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A jam submission

Vojtěch Onufer - Bubble World OSTView project page

Electronic, ethereal
Submitted by ebility — 1 day, 14 hours before the deadline
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Vojtěch Onufer - Bubble World OST's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1423.8403.840

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Electronic, ambient, ethereal. The game "Bubble World" is a beautiful adventure with a deep lore and ethereal feel. First track is a welcome track, its the first track you hear, when you are teleported into the Lands. Second track is the main theme of the game. I used FL Studio to make the tracks.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I used the theme as a main inspiration. Both the text and the picture theme were making me feel dreamy and ethereal. I wanted to make something beautiful and yet little bit experimental and dreamy, because inside my world, nothing really makes sense. I also came up with the name "Bubble World" because of the picture theme.

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Soundtrack use permission


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WOW... These two tracks made me feel like I was in a huge cave filled with crystals that shoot lasers...

Please try to make a game with such an entourage! Please

I want to play a game like this...


Thank you kindly! I would certainly want to try making that game, if I will ever learn propetly how to code haha.


Great work on the textures on the first track, very etheral feeling! It puts you in the mood :)

After the calm introduction, I was surprised when the bass came in the main theme, but it helped the track conveying that dreamy "inside my world" vibe. And when it evolves into this rising wave... so coooool :D

Great work on the sound and aestethics !!


Thank you soo much!! It really warms my heart.


The ambience is really cool, I love the implementation of nature SFX and I think it works great to help visualize the world! I really dig the chill tone and the composition is simple but effective. Great work, thanks for sharing!


Thank you  for your opinion, I always love to hear positive feedback.


As I promised, here I am!

I love the atmospheric nature of these tracks! The addition of synths to the tracks is also greatly appreciated, it adds to the ambience really nicely. I also really like the climax of track two, the combination of synths and the bass go really well together!

Overall just a really well done submission, nice going! I'm curious to see what else you can come up with in the future.

That's all I have to say really, have a great day! :D


Thank you soo much for the feedback!


Pretty nice, first track Welcome to The Lands is super ambient, mix well done, composition I think it lacks something it doesn't really change at all, no motion, unless that exactly what we're looking for I think even for ambient track we can move a bit somewhere. Main theme is pretty nice, didn't expect the Bass not gonna lie. The rythm of the piano feel a little off but maybe thats just an illusion, other than that, nice soundscape. Well done !


Really appreciate the feedback. The first track is kinda aiming for that repeatable feel. And the piano in the second track can feel off, but paradoxically it's of the few things that are not off, because everything is a little off, except piano, bass and drums.


I really love the sound design in both tracks, some excellent synth noises in there! Welcome To The Lands is a fantastic ambient piece, for some reason it brings to mind the menu music from the PS3 and PS4. I love the main theme too, the heavy bass is surprising when it first comes in but it works!

Overall this is a great submission!


Thank you so much! I really love the PS3/4 comparison haha.


that giant bass swell in track 2 was super cool, I think it added a really fun touch and kinded reminded me of some stuff ive heard in sci fi/fantasy style games (cant name em off the top of my head this is youtube video essay background music brain speaking here). In welcome to the lands, those higher chord plucks feel a little off to me, it might have been a choice to do that which if so, completely fair! I would like to hear what your ideas with that track were, because it is interesting and i feel bad that I don't entirely get it. 


First off, thanks for the feedback! And second, 'Welcome To The Lands!' is meant to be a kind of pretty, but it is mainly meant to emit this sense of unknowness and mystery, you should feel a little "off", because you don't know what is coming and you don't know what to expect in this game.


Short, sweet, and to the point. This is a prime example of a 5-star “correlation to the theme”. You can really feel the picture theme without even needing to read the submission. The mixing is just… sublime. Nice and wide, and the levels are right where they need to be. I really dislike ambient/trancy music; that being said, this is definitely a top 10 for me!


I am really honored you liked this and your words really made my day, I mean it. Thank you very much.


really great like the texture and the piercing bass in track 2.


Thank you kindly.


Nice ambient music dude !


Thank you!


Nice ambient sounding, so mellow and watery) Maybe too much bass in second track, but overall pretty sound.


I can see that, thanks for the feedback!


I really loved Bubble World! That was a really cool submission. I feel the mix is actually well done too!


Thank you very much for your kind words!!!


Very interesting work, curious to see where you would have gone had you made a third track.


Thanks! I did not manage my time very well for the challenge, but maybe in the future I could expand the OST.


very nice but I think the synths in the second song got a bit too loud in some sections and it was distracting.


Thank you for the feedback!


Great work with these! Really like of blend of piano and synth in the 2nd track, and you squeeze some surprisingly dark sonorités out of that one! Well done overall.


Thank you!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Interesting soundtrack, I really like the textures you used on the first track. The main theme also has a pretty creative blend of instruments. Nice work!




very particular choice of sounds, an extra point for creativity 🫡

Overall the soundtrack is very relaxing and the details in the background capture the attention (the fact of using nature sounds is also nice). the only note I want to make is on the repetitiveness of the harmonies/melodies. Even just by creating a theme B as opposed to theme A, you would keep attention high for a long time. beyond this detail, you did a very good job, good luck man😉


Thank you for the feedback man!