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A jam submission

In My Dreams (OST Composing Jam #7)View project page

The #OSTCompJam submission, cool
Submitted by Lune Limbo — 14 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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In My Dreams (OST Composing Jam #7)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3223.4213.421

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: Video Game Music, Digital Fusion Synth. (I actually have no idea.)
Software: FL Studio 21.

Inspirations: Figment, Hollow Knight, Pikuniku and Omori.
Chosen theme: Text and Image.

Message from the artist
I would like to thank you for having the opportunity to participate in this competition.
I hope you like the songs I made, I'm not so confident about whether I'll "win" or not but every song here has great emotional value so thanks for everything again


Inside my world
Picture theme

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Interesting ideas, very original, never heard something like this. Good job !

Submitted (1 edit)

The omori inspiration is strong with this one! I think your instrumentation, use of sound effects, and melodic ideas were absolutely your strength here as it gave your submission a very personal feel; i feel like i got to understand a lot about how you approach music from this, which is a good thing! I think Nightmares On The Loose was absolutely my favourite, the beginning really felt uncanny and matched the vibes of the title perfectly. I do have two notes for you:

1. Ive seen it mentioned by someone else here, but I think in general your percussion and soud effects if well used were a bit on the harsher side sonically, experimenting with volume at the very least and looking up some resources on how to mix your drums (im certainly NOT someone to give advice about that aspect myself) will help the overall feel of the song be a lot smoother

2. I think sometimes you find an idea you really like and stick with it through rain and shine, which can be a really good idea but what you need to make it more engaging to the listener is development! I don't know what your intention was for how some of these tracks would appear in game and how that correlates to length, but "You Did It" I think could either have been a shorter loop, or something that had a few more different ideas to help differentiate the song as you went through

Overall good though, i know the feedback i gave is a bit daunting length wise but i promise i still really enjoyed this and wanted to make my feedback as clear as possible. You should be proud!


One of the most unique submissions I’ve seen! Love the sound design and and your willingness to be “in-your-face” with ZERO apology. The goofiness is one of the biggest strengths. You know how to commit to an idea and when it’s time for a break; a very delicate and difficult part of the composing process. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!


Very coherent submission, all the tracks are so good, feel related without being repetitives. GG !


Very good submission! All the tracks are great, various ideas, and a clear style. Your loops don't seem to get boring which is very nice. The only thing that bothered me was in Bubbles and More Bubbles, ironically, the bubbles. It's the combination of randomness and volume I think, that makes it hard to get in the flow of the music. In my sense, they could remain random, it's interesting, but stand out less in the mix.

Other than that, really cool. Meow synths are always welcome.


Very VERY goofy and so much fun! 

I really liked all the poems in the descriptions they felt like hollow knight lore!


Is that a long soundtrack?! I LOVE LONG SOUNDTRACKS!

Sleep Well is a little start and then... cute but also a little sad chorus... Sounds like a good start!

In my dreams - wHOOP wHOOP wHOOP wHOOP MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW (You used the funniest synthesizers you could use, lol)

Bubbles and More Bubbles - and more bubbles and more bubbles and more bubbles and more bubbles.... Heh... That's an echo of the cat in the background.... Beautiful!

Time is everything - Why the beginning of this track reminded me of the slightly slowed down rhythm from Tarantella Napoletana, heh) A very mysterious track with a little sense of time passing. (boing boing io). Very nice time atmosphere and the sound of the cash register makes.... sad? It's like we get the message that we pay for money with time, which passes very quickly.....

It's Dark There - well, despite the fact that it's dark right now.... But it's positive music! (Sort of)

Nightmares on the loose - Oh, I love that boss theme. Epic theme and I love that pounding drum beat! To be honest... I got the slight impression that the boss is a Jew.... heh... Definitely this is my favorite among this soundtrack!

You did it - Yoohoo! I did it! Only I'm a little confused why you have to stretch the theme of defeating the boss so far..... But it sounds cool!

Everything will be ok - That sounds... cozy and lulling to me. Heh) I love that you used the motif from Sleep Well in Everything will be ok. I love it! Good ending to the soundtrack.

You have created a very interesting and creative soundtrack! The different tracks have a common theme and are fun! Thank you for the music!



Nightmares on the loose such a gem, great track! But bit too harsh percussion. Overall interesting vibe. Great job =)


I definitely hear the Omori inspiration, especially in "In my dreams".

Some of the sound effects I think are used a little too frequently, like the bubble sound in "Bubbles and More Bubbles". It was a little distracting for me.

"Nightmares on the loose" was my favorite. Whimsical and driving.

Great job on this submission! There's a lot of character.


I like how much the pitch varied in Bubbles and more Bubbles, it's a great way to keep (what sounds like) the same bubble sample fresh! Overall very creative and very correlated to the theme!


Very catchy! Amazed you got so many tracks done.


Evocative soundtracks with great sound design !


Extremely creative and catchy. The "You did it" song was my favorite.


Very playful!