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A member registered Apr 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Pretty nice self-balancing game. Got to ~100, but then was too big and hit a red ball. The sfx and music fit very well. Good job!

pretty cool game with quite some polish, especially visually. Saving/checkpoints would be appreciated, especially with such a big level. The mechanics are cool though, its nice that you can scale both boxes and your character.

Pretty nice idea, this fits the theme pretty well! I only wish it had a bit more polish, quite some levels feel a bit rough yet

pretty cool idea! building plattforms seems to be a bit inconvenient (it would be nice to extend the extisting ones somehow), but I guess that is intended. It would be helpful to see the current quests somewhere. The music and artstyle fits the game pretty well, and the rewind feature is cool as well. Good job!

a very cool entry. It's a bit difficult to get the snow leopard diverted, I must admit. But yeah a great game, with consistent artstyle and a calm background music - feels really polished. Nice!

wow, what a fun idea! its really difficult to use after 4-5 shots though. I think just a bit slower scaling would be nice. Also I tried speedrunning levels, and it didn't recognize me touching the final door. Did I miss anything?
Good job overall!

cool idea, good job on designing this. I feel like it would be nice to have a way to heal yourself, but I guess it has to end at some point.

Fun idea, and a cool implementation. The soundtrack fits the game style very well, too. I couldn't really fling a lot of gnomes though, because there is no mouse restriction / capture and I always had to look for the mouse cursor :(

I found it a bit difficult to control (wall jumps and deflecting lasers) but it's really a cool idea, nice work!

Pretty fun game! Overall the game feels pretty polished, especially the balancing seems pretty nice. It's good that while you can't damage enemies that are smaller/bigger than you, they still receive knockback. Only the dash for the small size feels a bit weak imho, maybe it needs to be a bit longer


Thanks a lot!
Yes, unfortunately time ran out so we didn't get to do a tutorial screen. By now I've added a description on the game page at least.

Mhmm... I think one like is a fair rating

got the planets to flock together so I got over 4 life/sec. hehe. it might be a good idea to be able to preview planet trajectories, so you can have an idea of which distance you need to the sun.
Its a cool simulation game,still, good job!

oh, thats a fun setup for the game! Is there anyway to not waste blocks? good idea and great presentation as well - nice work!

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm sure I do spend a lot of money

and now the survey continues in the rating section... phew!

good job ;)

pretty neat presentation and game idea. The game itself is pretty simple, but still difficult enough to be interesting. Wish we could zoom out a bit more, right now I need to divert asteroids before even seeing them. Nice entry though!

really a nice mechanic idea. sometimes I lose momentum mid-air (or I never get it properly). Also I think the controls could be a bit more clear -I was a bit confused which direction was the correct one, initially.
Still, a pretty nice entry, good job!

simple and fun idea, would have been cool if there were more levels. Good job!

Interesting game concept, going for simple estimation. Pretty cool, although it already gets pretty hard after the first two correct guesses

Pretty nice idea, I especially like the storytelling aspect. With the game mechanics introduced and seeing the whale right next to you, there was no way around ending up in the whale. Cool game!

Fun entry! I like the combination of the pixel/goal setup! It's a bit rough on the edges (e.g. ui size) but a really cool idea. Good job!

Thanks a lot!
You're probably right about having the the pause menu / notebook open at the same time, it might be confusing this way. I'll look into this after the jam.

Thanks for your feedback!

Oh no! I think theres only one fireplace here, and no swim fruits. Sorry about that! This will probably be fixed after the jam.

Thanks for the feedback!
Heres a quick overview: over the course of a day, you become tired (black vignette). You can reset this by sleeping at a fireplace (pile of woods) which also respawns fruits. In this game a season lasts 3 days (unless you eat a specific fruit that kind of makes you hibernate and skip 3 days the next time you sleep). Lastly all fruits have different effects in one specific season.
Hope that explains stuff ;)

great submission, the story is very cool, and the gameplay works pretty well! I do think that some more variety would be helpful, so that you still need to move around even if you have a good build. Maybe by using different enemy behaviours? You also did a good job on the dialogues, the story is pretty good as well. Good job!

pretty fun idea, it feels like a mix of tower defense and farming. is there any way to survive winter? it feels pretty difficult. Great submission though!

Pretty cool idea, felt like an unique game. It has a good difficulty curve, and it also feels pretty polished. Music is cool as well. And it provides a valuable life lesson: only eat so much that you still fit through the next door.

nice entry, the graphics are pretty cool. There were a few parts that could use some clearer instructions (e.g. multiple time limits) or that you shouldn't confirm the typed words with enter. Still pretty cool, even the upgrade system was nice

Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, you're right on the descriptions, we will probably work a bit on this after the jam.

Hey, thanks for the feedback!
Oh yeah I feel like we've should have explained jumping better - it just works like swimming, you need to go to a wall / an edge and have the jump fruit effect active,  then you see a prompt to interact.
It was obvious to me that it worked that way because I developed it, but i only now realize that a lot of people probably missed this. I'll try to put a pointer in the game description later as well.
Also, there should be around 7-9 campfires = wood piles around the map

Thats nice to hear that you had fun! I have to look into the get_tree().exit() bug, not sure why an autoload would make a difference yet. I'll try though ;)


Thank you!

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Thank you!
for the last fruit, you kind of need 2-3 different fruits to reach the specific area where the last fruit is. Some pointers would have been helpful, but unfortunately we did not have the time for these.

Thanks a lot!
yeah, sorry about the wrong translation. I noticed the bug right after the submission ended (and yes, that is pretty much what it would say in English). Seems like I've swapped the german and english translation in the csv

Wow, that was fun! I really liked how everything just went mad so fast. The only quest I managed to do was the inital chicken quest, but then didn't find the sword (time was super tight). For the neutralizing agent, I found both ingredients, but wasn't able to craft them somehow.
Pretty nice concept, it would be fun to see this spiraling even further, good job!