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Wow, really cool game! I loved the art and the SFX. The UI and the level desing was great too, and the theme was well implemented.  Really solid game, I enjoyed playing it a lot, good job man!

Cool game! I had a lot of fun playing it, and I loved the ambiance and the 3D models of the environment. Just one thing—I felt the shooting could be a bit more responsive. Maybe adding some recoil would help, and for me, the shooting sound effect was a bit low compared to the other sounds. But aside from that, I really enjoyed it. Great job!

Super addictive game! I couldn’t stop playing until I collected all the coins. I loved the chaotic vibe, along with the great art and cool music. One suggestion: it would be nice if the note at the beginning only appeared the first time you play. Overall, the game felt really polished and fun to play. Great job!

(1 edit)

Wow, is awesome that you made this game in 1 week, really cool! Great graphics and music, nice mechanics, and the game felt really polished.  I enjoyed playing it, great job man!

Really cool game! The art and UI were great, and i found really useful the way mechanics were introduced  with the tutorial. The only thing is that is kind of hard to resist multiple rounds since you cant heal yourself. Anyway, i really enjoyed the game, Good job!

Cool game! I loved the art and the UI.  Really good implementation of the theme. The game felt really polished and smooth. Good job!

Really cool game with a lot of potential. I loved de art, and the way the game was introduced with the tutorial. The music was also good. The only thing is that a found a bit too much the amount of ingredients that you had to prepare before opening, it felt a bit repetitive over time. However, overall it was really cool playing it and i enjoyed it. I always wanted to be a kebab worker! 

Thanks man! :)

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! :)

Really cool game! I loved the art, and the music kept me immersed. I also liked how you introduced the mechanics. It was a bit challenging for me though, some checkpoints would’ve been great. But overall, I really enjoyed playing it. Great job!

Wow, amazing game! The art is cool, and the music really captivated me. The gameplay feels really satisfying, and I had a great time playing it. Well done!

(1 edit)

Wow, really cool idea! It was fun playing it and watching the kids running around. Good art and really good SFX and music aswell. Good job!

Thanks for your comment! I'm not sure what's causing the health gauge issue, because for me it does show correctly. 

Anyway, I appreciate your feedback! :)

Wow, really cool idea. The visuals were great, and specially the music was charming. I loved the concept, and the relaxing vibes it had. Good job man!

Wow, really cool game! I loved the concept, and the art was fantastic. The music and sound effects really immersed me in the experience. Great job!

Really cool game! the visuals were good, and i loved the soundtrack, it gave a really interesting mysterious and chill vibe. The gameplay was fun, boosting around with the octopus, although it might feel a bit repetitive over time. Anyway, i really enjoyed playing it, great job!

Really cool desing! I loved the visuals, and the music was also great. I really enjoyed playing it, good job!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your comment! I'm really happy to see people enjoying the game :)))

Cool game! I loved the art and the atmosphere. It felt a bit repetitive over time though. Maybe new maps or enemies with different mechanics would've been great, but I understand the limited time. Great job overall!

Really cool game! I loved the art, and even though it was short, it felt really polished. I'd love to see more levels!

I'm glad you like it!

Really cool idea! I enjoyed playing it. The art was cute and the mechanics of light and storm were really interesting. Good Job!

I appreciate your feedback. Thank you! <3

Thank you so much for the feedback! This is my first game jam, so I lack some experience. I'll definitely pay more attention to these things in future projects.

Wow, very cool and original idea. I loved the art too. The only thing is that it took me a few tries to understand what I had to do, so maybe a small tutorial explaining the objective would be helpful. Overall, the game was really fun, and I enjoyed playing it. Good job!

Really cool idea! I loved the pixel art, and it felt quite addictive. The balance was really well done—challenging but not too much. Great job!

Thank you so much!

Thanks, glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback! :)

The monster design is really cool, aswell as the art of the game. It felt so smooth and polish. I really enjoyed it, great job!

My game is a short survival game about a Gazelle in the African Savannah

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The game was so enjoyable, amazing art and the game felt so smooth and polished. Great job!

Really cool! The game felt really smooth and relaxing. The art was amazing too. Good job!

Really creative and cool idea! I enjoyed playing it, good job!

Really cool game! I've played a lot of Rusty Lake games with similar gameplay, and I have to say I loved this one. Great job!

Intel i7 processor, 8GB RAM, and NVIDIA GTX 1050. It’s kind of old, so I understand there are some games that it can’t handle.

I loved the 2D design combined with the 3D buildings. The art was cool, and the soundtrack really helped me feel immersed. The only thing I missed was some responsiveness when damaging the zombies—maybe a blood effect or something. Anyway, good job!

I loved the models; the village felt so peaceful and connected. The concept was cool, and I really enjoyed it. The only thing is that it was running at quite low FPS and felt a bit laggy, but that might just be my computer. Anyway, great job, man!

I really had fun playing it. The art was amazing, and I found it really relaxing to fish before the storm. Overall, the game had such a chill vibe, and its game loop was really well done. Great job!

Oh, thanks for the advice! I didn't even think of that. I appreciate it!