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Squid Squad

A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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I liked your design. You made some pretty clever puzzles with your mechanics. Your game also has simple but complete art and music. It's all really well done, especially in 24 hours!

I like the idea of your game.  I think overall it's a little too smart for me, and there isn't any punishments  for random clicking and praying. I think you did a great job with the theme of the jam, and you made something very practical and useful, which I think is fantastic.

I think your idea is simple and fun, but the really impressive part is how much polish you were able to pull off in 48 hours, it looks and feels like a finished product. Great work!

I think this game is really good. I like the idea, and I think if you polished this up it would be a great game. You have some really interesting levels that reward outside the box thinking, and some fun secrets. (Nice duck)

I really like this one. It has a really clean look that's incredibly well polished for 48 hours. The design and gameplay are kind of simple right now, but what you have is so complete it feels like a released game. I'm looking forward to your update.

This is a great concept! Transitioning between 2D and 3D is great, and it has a lot of potential for you to expand on. I think that it might be easier for the player if the left and right keys moved the player in both dimensions. as if the player can only move in one direction at a time depending on dimension then having 2 different movement keys for each is kind of unnecessary. Lastly I think your style is great. You have something perfectly usable without any art assets, so good job on that.

I like your idea a lot! It's pretty simple but satisfying to play. Controlling the characters can be kind of complex, but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Overall I think you did a really good job for this jam!

I think this is great! Your idea is simple and easy to understand, but very entertaining, but also do a good job of expanding on different mechanics that affect the levels. Your character art also goes a long way towards making the game feel good.  The only issue I could find with the game is a lack of environmental art, and a way to quit and close the game. Other than that I think it's great, you should definitely expand on this game.

I have a bit of trouble getting out of a doorway once I have a villager with me, but having a line of villagers ragdolling behind me is very entertaining. 

I like your art! It looks like there are some camera or UI scaling issues, as well as no way to detect if the player has lost and restart the level. I like the concept of your game, and you have some clever designs in there. Good work!

Really fun puzzle game. Had a lot of polish with the assets and sound effects too.

Very solid. I liked it a lot!

Was definitely laughing on the sound effects. Good job! The puzzles were pretty good and required some thought. I was enjoying and it was a cool use of player navigation that you had as well.

I liked it. It took em a bit to get the controls down. It felt like I should almost exclusive use the mouse at some point.

But that was clever puzzle design and I was having fun. Well done!

I enjoyed it! Was a good time and the puzzles were simple, yet fun.

My only note is since you started blue on the left, I would have chosen to make WASD for Blue and Arrow Keys for red. I got a bit confused on controls after level 1

Unfortunately, I was lost. Even after learning how to control my green tanks, I could only go one direction, killing my allies.

I wasn't really able to get far but I wish I could have. Seemed interesting.

Originally we had it where both characters would recover stamina, but we found that it didn't really feel like you needed to use all the characters. We would have people just swap between the two they really liked. And yeah that scroll was sort of just as we were nearing the end so we didn't really have time to make art for it. We are all programmers and designers mainly so we all had to split art duties since we didn't have a dedicated artist on the team. Thanks for taking the time to play our game though. We'll take the feedback about the gradual return into consideration

I like it. I was just a bit confused for awhile since some platforms are super thin and blend in with the background. I also think the jump movement is a bit weird, but it gets the job done.

Cool puzzles and ideas though!

Not bad! It's a nice simple puzzle game with an end goal. I'm sure some people would really want to get a high score.

Not sure if there was an undo button that would have really helped. Placing one then realizing it can't work just made me choose a bunch right after to hurry to the next level.

Very unique way to use the player's health. Kinda like how Sonic can live as long as he has one ring. I enjoyed the game overall but it was hard to rack up points since I was slower than a lot of enemies  were just going past the screen. If they were a little slower or stayed on screen til defeated that may have helped for me.

I liked it though. Good Job!

It's cute. I  like the idea a lot, but I think the characters could have used a little more power when swinging them. Climbing a wall had to have just the right amount of momentum and it was hard to get is super consistently.

But scaling the walls is cool and the dual control of the characters is implemented well overall.

Cool game!

Interesting resource management game. I will say it was a lot to try and juggle just being thrown into it.

It might have been nice to do a small tutorial and really help players who aren't huge into this genre understand what the best/essential options are for them to choose.

Cool idea, and impressed you did it in 48 hours!

It's pretty cool. Asteroids with a twist. Nice effects and cool concept too.

The only critique I have is I think overheat is a bit too quick as the asteroids just keep spawning and it becomes unmanageable in about 30 seconds.

Good fun!

I like it but I will say the randomness of where the objects spawn every time does seem to screw me over a bit. Took me forever to get beans and by the time they were there, I had to hit 2 other items and sacrifice health.

But it's a cool idea and I still enjoyed it. Good job!

Great atmosphere. The idea is cool but I got stuck kinda early since I was having trouble trying to get a slingshot effect like I assume you wanted me to do.

It was definitely funny though when I reeled in and he would constantly be going in a circle.

Very pretty! The world, art, and even the basic animation is wonderful to look at.

Game is fairly simple but still enjoyable. It overstays it's welcome a bit though. I'd suggest lowering the timer a bit more. After about a minute I'm good to see how well I scored.

Was honestly really fun. Couldn't believe it when it was over. Wanted a few more levels and mechanics! That's a great sign.

Other than that, it could have benefited from some sound or music but I really enjoyed it!

First RTS I've seen in the jam so I was really impressed with that. It's a nice idea, and I assume if I really took the time to understand the best strategy I could get pretty far.

Nice Job!

Had a weird bug where the Orange sword was picked up but couldn't be controlled anymore.

But I enjoyed it overall. I think the only thing is that I'm not entirely sure how to best use the two swords since I mostly just held a mouse button down at all times.

Good art, cool idea, and executed well. Well done!

Yeah Balance is definitely our number one feedback currently. We are planning to have the enemies not be as "sticky" to the player's position

Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to check our game out

Really interesting concept, but it can feel a little frustrating to have to restart over and over and over just to view all the puzzle pieces before even getting to try and solve the puzzle. Trial and error like that can turn a lot of players away. Maybe having some form of preview in the main menu to help them see everything to actually solve the puzzle could help alleviate this

Super fun and chaotic game I loved it. Was a bit hard to plan ahead, and I found it way more fun to just head out out in random and see where I would go.

The characters looks cool, but I am confused on why you would ever want to do damage? After reading your how to play it sounds like you want to befriend as many Spirits as you can so why would i want to hurt them? Has some cool ideas of recruiting your enemies, but needs a little work

Very funny game with the two kids in a trench coat, The top character feels a little weird since they also move when the bottom character does a little bit so trying to stay on top feels very slippery. Nice game nonetheless.

This was one of my favorite games of the jam. I ended up playing this game for an hour trying to get as high as I could. The balance of trying to get gold but also getting enemies. Just "chef's kiss" so good. Would love this as a phone game to pull out for 15 - 30 minute bursts on the go.

Looking at the game itself (ignoring the bug since that isn't really your fault) this game is super cool. The controlling of momentum is really cool since most of the time games like this are about combat, but this one is strictly about movement. I have nothing bad to say about the game design itself. Great job!

Yeah block was an ability of the knight, but it could have been made more clear. Thank you for taking the time to play our game!

I like the mechanic of linking yourself to the enemies and shocking through the network of chains.  The game's art and music fit the gameplay and atmosphere as well. Great job, I would love to see more.

I'm sure you've gotten a ton of messages about this game being superb, but I don't have anything else to say but this was fantastic. Great job all aroud!

Very cool beginning to the concept. Usually you don't control the enemies and this is a good switch on the common tropes. Good job on the level design to help show off this mechanic