Hello while i am glad you enjoyed the game i'm sorry that i left the imperssion there were more rooms the plan was to add more to the game however as we ran out of time in reality it really just reset the level you were in i'm gonna be looking into making that not be the case in an update puts some nerfs on dashing yui sorry about the very late response
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Hello thank you for making a post (: yeah in the current state this game is unfinsihed though fun fact her name was originally gonna be Koshi but its too simiair to an already existing touhou character which was Koishi as you can see the spelling is only marignaly diffenret so it was left as Jiro but that was a hastily made descison so they're might have been some left over stuff from before i decided to keep her name as jiro
thank you for the bug report i am looking into updating this game to fix it up in areas
i am sorry for the very late response
Hello i've read you're response and have gone ahead and fix a few things there is now a how to play menu in the main menu scene.
I added a small opening cutscene that should explain that you need to leave the town to fight some monsters.
i did increase the dialogue speed for NPCs however the intro and end cutscene remains the pervious speed because I believe that it worked for them but i should have changed it up for the NPCs my bad that I did not notice it before.
also thank you for pointing out the texture compression issues, I have now gone ahead and set all of our 2D assets to use none for texture compression. Thank you for the feedback !
Hello thank you for the feedback! NPC name is the placeholder text and the reason it showed up for norm was due to a bug where it did not display his name properly. Also he was supposed to say "nice day isn't it" in the dialogue box.
the green squares are there for testing purposes but I did not have the time to remove them during the submission build
The ending was just for fun.
also I Recently released a patch that should hopefully make the game more stable and speed up battles !
i found two bugs name screen did not allow my real-life name while i understand it was above the limit when i went to change the name it crashed the game.
i also ran into a bug that involved being able to walk around when the health? was zero and only died when i got hit.
if you deicide to update the game in the future i recommend making a long-ranged attack to help with balancing so you could have the flame girl throw fire for example at the cost of being able to move when the animation for the said attack is being played.