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Fortune With YeView game page

​How can you win games of chance if you're cursed with permanent bad luck?
Submitted by snuffysam — 14 hours, 53 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 50 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The main character is a gambler who was cursed to always have bad luck, and the player literally rolls giant dice around the levels.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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A cheater cheats a cheater :) Lol that ending




This is a very pleasant game with some interesting puzzles, lovely graphics, and an amusing punchline to boot. The only big problem I had with this game is that the physics are really janky sometimes. At one point, I even got softlocked because a card got stuck in an alcove. Perhaps an ability to actually pick up and carry objects rather than just pushing them around would help to alleviate this. All in all, an impressive achievement for a 48 hour jam game. How did you finish this almost fifteen hours before the deadline?


It was submitted 15 hours before the deadline, but we made multiple updated builds in those remaining 15 hours. Didn't wanna do all that work and then forget to press submit, after all.

Huh, that's the first I've heard of an object getting stuck in the terrain and softlocking the game. Which card was it? And which part of the map did it get stuck in?


The ace of hearts used for two of the puzzles, stuck in the alcove directly under the platform where it spawns. Perhaps some form of invisible barrier that allows the player, but not objects, to pass through would help? I dunno. In any case, it's cool to see you taking interest--makes me all the more curious to see how the post-jam builds will improve! (^_^)


Oooh, I see what you're saying. The issue isn't that the card was stuck somewhere in the terrain that objects weren't supposed to be in, the issue is that the card landed in an actual "game location" that was inaccessible to the player (at the time).

I hadn't even considered glitches like that could happen... I put in failsafes in case objects got stuck inside other objects but not that... I'll definitely look into it post-jam!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Actually, it got stuck in there while the gate was already open, and try as I did, I couldn't push it back out. But any fix that keeps it out of that spot or resets it in the instance it does wind up there should do the trick!


Oh, you could have just pushed it into the water and it would have respawned. But noted!


Very cool game! Good job!




The textures look like they were painted in 3D paint, but they don't look bad. The idea of making something like a hat in time is interesting, but little touched on the idea of throwing dice.

A Hat in Time is an interesting comparison I hadn't heard before... thanks!


Cool game! I liked the aesthetic of the game a lot, and the animations were top-notch. I did have trouble solving these puzzles, but the video you linked was helpful and allowed me to progress when I got stuck. The buzzing sound effect, though, was really jarring, so an option for volume control would've been greatly appreciated. Overall though it's a very interesting game! Great job!


Thank you! Yes, controlling the volume of sound effects & music separately is one of those things that's way more time consuming in Unity than it should be, for such a universal feature.


Fun game! As others have said, the current build can be a bit frustrating to play, but it leaves me wanting to play a future build that more time and polish can go into!


Yeah, I wish we had more time to polish! Oh well, at least there's a functioning game!


Fun game! I like the idea of having to cheat to get the gold. I didn't figure out the last puzzle, I assumed I needed to get the magnet there but didn't think to use the cards to build a bridge (I watched the trailer after playing). I do think that the collision stuff is a big obstacle for players. If you wanted to keep the rolling you could have still had the player "pick up" the items but visual they still roll around, just locked in front of the player.

Overall it was really fun! Please check out and rate my game if you have time


Thank you!

The question is if the puzzle is only supposed to be figuring out which objects go where, or if part of the difficulty is physically getting the objects from one place to another?


If the challenge of moving the objects is done well I could see it working but it seems like a tough challenge!


Great concept and animation but the items would often fall through objects, and I didn't enjoy that part much. Otherwise, great game!


Thanks! Yes, I'll have to look out for those glitches when I update...!


I like the concept of a push based puzzler, just the collision needed some polish that 48 hours wasn't enough time for. I'd play a full release of this though!


Thank you so much! I'll definitely try to polish this after voting is over if I get the time!


Pushing objects is clanky and glitchy. The magnet often fell through the bridge. But overall not bad, I liked the graphics and animation of the character. I got my fun.


Yes, I think there must be some weird collision boxes there to cause objects to clip through so often.

Thank you for playing!


The main character is very cute <3  I didn't enjoy having to fight the collision detection for all the items I had to drag around though, but the puzzles were all very charming and I managed to win!  I wish I could have just picked up and dropped or tossed items though.

Thanks for the game <3

Developer (1 edit)

Well, the rolling is one of the main challenges of the game (it's in the theme name, after all). And it would take away the need to build bridges and stuff to get the items across gaps. But, I guess there could be an alternative, like you can carry items & it stops you from being able to run or jump.

Thanks for the feedback!


I loved it. I'm not sure what was the solution with the magnet, I just jumped next to the gate to pass through and get the treasure xD. The art and the feeling of movements is really great, but pushing the object is a bit tricky


Thanks for playing! If you're curious about the solution for the roulette wheel, the trailer should have some hints!


ooh, I think that I found the solution but I thought that I was wrong because the magnet just disappeared after falling on the plateform x) or maybe I just pushed it next to it and didnt see idk


You might have accidentally glitched the magnet into the floor rip...


It happens aha


Very cool game idea and nice execution! moving things can be a bit tricky but it's still easily doable. Fun game :)


I'm glad you liked it!


great art and interesting concept! I like the background story, and i like the way the cards flip up and the general phsyics feel smooth and good


Thank you!!!


moving things around was really hard! I wish it was more in my control

Developer (1 edit)

Yup, it can be difficult to line things up! I tried to have walls/pillars next to places where it was common to lose the items during playtesting, it can still be pretty difficult to get stuff around though!

But of course, that's part of the challenge innit?


Very charming presentation and solid puzzles! I do wish pushing items around was a bit less fiddly (I had a lot of trouble rotating the card and it took me several tries to get it right) but still, very impressive.


Thanks! Yeah, the original plan was to have palm trees on the island that you could use to rotate the card around... but I didn't have time to make those, so you kinda have to use the statue which is awkward.


That's understandable! The time limit is the bane of any jammer's life.


the game is nice but ended up breaking all the puzzles while trying to slove it 


If you think you've broken a puzzle, keep looking - we did extensive playtesting to make sure any of the required items respawn.

If you're really stuck, check the trailer video for some hints on how to solve the puzzles!


Nice game :), could not solve it though, since the dice was sunk

I encourage you to play again (if you want)! The puzzles require thinking outside the box - if a way seems blocked, there is probably another way. I struggled a bit with it myself...

Developer (1 edit)

Yup, what RK said! We did a lot of extensive playtesting to make sure every required element of the puzzles respawns - so if you think you're locked out of a puzzle, keep looking around!


Alright, I got it. Nice idea :)


Love the Art and Music, but I am not fortunate :)


Aww ): Well, remember the true lesson of the game - everyone is fortunate if they cheat!

Glad you liked it!


Awesome, really ambitious game! Love the art, and the lore :)


Oh, and love the music too!


Thank you! It was really fun to make!


Thank you so much!!!