttons 1-12 is safe but which controllers for Windows really exist which have a complete other button layout than XBox? For me it would be nice to call them what they are: X, Y, A, B, shoulder, menu, start,...
I searched for my "gamepad mouse" code for cursor movement in the menu, it's in a very odd Basic dialect but should be readable as pseudo code.
Proc Joy_StickMouse
parameters device&, axis1&, axis2&
declare newx&,newy&,dist&
'bring rest position from 32767 to 0
joy_x_raw! = Joy(device&, axis1&) - 32767
joy_y_raw! = Joy(device&, axis2&) - 32767
'6,25% deadzone
if (abs(joy_x_raw!) < 2048)
joy_x_raw! = 0
if (abs(joy_y_raw!) < 2048)
joy_y_raw!= 0
if (joy_x_raw! <> 0) OR (joy_y_raw! <> 0)
'set new cursor position
newx& = %mousex + min(24,(joy_x_raw! * 0.0005 * (1 + joy_mouseacc!)))
newy& = %mousey + min(24,(joy_y_raw! * 0.0005 * (1 + joy_mouseacc!)))
'calculate acceleration based on "distance" last input
joy_mouseacc! = joy_mouseacc! + sqrt(abs(int(joy_x_raw!)*int(joy_x_raw!)) + abs(int(joy_y_raw!)*int(joy_y_raw!))) * 0.0000025
'no input? reset acceleation to stop movement immediately
joy_mouseacc! = 0
changing the FOV led to so much animation issues .. 馃様
for now if it looks ok on 60 FOV so I don't care - at least until I figure out this fov thing
I thought that for old games the complaint was for 60 horizontal fov and .. 90 vertical fov kind of deforms everything
so what could be the right choice - I'm kind of stuck here still 馃
FOV in this game is vertical. On a 16:9 aspect ratio a fov of 60 vertical is equal to a fov of 90 horizontal. I use to see what kind of fov I need.
Can't save game when not running as Admin (Win 10 64 bit, Itch version).
If anyone has trouble saving their settings or saving the game's progress, running the app with administrator privileges might be the fix.
I usually don't encounter this sort of issue, as I run a rather lose Windows security setting, and was doubly surprised as the game was also not installed in a protected file system. But oh well. Just something to be aware of I guess.
Otherwise having a great time!
Hey, love your game, it's a nice mix of doom and half-life, which I suppose is quake. Either way, I genuinely thought it was an old game when I first saw it, so props. I had pretty much no problems the whole playthrough, and the bug I just got didn't hinder me at all. I had just gone through all the levels and gotten the secrets for all of them (on medium difficulty), and then I played through the cut levels, and beat those (with a little cheating). then I closed the game and realized I hadn't gotten the achievement for unlocking all secrets (I assume there are different secrets based on difficulties). But I wanted to make sure, so I started it right back up again. the game opened normally, but when I clicked level select, and chose my difficulty, I was brought to a screen that displayed the individual cut levels in a row, the pictures for them were just white. So, I clicked one of them, and when I spawned in, the entire surrounding level was white. certain objects could be made out, but otherwise I couldn't see anything. I could move and shoot just fine though. I figured it was just a mishap, so I left the level and was met with the same screen and the same white. So, I moved around a little bit, and then realized that there were jack-O-lanterns everywhere. That made me think this was an intentional bug and I had just inadvertently set it off. but I'm not sure how to make it go back either. and it seems like a really strange thing, just Jack o lanterns instead of items and blinding white. I guess that's all. I completed the whole game on normal, I got to play it, honestly, I'm just confused and would like to know if it is in fact intentional and if not figured you might want to know even though the game had been out for a while. Apologies if I've wasted your time.
thank you for finding this 馃憤
I'm not sure how this happened: you have custom map completed screen
as the background of the level select screen which shouldn't happen 馃
(the jack-o lantern just means the model was not found - these pumpkins are the default model
also the white texture means the texture was not found)
anyway if I understand correctly:
you played through the main game and the cut maps and this broke the level select? 馃
also to answer your question: you get the same secrets on all difficulties
you got an achievement for beating the game on every difficulty but this
didn't went well because higher didn't unlock the lower ones
I kind of misunderstood why people want achievements 馃槗