Thank you!! The toon shader i used is W.I.P. but i wanna put it on the Asset Store when its done :)
If you use unity i wouldnt mind sending you what i have either in case you wanna dissect the shadergraph or just use it
Thanks a lot! Yeah we wanted the focus to be on the guns personality. Originally there was way more dialog planned with your gun, your rivals as well as their guns too.
The main reason reload was on shift was that we had other "nozzles" planned such as a sniper, where you would need right-click to aim. I had everything in the engine already, but level-design was so last-minute that I couldn't place them in a way that made sense.
If it ruined your chance to finish it, the reload bug is fixed by going all the way back to the main menu and loading again.
Thank you! Yeah I'm sorry i made it so hard. i was crunching a lot on level design and really overdid it. I mostly just tested individual arenas and now i'm trying to beatthe full thing myself and struggling. Its a shame though because the game has 5 areas and the knights are only the end of the first. If you feel like trying again, the knights can be kind of cheesed if you hide behind the spike pits, since they cant jump over it. Also since its so easy to fall off there is a hidden mechanic that lets you climb back up the platform for a split second if you push against it mid fall.