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Strawberry Mountain Games

A member registered Oct 10, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for checking out the game! Glad you had a good time and thanks for the kind words.

Absolutely agree about the ending, we originally had a little bit more in mind but then realized we only had two weeks lol.

You're spot on about the checkpoints, I made the poor web browser recalculate lighting every time a new checkpoint is triggered, because I was obsessed with the idea of the checkpoint lights turning on to indicate progress lol. Hope it didn't mess up your gameplay too much.

:Glad you wrangled the controls and were able to enjoy yourself. Thank you so much for the kind words regarding the graphics when I told the artist/modeler they said: 'awe shucks'

Really appreciate you taking the time to check out our game and the kind words. The learning curve with figuring out the movement transitioning into a fun time is exactly the experience we were hoping, so glad you had fun!

Wow haha the musical timing really got me into it with the hordes rushing in during a guitar solo *chef's kiss*

More than once I was frantically clicking and accidentally clicked on an upgrade popup since they appear right over the character where most enemies congregate. Might be better to move the upgrade menu or change it to not use clicks to avoid that.

The difficulty curve was one of the best one's I've seen in this jam. It was manageable at first and the first several horde waves were intimidating but doable. Great job!

Thanks so much for checking out our game! Sorry to hear about getting stuck. You should be able to reload at any time if you've paused the game using the [TAB] key first. I agree about the tutorial - realized a little too late we were a little too subtle about avoiding water. Thanks again for playing!

That music and distinctive art style is a winning combo. Really original idea and I love the trade off's of your ability and need to recover bits. Super fun game! Couldn't figure out if there was a way to recover health though. I'd maybe add some sound settings too. Awesome game, and I will be playing it again later.

The art style is gorgeous, and your tutorial did an excellent job of teaching your mechanics. Definitely one of the more polished submissions we've seen!

Haha thanks for taking the time to play and give feedback. Both those things happened to me more than once while playtesting lol.

Super fun and great polish! I loved the audio design and all the fun particle effects. The art was great too!

If I had to give some feedback I would say the limitations on the different abilities and trying to manage all the numbers made me want to experiment and use them a bit less.

Really great game overall good job!

Technically impressive and amazing vibes! Love the visual style and the audio design really supports it. The floaty movement and drifty controls match the ambient style pretty well too.

In terms of feedback the main thing I'd say is the combination of delayed/out-of-sync controls and the abstract visuals can lead to the game feeling a bit confusing and frustrating for the player. While I don't think super sharp and snappy controls are needed for a game like this I might reign them in a little - for instance maybe the dash could be directly controlled by the cursor instead of the direction of the player's triangle.

Overall super fun game, visually stunning and very unique - great job!

Haha great game, played for longer than I meant to! The smashing SFX and sliding around is satisfying and the iterative upgrade system had be playing 'just one more round' to see how much more crazy amounts of money I could earn. Very fun!

I've had to think of some constructive criticism I think more than once the camera kind of got in my way, either limiting my ability to aim if Stickolas was too close to the edge of the screen or sometimes it was awkwardly placed making it impossible to see parts of the map next to Stickolas. Maybe allowing it to move slightly with the users cursor would help alleviate some of that?

Overall super fun game and I'd love to see more complex levels and mechanics developed for it, lots of potential!

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Wow really love the little physics interactions with shoving stuff around and all the great pixel art. One of the few games I played all the way through!

If I had to give some feedback I'd say it wasn't immediately apparent to me what the second flask I drank did for me (if I'm correct the first one unlocked the roll?) and I would love to have seen some slightly more varied puzzles for the buttons - like sliding other objects out of the way or pushing the other little dudes around to trigger something. I know designing puzzles can be tricky and time consuming though.

Overall awesome game and I'll probably check it out again when I have some more free time to find the alternative ending =]


Very cute! The animations and art are superb! I would have liked a slightly more obvious indicator which fences are breakable and maybe a counter or minimap showing how many sheep to save. Overall really fun game though! Good job!

Very toot cute art style and game. I would have loved to see a little more but I understand there wasn't time. Hope you get to implement some more levels later! If you do I'd also recommend a quick restart button. Great game!

Such a cute cozy game!  Absolutely gorgeous pixel art, the writing was excellent, music was beautiful. One of the best bite sized slices of what could easily grow into a full sized game. I think my only critique would be to include an option for holding space to continuously hit rocks or trees until they're chopped down. I've got carpal tunnel and a less button mashy choice is always nice. But that's a personal preference for sure, fantastic job!

Really enjoyed the cartoon style and sassy dialogue. It did feel that the very short timer mixed with the buttery physics was a bit punishing for my preference. But it's great you were able to do a procedural world in the timeframe of a game jam.

Great job! Really like your interpretation of the theme inhabiting different weapons. Caveat, I played on the older upload. I think a slightly more condensed level design to inhabit more types of weapons faster would've been nice. Loved the pixel art. Congrats!

Such a cute game. Love the hand drawn style. Think I came across a bug though, as using left joystick and sprint at the same time on an xbox controller seemed to shoot me into the void. Still enjoyed it, the pitch bend on the quack was a nice touch. 

First of all it's incredible that you did this in only 3 days. The pixel art, SFX, and music are killer. The one critique I'd have is that overall the levels are a bit too dark. It's difficult to tell the difference between the path you're allowed to travel in and the blocks placed in the way. Some more contrast between the colors of your path and the blockages would help. But overall great job!

Rage games aren't quite my thing but the design and presentation was exquisite. Loved the pixel art and little mug on bob. Great game!

Really cute game! Super well polished, amazing SFX and visual effects. The movement felt fluid and there's a lot of potential for neat game design. The speed penalty and hindrance to jumping when stuff is stuck to you felt a little rough and made me hesitate to use the core mechanic too much.

Overall great game though - I played longer than I meant to which is a good sign! Good job!

Really fun idea and great choice of weapon! I agree with some of the other comments about an indicator when you can launch again. Also ran into a bug where on the lava level I killed the last dude but the match didn't end.
Overall super fun game! good job!

Really cool concept and execution! Super cool you did a 3D game in just two weeks. The SFX were satisfying and the timing of dodging felt like a pretty unique rhythm game. If had to think of some feedback there were some times when it was visual hard/impossible to see oncoming white blood cells so maybe at a certain close distance their flashing red should be visible through obstacles or the player?

Overall great game and good work!

Came back and was able to beat the game this time! Really enjoyed the art style and you captured the roomba's glide home to base perfectly. The secrets were great. Did struggle a little bit with seeing a path, the arm of the couch makes one route appear like you might not be able to go there. But overall it was really enjoyable :)

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks so much for taking time to play our game and give us feedback. We'll definitely add some better visual feedback when your Evidence is harmed - that's a really good idea!

We did add a way to tweak the sensitivity setting in the settings menu, but you're not the only one who missed it. Sounds like we need to call attention to it too.

Wow thanks so much for the kind words and the feedback about audio balancing. We were back and fourth on the ambience so that's good to know.

Thanks so much for the kind words, glad you like it!

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Been testing but we can't seem to recreate the issue. Can you let me know what operating system and web browser you're using - and their version numbers? That would help a lot in fixing it.

Hey Orange, hope you get a chance to play. It seems to perform best on Windows using Google Chrome.

Oh wow weird, was the meter actually empty and/or were you in water? Never saw that one during our playtesting lol

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Were you able to adjust the sensitivity at all in the settings menu in the pause screen?

Really enjoyed this! The missile flight felt intuitive and the music was great. Major starfox nostalgia! If I had to think of one thing a small radar or directional indicator for enemies would help since vision is so limited. 

It's like getting it over it on the moon, but with bullets. The floaty physics were super goofy I loved it. Braver than me making a rage game. Our game was originally based on one but I toned it down lol. I'll probably check it out again when I have some more time to see how far I can get.

Really fun idea! While it wasn't a literal weapon I got the theme interpretation, I cleaved through garbage like a claymore in battle. I had some struggles in the beginning where it wasn't immediately obvious I needed to backup and have space to hit things with the boost.

Nice game! I really enjoyed the novel movement and the satisfying 360 when flipping. Kept trying but couldn't quite get a 720.

Fun game, discovered Thor Mode and it made me snicker. I'm with grantlerr, it took me a bit to realize I didn't actually attack and just had to scoot around the baddies. Music was intense, and sound effects were nice!

Not typically a fan of visual novels but that was pretty fun! I'm not sure I get much h of the connection with the theme though.

Really fun mashup of command line games and rogue! Could have benefitted from some audio even if it was some simple ambient techno.

Wow made me super nostalgic for pikmin. Glad to see another dev brave enough to make a 3D Godot browser game. I was really enjoying it but got stuck on the second level when you get the lil green guys.