Oh my God I completely forgot about the Linux export
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I've seen a couple games about planets and so far none of them talked which I thought was really nice. I also really liked how you made a game specifically about not revolving, but it still fits the theme. The gameplay was really creative and pretty well suited for a procedural world, but it got a little confusing at times, specfically when the suns first started attacking me or when some arrows seemed to lead to nothing. Overall I really enjoyed it though
Even though it's a little rough around the edges, I absolutely loved running around and exploring the levels. Platforming was a little floaty and the dash worked pretty well, except there was nothing stopping me from just yamming it repeatedly and shooting across the level. Music was very calming and jelly boy was very cute too.
really cute story, and the troops were surprisingly balanced and unique, especially for a jam game. The gameplay was deep enough to keep me thinking on every turn, and could make for a pretty dynamic strategy game. The music got a little annoying after a while, but it didn't really take away from the game
This was amazingly well done, I also took a "revolutions per minute" interpretation of the theme. The tracks were very pleasant to look at and I'm assuming they were procedural? The driving itself was a good mix of chaotic, but still very tight, and the AI worked shockingly well for a jam game. The polish and quality is really impressive.
The art style is really pleasant, even if the music wasn't as nice to listen to. I liked the concept a lot, and discovering how to use the different characters made for some fun gameplay. That was kind of offset by how unbalanced they all the abilities were, and how having so many characters moving around could make it hard to keep track of what was happening
My friend was playing through my game today and ended up stuck on a level because it wouldn't let him use the left and right arrow keys at the same time. He got around this using another bug, where he clicked off of the screen and let go of the left arrow, clicked back on, and pressed the right arrow. It wasn't exactly a new feature but I did try and encourage the player to explore new was to use their controls so I think, as a bug, it fit into the game pretty well.
You can check it out (hopefully bug free for you) here https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/463668