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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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That's a shame, oh well. Thanks for running the Jam anyhow! :)

We had the same issue, there is a downloadable .exe but it doesn't seem to run without the Data

Hi Yair, I'm definitely down for some co-oping. We can discuss on discord if you'd like and maybe set up a Unity Collab before the theme is announced so we can hit the ground running. my discord is: TGVoice#8619 

Add me there and we can discuss more there :)

I'm a game designer and artist that would be interested in trying out a team version on the jam. Shoot me a message if you're interested in going co-op!

I'm delighted you enjoyed it and most importantly thnak you for playing and watching my video, I really appreciate it.

Lastly, thank you for the kind words, it really made my day :)

Hey, thanks for playing! that's a good point, I'll have to keep in mind the unlock part. I actually wanted it so you could fly in midair. Making it that way made it so all the levels were very easy. Since this was for a game jam, I would rather the game be too easy and everyone complete it than be too hard and people give up. Thanks so much for the comment and advice, I really appreciate it!

Very cute game and really innovative use of theme. Really enjoyed playing through the levels and puzling about. Some of the puzzles felt a bit tedious as you had to essentially reshuffle everything, move one space then repeat multiple times. Presentation is gorgeous for such simple models and environments. The game was a great experience. Fantastic Job!

Thanks LGro, that means alot from you too considering we both  did the Level up Jam too. Thanks very much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Wow, very impressive for a 48 hour jam! I really liked the artwork and personality of the characters. The weight gain was an interesting mechanic too, though I did kind of want to just keep stacking enemies and stuff. My only gripe is with the sword swing. There is a big wind up and animation in which you can't do anything. This is a bit annoying if you mistime an attack by an instance and have to wait through a 1 second animation where you can't defend yourself. Again, very minro for a 48 hour project of this calibur. Very good work!

It's a shame there were so many bugs as this game has lots of potential. The artr and music is great and the movement feels very sharp which is good. I look forward to an update after the jam if one happens

Very cleverly designed game. Making very simple rules allowed you to make such unique levels. Seriously fantasic work on the level design. I'm a big lover of musci and sounds so having something in there would have been nice but I understand time costraints. There wasn't too much introduction to the mechanics but once the I started to figure it out it became very fun. It's a shame the double move mechanic only came in for 2 levels but I understand time constraints. Great job!

This game demonstrated a few things I haven't seen yet. Firstly, the concept was so unique and I've seen nothing else like it in the jam. Great innovation! Secondly, this game showed signs of good playtesting. There are a lot of minor details that might at first place go unnoticed, but to me showed a good sense of making a contained, but well polished experience. Even the simple thing of giving the main character a unique parashoot shape to help quickly identify the most important part of the jumble of skydivers. Very well thought out. Great job!

Very fun game with a great concept. I quite like these mace swinging games and thought your blocking boxes was a good idea to prevent players from just constantly spinning in the middle. The mace took a tiny bit too long to spin up for me which made it feel very annoying when you hit a box. There is a glitch where the mace can get stuck behind  one of the boxes in which case the ropes start shooting around and the mace won't get dislodged. I'd love if when you hit enemies with the mace you got a little screen shake and a bit more of a bass-y sound, but that's real minor stuff. Great job!

This was really fun to run through and the concept is very well thought out. The art and models are also great! I would love to see more of this. Maybe some kind of power ups. Stuff that makes your ropes slice the building too or run faster or something like that. Fantastic job!

Thank you so much. I'm delighted you enjoyed it and had as much fun shooting around as I did haha. Thanks for playing :)

Thank you so much for the kind words and thank you for playing!

I;m so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for playing! I'll have to consider adding more to the game in a post jam update for people :)

Pretty nice little game. I would love to see some music or souds but I understand the time constraint may not make that possible. The art is quite cute and the concept is pretty good. Good job!

Art and music is fantastic and I really enjoyed  playing through it. There are a few issues, mainly how you can stick to walls (This is a common problem in unity), you can get around this by giving the players frictionless physics materials. When you complete a level you can go back to it off screen, meaning you can lose your players easily by accidentally going backwards, combine this with death bringing you back to the start instead of a checkpoint can be a tiny bit frustrating. All in all great experience, and definitely one of the kinds of games where a screenshot on any frame is instant art! Great job!

Great music and art, but the concept was best for me. Loved the untieing ropes and found myself getting way more invested than I thought I would haha. The puzzles are challenging and certainly well thought out. Great job!

Very fun. The different buffs/debuffs are very cleverly thought out and well implemented. There is a small bit of slow down when lots of enemies and bullets are on screen, but otherwise great work!

Thank you so much :)

Yeah, I wanted to implement a par or timer system but just didn't quite have the time to get it all in. Given some more time I would make a goal of using  as few shots or least time possible

That is true but I actually wanted to keep it that way. I'd rather the game be far too easy and everyone get through it than too challenging and have people leave before finishing the game. Leave them wanting more and whatnot. Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate it!

The arrow thing isn't a bug, I wanted people to be able to chain shots and essentially create a perpetual flight kind of thing. Yeah I was running close to the wire soo didn't have time to make the vocals continue on if you died but end if you get to the next level

Building branching path narrative is often super tough so good job making one particularly in a 48 hour jam. I felt constantly engaged and enjoyed where the story went. I would have liked to have some small background music just to help with tone setting but obviously that's not necessarily possible during a jam. All the dialogue system seemed well handled too making for a good product. Well done!

I quite liked the on-rails shooted vibe and pairing up with friends is nice. I would have liked the option to shoot the red boxes too as they really annoyed me and I would have liked some revenge haha. The game's base mechanics reminded me of the Brackeys projects and he always made some good stuff. All in all great job!you should be proud of your work. It's easy in game jams to focus on what you didn't get into the game that you wanted but it's important to focus more on what you did manage to achieve! So don't beat yourself up. You made something damn cool!

I very much enjoyed playing this. My only problem is the screen was too big for my laptop screen which meant I couldn't see anythig around the edges. It might just be my laptop screen size causing issues but might be something worth considering in the future. What I managed to get through I very much enjoyed and really liked the growing escalation in the game. Great job!

This is one of the more unique games I've seen and I love it. I really like the individual factoids about each rat, shows a lot of comitment. The controls are difficult but in a fun way. My only issue is that traps blend a little bit into the background which makes them hard to see at first and notice they are something to be avoided. Maybe just a black outline might make them stand out more. Otherwise great storytelling and really good concept for the game!

Very good job and great use of theme. I could definitely see this being extrapolated on, with different animals giving different perks. Sure you could even make it into something like that snake Rogue-lite that released recently "SNKRX". Great job!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm really glad you liked it and thank you so much for playing! I really appreciate the time :)

Great job on theme implementation and the titles and menus are well designed. I like the mechanic of hitting enemies with a mace but it feels a little unsatisfying with how quickly the mace decellerates on hit. Also since you can kill enemies with just colliding the mace with them it doesn't require any velocity to kill. Maybe a minimum velocity required to kill would do well. Once I got the mace spinning and moving around though it was rather fun and I'd love to see where this concept goes!

A very good entry. Great use of theme and the general art style and mechanics are very nice! The morals of different endings was very interesting too. Really good job!

The art style in this is absolutely gorgeous, and the music is very soothing. For something created in such a short period it has a  very cohesive aesthetic, and the correspondence between the items in the mirror and the potions was good - not too obvious, but also not too tricky. It was really chill to play, and I'd love to see how you might expand on it in future! 

I absolutely love the art in this game, the spider, backgrounds and overall setting were really great. The mechanics were really interesting, it took a while to get used to how bouncy the spider was but it was really enjoyable once I did. It would be nice to see this developed further - while the spider crawling animation is great, it isn't aplied to vertical movement or horizontal movement when you're clinging to stuff, which kind of breaks you out of the game a little, and the size og the hit boxes seemed to vary a bit. With all that said, I really enjoyed it and I think it will make a really great game with a little more polish!

I really, really enjoy this concept. Having Cerberus split into three separate dogs (more dogs the merrier!) made for some very interesting gameplay, but at times the combination of WASD navigation and IJKL stay/power commands got a little confusing and overwhelming, particularly when multiple enemies approach. The sprites are gorgeous, Cerberus and enemies alike, but given how detailed they are it feels like the backgrounds paled in comparison. Honestly with a little polish this would make a game I'd play for hours!

Quite fun though I'm surprised there is no itch hosted version. The lack of music is a bit sad but understandable from a jam. It does feel a bit unfair at times when a rogue pentagon comes darting in from off screen. You don't get much time to react

I really enjoyed this game - visually the monochrome scheme  is very striking, characters and settings are clear and interesting. The creation of weapons with bones was very fun, as were the interactions with the surroundings. I'd be einterested to see this expanded on, with things like a death animation and a conclusive ending, would definitely play again!