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A member registered Feb 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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Real, this jam gave me so much more knowledge in those areas AND I have more stuff to show to people for my demo reel/commissions/freelance work? I see this as an absolute win!

Okay but if I’m not in the top 20 I won’t be in the top 20!

but fr I did this jam to force myself to learn to make quality music quickly in a DAW and get myself out of one of the biggest creative ruts of my life. And it did just that for me. I’m happy with that no matter what the result :3

(1 edit)

OH MY GOD THE JUMPSCARE AT THE START - One of the most dignified takes on synth-y music I’ve seen here. This is your music and it cannot be easily replicated. Super inspiring to listen to, a hidden gem. The mix is always spot-on and there’s never a dull moment! The way you process vocal samples, the amount of moving parts, the commitment to being big and scary and vulnerable and emotional. Easily a top 5 for me!!!!!!!!!

Great use of the motif throughout. Strong sense of Identity here. Though (if I may offer one critique) I would love to see the other ideas you have shine a bit more. They’re great, and I would love to hear them break out of the texture more! I think “Surface Scattered” does this very well. If the other tracks had a bit more of that it would make everything all the more memorable! Overall, great job, and a very fun listen!

One of the most unique submissions I’ve seen! Love the sound design and and your willingness to be “in-your-face” with ZERO apology. The goofiness is one of the biggest strengths. You know how to commit to an idea and when it’s time for a break; a very delicate and difficult part of the composing process. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!

This reminds me a lot of “LSD: Dream Emulator”, super creepy and unfamiliar vibes. Very analog and experimental sounding. Well done!

Love love love your sense of musical identity! It’s almost timeless, but oh so refreshing. The mix is nice and wide, everything feels together. This is awesome!!!! idk i’m lost for words on what else to say this is so good.

Short, sweet, and to the point. This is a prime example of a 5-star “correlation to the theme”. You can really feel the picture theme without even needing to read the submission. The mixing is just… sublime. Nice and wide, and the levels are right where they need to be. I really dislike ambient/trancy music; that being said, this is definitely a top 10 for me!

I applaud you for essentially going fully organic and essentially fully performing this work. I think you could have probably taken some more time to dial in the mix, quantize, etc, but your harmonic language and use of texture keeps things interesting throughout. Nice job!

This is definitely one of the more “out there” soundtracks submitted but I’m here for it! Reminds me a lot of composers from the early days of minimalism and experimentalism with electronics. Super wavy vibes and a calm but cautious atmosphere. Great job!

GEEBUS RICE THAT IS ONE LOOOOOOOOOOONG BOI ngl, I kinda skipped around the tracks once I had a feel for them, but I will be coming back when I don’t have such a big backlog of ratings to get to.

There’s something about this that, even behind the lore and the convoluted way of describing the music and stuff, is really raw. Like I hardly feel human while listening to this. It’s almost otherworldly, despite how groovy and fun everything is when you get into it.

Hoping this gets more rates because it is buried so deep down compared to where it should be. This is GREAT!!

Love the overall vibe here! I wish I could hear more stretched out versions of most of these. You’ve got the ideas; I just want moar. Underwater vibes are great and super helpful in making the overall identity of the work!

Geez! You put a lot into those 2 tracks, especially that 9 minute long one! I really commend you for being able to hold the listener’s attention for that long. I can totally see some vibes from games like Celeste and Minecraft. I see these working in an actual game loop! Love how wide the sound is, and the clarity in your mix is on point!

This is great! As other comments have said, you’re a lot better at mixing than you think! Everything is super clear and feels full. Groovy stuff going on as well; love the odd meters and changes of pace throughout. Well done!

Love love love! Great harmonic language, great mixing. I talked to you about it already on discord but this is a favorite for me!

Good things you got going here! I’d love to see the ideas in this get their own track. Perhaps this is the start of something bigger? You have a good sense of where things belong in the sound, and I think that intuition really helps keep the listener locked in!

You have a very good sense of defining a soundscape and staying “in character” throughout the OST. Your harmonic language, especially in River Styx shines through and makes things really interesting! If I could offer one bit of critique, I would love to see you commit more to changes in the music. I can tell when you have new ideas coming up, and they’re great! Don’t be afraid to give them some spotlight; it’ll only make them that much more memorable.

Overall great sound, solid mixing, groovy, and flowing. Great job!

(2 edits)

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!

I thought you would run out of ideas and variation by like track 4 but there’s always something new right around the corner! Lots of variation in style, but still all one musical identity, which is super impressive. I don’t know if I have something to say about every track, because everything is super catchy and there’s always something there to keep you pulled in! I couldn’t help but listen to everything in full despite your warning about the length in the description, it’s just so juicy!

Clean mixes, groovy, overall super fun to listen to! Chiptuney stuff is usually super grating to me but you make it work in your mixing and variation in texture. I never thought I would actually relate to our pencil-hero souley through music but there’s somethin about this that really pulls you in!

One of the gems so far! Great sense of motion throughout, and very emotive lines.

def one of my favorites! I remember seeing this in the devlog chat, and it’s even better than I remember!