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A member registered Dec 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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this awesome audio experience and it's sheer beauty blew me away.  10/10 

(there were some audio clipping and sounds 'randomly stopping and playing again' issues though, but the experience overall is still awesome)

Hey, I'm glad most issues you encountered are technical ones.

The biggest problem here is that I didn't have time to implement a graphics settings menu, so everyone doesn't necessarily need to have a good time playing. This will be a must-do after the jam though.

The text IS goofy lmao, originally it was supposed to be way cooler, even narrated and a different font, but i ran out of time. 

If it has potential, I'm more than happy to completely finish this. Thanks for pointing stuff out!! And for going in-depth.

Thanks for the okay feedback.

I'm glad you found these funny! They are kind of goofy but I'm happy i got the time to implement these.

Yeah there's a lot of people gang banging you, you can outrun them if you're fast enough tho!!

Thx for the positive feedback, I'm pretty proud of the concept.

Being able to see your past lives huh? That sounds really interesting, thanks for the suggestion!

Insta-deaths are a known problem, I'll hop on fixing them right after the jam.

Ty so much! Glad you enjoyed it!!

It's not the design, it's just the hard reset that's frustrating imo, just add a checkpoint or something? Maybe? something to consider

Hey! So if you/the dev you're working with have any time, I would really appreciate any real feedback possible to provide.

Most people never go in-depth, I respect that you guys are actually trying to help others.


Thank you in advance! Go as in-depth as you want, I'll be only glad.

I really liked the gameplay idea, however it's FAR too punishing to remove all progress when dying. You should just restart the level and let the player try again, I very quickly lost interest in trying again, sadly.

But overall, very cool game! I respect the tutorial, very impressive that you managed to include one, VERY inportant.

yea good job!!

Thaaanks :3 That was my goal!

Thanks a lot, including the theme creatively is always my no.1 priority, glad it shows :D

(1 edit)

The best part of my game huh. I would say that I'm VERY happy with the stressful snowy atmosphere. It turned out amazing.


Not a perfect game and lots to improve, but I'm happy with what I managed :)

I have been grinding this game for the past 30 minutes and I just CAN'T win the last two levels (the platformer and the one where bears fly at you). I could probably beat these, but it would cost me my sanity.

You've made an AMAZING game! The graphics are great, and the theme is really well implemented, definitely kept me interested! However, i think that you (accidentally?) made a rage game. The hitboxes are unforgiving, the levels are sometimes very difficult (even trolling you), but i uhh like it?

One thing that definitely needs to be changed is the retry button, you should make the player able to just press a key on a keyboard. We use the keyboard the whole time, so it's a bit annoying to reach for the mouse everytime.

However, great job. Definitely one of the best entries of the jam imo.

If you could rate mine also, i would be very happy 😎

A really cool little game! I respect that you created these assets by yourself, they're all REALLY nice!!

I like the last few levels where you have to piece together which door to enter with the clues! If this game was longer, it could be really fun to just keep figuring stuff out. You should def update this game and expand upon the idea.

And the short animations for both choices? Very cool!

The music isn't continuous when you enter new levels, so that's something to focus on next time, could make the experience even nicer.

Very nice job!! GGs

If you could rate mine also, i would be very happy 😎

I like the theme implementation! You have to strategize whether to respawn and get a turret (but waste time), or if you should stay on guard and have control over your player.

The ONLY negative I see is the AI, they weirdly "charge" at you if you get close, and it's almost unavoidable, I'd like if this attack was less sudden, idk how you would do that so nevermind.

Theme is the best part def, great job!!

I really enjoyed your game! The graphics are very nice and I'm suprised you had time for these cutscenes! Plus I really like the ending!

However, the game is WAY too long. It became repetitive really quickly and even boring, so just a small note. The ending WAS worth it, but I almost gave up.

Also, I'd give the player a sprint ability or smth, it's kinda annoying to slowly walk around the planets sometimes. And I would push the camera back a bit, to let the player see more of the space/planet.

But this was REALLY well made, great job!!!

Good job, this is a pretty cool short game! I like the art, and the controls!

This has little to do with the theme though, or am I missing something?

Very nice.

The mechanics are really well made, but you get softlocked if you lose your gun, because the enemies have 100% accuracy when close. So you can't get an another one.

Also you should add visual bullets, that would make the shooting feel way better.

And there should ofc be more levels, but you probably had low time.

Otherwise pretty nice! Good job!

For bus drivers it must be the best game ever made, but for me it is very well done (like the steak), graphics and everything were great, but maybe next time add more unique gameplay.

The camera is pretty jarring when you reverse, but otherwise it's pretty well made!! I love the bus bouncing animation. Great job

I don´t know if 57 is a lot but the game overall is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY MAN!!! Little delay between click and actual move, which is the whole point of the game, but overall it has an amazing idea, good luck with everything, 11/10

Thank you a lot! Yea the arrow isn't too visible, I might adjust it now that you mention it.

And I'm glad you managed to win 2 times! 


Hey thanks! I'm really glad the concept turned out well!!

If you're interested in playing this game, here is a short showcase/trailer my bro made!! Enjoy :)

Hey man, great game! I got a little lost at the beginning. but eventually completed the whole thing.

Regarding the graphics, it would be nice if the background moved slower to give more of a perspective illusion, and if the scene was less static, and more alive - more particles and animated objects? But the cat is really well made and cute :)

The music is nice (as well as the meowing).

And I really like the implementation of the theme!! Really good job!

You're right, there's not much of a motivation yet to actually keep winning the game, I definitely need to make the game more replayable and add a reason to keep going, but I didn't manage it in the gamejam.

Thanks for the playthrough tho.

I'll be checking your game out in a sec! Also will be looking forward to some feedback from your side :)


The sections are randomised right? That's pretty neat, makes every playthrough more challenging.

After jumping for a few minutes, I finally got the dark heart. I think this is a nice lil platformer! What I would do is add more mechanics, such as launch pads, maybe disappearing clouds, anything! But I get that you had little time.

The graphics are well made, and the controls pretty good too, the only thing lacking really is the Theme/Innovation aspect, you could've made the game more unique, I encourage you to experiment more!! The random generation is nice tho.

Very nice game, GGs

Hey, a really cool and SMOOTH endless runner! I love how you did the endless aspect, and how you rotate the world to slowly endlessly appear. Impressive stuff.

Having a 000000000 scoreboard may be a little optimistic since you gain like 1 point per second.

I'd recommend giving the player like 100 points instead of 1, that always looks better.

But I really like it, awesome!!

Man that is a REALLY good idea, I'll definitely consider expanding this mechanic now. Thanks for noticing.

Also I like that you felt stressed, that was exactly the point!! Let's go.

Thank you for the feedback !!

That's amazing xDD, I'm glad it suprised you. Thanks for the 11/10 :)

Thanks for the feedback!! You are completely correct about everything.

The cars + people are janky, because I implemented these on the last day. But I'm glad you like the visuals, I spent a lot of time on that part.

Also adding an additional gameplay element is a really good idea, I'll think about that post-jam.

And yes I did think of some of these before, but it's always great to get confirmation from others what to focus on, thaank you :)

Does he really have footsteps? Well I got a little close to him just ONCE, but not too close, so probably the reason I didn't hear them. Maybe you could make the footsteps possible to be heard from even further away.

And I respect you dedicated a day to the sound engineering, I also love to work on the audio side of a game. Didn't really have time to do it this jam tho, sadly.

 Idk, nice to hear you plan on updating it !!

This was an amazing experience, slaughtering civilians just to get better upgrades? Awesome.

I really applaud your CLEAN game loop! Not many people can achieve a game that very nicely loop when you die and begin again, and is still fun. I also appreciate that your upgrades stack, nice touch.

The graphics, man this is SO COOL, i've tried a 2.5D style once in a jam before, but got nowhere as near to perfection as you.

Also, my game got bugged the second time and nighttime never occured xDD so new civilians just kept spawning in and giving me their tears to feed on, and I got the best upgrades ofc.

Amazing job tho, you've got a good chance of winning this.

I really liked this short, but atmospheric game! I like the artstyle, and the overall feel.

However, the game is scary only for the first minute, and I think there's some reasons for that. I would DEFINITELY recommend to later on add footsteps to the enemy, and overall more sound cues around the player. Trust me, sound is really important in a horror game.

Also I agree with others, the flashlight should be brighter, or maybe should have a longer radius.

But I respect you for even finishing this with your cat passing away. I know the feeling, It's difficult. Skye would've appreciated you putting em in your game :)

So great job, you should definitely update and fix the game up!

(2 edits)

That's a really fun idea! If you'd like to you can check mine, you don't have to though.

I really want to update this post-jam, so feedback will be definitely benefitial.

I'll make sure to check out your game though, looks kinda cool!


A great experience! I like the mechanic of basically being guaranteed to die at the start, but starting again AND  stronger, but I think the game becomes far too repetetive, because of the lost progress when dying.

Is there an ending? I couldn't find one, but regardless you did a great job! I'm rating your game very high.

Still needs dome fixing xDD, but thank you a lot!! I love the concept too

I've never heard of rogue legacy, what do you think is the similarity??
Looks like a cool game tho

Haha that tree definitely wanted you dead, thanks for the kind words :) I love to get creative with my games

He really wanted that pizza huh xDD, thanks for the compliments tho! I want to add even more characters later!

(1 edit)

A really good game! I like the shooting and the teleporting combined, it feels smooth and satisfying to kill enemies.

I also really like the music.

But I think that I'm invincible, and I can't die, so I never saw the stat upgrade system.

I hope you can at least fix this after the voting is done :) great job!