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The P.A.L.

A member registered May 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Honnestly, I didn't really understood how to play (never player this kind of game before), and yet I enjoyed my time. Even if I was mostly spamming I felt like I somehow was still doing the right thing most of the time. Some DOOM vibes here and there, I also see the Evangelion references...

Overall, it's not a game I would play, but it is a nice and enjoyable experience even so! Nice job!

This is probably one of my top 3 favorite games of this jam. I love the main theme and the overall music and SFX, the game was a little hard for me at the start because I'm not really used to this kind of games (like an X-Wing fighter in Star Wars for example) but even so I really enjoyed my time from the begining to the end; loved the story too, sounded like some sort of Top Gun in space...

Did I already said the main theme is awesome? (I'm litterally listening it while I write this)

really hope this will be one of the highest ranked games of this jam and who knows, maybe you'll continue working on the game to make it bigger... Because I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy that!

Awesome game and godlike music (especially the main theme)!

I had some trouble with the first level (not really used to that kind of game), but gosh it was a blast. Definitely want more!

This game is awesome. I love the stealth system, feels like a Hitman but trying to mess arround instead of "doing his job", also love the jokes here and there... Slightly sad there was no music (I played only the web version), but I feel like it's actually better, especially with the cool SFX...

I'd love to play more of this :D

The game feels a little short (only about 3 or 4 ennemy waves) and there's no way to see how long you're playing (a score system would have been great). Maybe also making sure the ship moves with the same increments of space, otherwise the shooting can get tricky sometimes.

Besides that, I do feel like you tried your best on the game, you didn't make any music sadly but you made some SFX, and if you didn't had any musician I can understand it. I also like how the player's bullets are slightly different from the ennemies ones.

It was a short yet fun experience, good work!

Nice little arcade game, sometimes I felt like I was doing nothing but spamming but it was fun even so. Seeing how I could go to a floor and switch it before the aliens got out of the elevator was funny too.

Great game!

The repetitive farming is an issue we'll deal with after the jam ends, but I don't think we thought about adding some tools or stuff to make farming quicker and easier... So thank you for the suggestion, and thanks for playing too!

The game is unfinished in a few spots but even so it was fun.
I enjoyed the blackjack minigame as well. 

Nice job 👍

Short but sweet game, a few things on the screen didn't make sense to me but I enjoyed playing anyway 👍

One of the best (if not the best) interpretation of the Space theme. The last level was really hard for me (because of the speed you gain while reading "This is the last one") but I enjoyed my time playing. Good work!

My fist has never been so quick in my whole life...

Nice puzzle game, not too easy nor too hard. I like the ship customisation options as a reward for playing. Fun game!

This is the kind of game I'm ready to buy for $5 on Steam and play it every once in a while just to reach the highest amount of moon dust possible.

Fun, looks great, nice mechanics and music... Excellent game!

Nice game and movement, nice music too. The platforming is great and there's more areas to explore than I thought... Really nice game for this jam!

The inputs were a little tricky sometimes, but besides that it was kind of fun using books to reach some stuff and eventually to create your custom rocket. Sweet game!

Great level design, great music and art too. My biggest concern are the inputs (on keyboard), sometimes I'm using the grapple upwards but ends up being foward, and you need to open the parasol only after you "ungrapple" yourself, which is pretty hard to time because of the speed of the character.

That said, it might be just me having trouble... Overall the game is really fun!

Nice game, simple concept but hard to master. I never played Volleyball and  got demolished by a smiling alien potato... But it was fun anyway.!

The movement and animations are really nice, the music is slightly repetitive over time but it's nice anyway, same thing with surrounding (platforms and ground). Nice game!

I didn't really enjoyed the movement that felt very hazardous (you could reach high speeds (good) but the "brakes" are really slow), and yet, even if the begining was pretty slow, I enjoyed my time playing the game!

The Milky Way is no more. Only the Space Cowboy remains.

Original take on the theme (mostly with the airport part) and nice graphics. Sadly I felt like I could dispatch the containers to the wrong space dock and nothing would happend, but as you said you didn't impemented everything you wanted and I think the barcode at the bottom is supposed to tell the player where each luggage must go (Moo for Moon I guess, Mar for Mars but probably not implemented).

I enjoyed what I played though!

Really nice music, nice concept too. I like how you can choose both the level you start in and the ship you want to play with, also like the way you can sometimes choose what to get (Shop, "???", or else). Great job!

(1 edit)

Nice art and music, the overall style is very cool. Sadly the asteroids can literally spawn on the player (I got spawnkilled...), but besides that it was a fun experience!

Nice visuals, nice concept, music, gameplay... Everything and looks feels awesome! I like how the helmet shows how many hps you have left, and the evolving powerups are a nice touch too. There was a few glitchy asteroids (indestructible and didn't hurt the cat) but it's not game breaking or annoying.

I wonder if my cat does any of this while I sleep though...

A slightly short game, but if you did it alone in 24 hours the game is already insane. Pretty fun to play, the controls feel gameboyish (not too easy nor too tricky), nice graphics and fun story...

I actually want more (゜▽゜)

love how the game looks with the color palette and design, it was hard to understand how the game worked but after a minute or two of experimenting and looking at the gifs of the game I understood how to play and honestly, it was really fun! Not too hard but not too easy neither ; I dare saying the music is a serenade to the gamejam...

Nice work!!

Thank you for such a detailed review! We initially planned to make some minigame that you need to finish in order to actuall collect the material and eventually to even add some events every few sols, but again, it was hard to make all of it when only two people worked out of five...

We also found out about the R+ collecting glitch (after the submissions ended though), but we're planning on working on an updated version that should look more like what we imagined in the begining of the jam, and hopefully make the "farming" more enjoyable and with more rewards than just "Hey, you have a new room!".

Glad you enjoyed it this version :)

Very nice game, I love how you are supposed to play a Tetris section in order to use the compactor (although it would have been nice if we could get more points for deleting multiple lines of waste simultaneously). The main menu got a little glitchy after I finished the run (I wasn't able to see what menu was currently selected, but it was fun anyway. Nice little arcade game!

I like how you can create your own ship, I was a little struggling with the inputs but after a few minutes of practice it got better. I could find a lot of ennemies (I found only one in 2 minutes) but I still enjoyed the building part!

The RNG was quite intresting and overall the monsters were fun to play too, sadly no music at all. It almost felt like I was speedrunning a Pokemon game with the most optimal route X)

The begining was very slow, and sadly when you reach space and play "after the ending" you can't really buy a lot of stuff because of the limit, but when you max everything up and keep playing... it's amazing.

Repetitive yet intresting. You could either run for the high score or try to design a room the way you want... I like how you can rearrange the furniture however you like, nice little story too!

We noticed this only after we saw a few people play the game, but we'll definitely change this so that is doesn't feel as repetitive as it is right now and that you have different events happening to make each Sol a fresh start. Thanks for the help :D

The game looks and sounds amazing, even if as you said the game will not run on an actual Gameboy. There's a few things I would change, like making the turrets shoot by themselves instead of me spamming Z as if this was a matter of life and death (well, it technically is, but you got my point I hope), but even with the spamming I enjoyed my time. Nice game!

Sadly the current version is quite short, but I enjoyed what I played anyways. I really liked the way menus appear (with this sort of color steps)!

I had a lot of trouble with shooting down asteroids and collecting the garbage instead of doing the opposite, but getting some of your health back when you do collect some space waste was a very nice feature.

Fun game, and superb music!

I felt the puzzles were easy sometimes, but the game overall is pretty nice! I like the secondary theme was interpreted 👏

Nice little game, pretty minimalistic in a good way. Had a few "Only Up" and "Getting Over It" vibes when I felt down 50 clouds below me, but it was fun!

(1 edit)

Thanks for checking out our game!

We didn't have a lot of time and ressources to make the game as we initially wanted (we were two people out of five to actually work), but after seeing a few people playing the game I must admit that besides some jokes there wasn't any reward indeed for progressing. We'll try to fix that after the gamejam have ended.  Thanks for your comment 👍

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the music and the jokes, although could you tell us what was a little harsh for you? We can't change the game for the next two weeks but we do have planned to make it (at least a little) bigger and better after the gamejam ends, so maybe we could change that harsh part too 👍