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A member registered Jul 10, 2021

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Super fun, really ramped up in difficulty! A top-score feature would have really propelled this to new heights. Loved it!

I found this incredibly difficult, I only managed to get two items in the box before I eventually gave up, I'm really sorry. The concept and skeleton of the game are really strong, I think it just needs a little more refining and polishing, however what you managed to achieve in a weekend jam was great. Good job!

Nice little game you've created, well done! The menu, logo, UI and sprite art is absolutely brilliant, really strong, great use of colour palette, full of character and really well polished. The game was a little bit slow and the fire didn't seem much of a threat to me, as I could move the sprite very fast. In fact, it was almost too fast in such a small space as it made making tight turns and orientating the sprite a little difficult. Had the fire been more of a fearsome foe, that would have been troubling. Nevertheless, really good game, well done! 

Great idea and concept execution, loved the write up in the description explaining the context of the cartridge, however I would have liked to have seen this within the actual game. The bugs features were well thought out and well implemented, pretty trippy the first time around! I couldn't understand how to get through the loop where the sprite can barely jump, from what I can tell it wouldn't make it across the first gap and ultimately I did at that same loop on two separate play throughs. Regardless, of that, a really fun little game with a lot of potential! Well done, good job!

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Really great first attempt at a game jam submission, well done! This game has a lot of potential, the art style is strong and full of character, I think with more time and more experience developing jam games you could make a really fantastic game. Keep it up, stay creative and well done!
One small niggle was the lack of explanation when it came to the star rating system, I would have really enjoyed knowing why I was being rated as I was and how I could improve for the days ahead. 

This game was great, I really enjoyed the mechanics of bouncing and shooting at the bubbles. It felt like keeping a balloon in the air with your hands, I used to love that game as a kid and this gave me a really strong nostalgia for it. The music was a little bit repetitive but that's probably because I was set on getting a high score so it played for quite a while. I didn't get the score I was aiming for so I'll definitely be playing again to try and get that top spot! Great game, fantastic contribution, well done!

Fantastic game, amazing entry. There was so much to do in this game, the difficulty was always increasing but the reward payouts like the turret made it possible to continue tackling the mini-games whilst having various nightmares! Would have liked to have seen a little bit more story-telling within the game, either via cutscenes or an opening sequence, however as this was just a weekend jam that may be asking too much!
Really enjoyed the concept and I think it has a lot of potential to be a fully fleshed out game, especially aimed at children. Well done, you should be very proud!

Good effort, this game has a lot of potential. I particularly enjoyed using the computer, the attention to detail like clicking out of the email to open the room meeting felt very polished - continue with this and I think you can take it somewhere great.

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Nice little game, thought the puzzles were fun and made me think (but not too much, thankfully!) The instructions were clear, the soundtrack was nice and the pixel art really cute too. Could have done with some bug fixing post development as the final puzzle was slightly glitchy. Nonetheless, really enjoyed it, good job.

A really fun little jammy game, the soundtrack was a bop, the graphics were great and the automation of the game was a really cool little addition. I'd like to see this developed further! Really fun little game, well done you should be very proud of yourself!

Awesome game, the graphics and sound effects are out of this world! Getting the timing down for the parry is insanely difficult, but that's probably because I'm a bit of a button basher by nature. Loved the use of various sized enemies, really added that intimidation factor. Good job, well done!

Awesome fun! Was a blast playing games like snake and breakout again, it's been a hot minute! Really loved all the humour that you put in the game, from the Gomer and Gamer bathrooms (got any duct tape, anyone?) to the Konkey Dong (I wanted to play this so badly!), really brilliant. The sound track was a little bit repetitive but the sound effects throughout the mini games were really well done. A fantastic entry, congratulations!

I really enjoyed the visuals, the music and the sound effects, the wind whistling made me feel all chilly. Simple gameplay but sometimes it's the simple things that are effective and make for a really enjoyable experience. Good job, well done!

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Really fun and creepy little concept, the idea of tetris on a horizontal plane with enemies that can hurt you is pretty novel and I really like that. Found the controls relatively unresponsible and unreliable, moving diagonally didn't always work and often left me in a bind stuck in the corner. Really cool little soundtrack and sound effects, great effort, well done!
I think the game would have benefited from being just a few tiles bigger in all directions, the size of the tetris pieces made the controls difficult to navigate around.  

Terrifying. Just terrifying. 

Absolutely LOVED this, really enjoyed how challenging the game became as you progressed on. Loved the strategy element to looking after Grandad, the desk might have been my favourite! Really good job, you should be very happy and very proud! 

Really enjoyed this, found it absolutely hypnotizing, I could genuinely play this for hours. I mean, hours. The soundtrack was really fun and cute, so were the microbers! Got softlocked at level 6 when I died, I actually found the game so relaxing I forgot about the main objective the majority of the time. Would have liked to have known how many levels there were or if it was a go until you die type game but other than that, really great effort! Good job.

I really enjoyed this! I don't think I managed to find the correct ending though, I ran through about 4 times and couldn't figure out how to get the bodyguards gun as Marie gave it to Dr Caffein each time. Really enjoyed it regardless, as the graphics were great, the sound effects and music were immersive and the storytelling was wonderful, each character was well fleshed out for a gamejam game! Really great job.

Also, I didn't have a clock which was weird!

From gameplay mechanics to UI design to art style and soundtrack... everything about this was excellent. Really good use of colour to indicate the change in cartridge and therefore skill. Amazing contribution, you should be very proud. 

I changed the folder name as stated but unfortunately the game would not work. It opened and nothing was clickable, I would have tried adjusting resolution but I could not click the button in order to do so. Really sorry you've had problems!

Cool little top-down shooter. Enjoyed the concept of trying to clean up the blood, however the timers ran down very fast and could have been longer as it made the game too difficult. Would have benefited from a kill counter or round score keeper. 

I would have liked to have seen a counter of how many enemies remaining, I quit after a while as there didn't seem to be an end in sight. Really enjoyed the different weapons and the accompanying hit rates, the brush was a lot of fun to play with but I took a lot of damage, kudos. The soundtrack and sound effects were excellent, and the theme was clear and fun. Good job!

That ending hurt. Rock pool priest deserved better. </3

Fun little game! The concept was great, although it was very easy to find a spot and spam shoot the gun, difficulty could have definitely been a little harder as the game progressed. 

Really fantastic game you've made. Loved the music and fight sequencing. Would have liked to have seen more referencing to the capitalist theme within the scenery itself. Other than that, a stella game, good job!

Could have done with an instruction screen detailing the controls. The story felt a little unfinished, as if there was an explanation of the story missing. Other than that, a fantastic little game that tied in with the theme in a strong way. The music made me shiver and feel very on edge, fantastic result! 

Fantastic use of the theme, really creative and funny. Could have been a little longer and the swivel button could have done with being explained in the instructions, but other than that, a great game. Good job!

Really fun little game. The music and sound effects were jarring and suited the ambiance perfectly. Nice use of the theme as inspiration. I was kinda on the devils side though, Billy should go to hell for being a mass murderer! But the Devil can go to the moon, GME diamond hands forever. Good job.

Game breaking bug in level 5, the room to the right is inaccessible which means you cannot complete the level. 
The game felt a little disjointed from the theme, I could see the inspiration but didn't feel like it really connected. 
The game was fun however. Nice sound effects. 

The scream was hilarious and really made the gameplay fun. I would have liked to have seen an instruction screen. 

Love the concept! Very fun. A screen with instructions would be good, and the ability to jump whilst the room is about to turn onto the 90 degrees would be a nice feature. Art is simple and non-distracting. Good job.