Haven't seen that happen before, thanks for letting me know. I'll have a look into it for the next patch.
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Cheers, done another 20 hours or so of work on the game since the February jam and planning to put up a new demo soon. Main additions are the upgrade item system that lets you build your character in different ways (various effects like making enemies explode on death or firing more projectiles) and some more enemy variety. Still deciding when to drop the update but likely be sometime within the next week.

Love the art style and the boss designs. Augment system and destructible terrain is also really cool. Be interested in seeing what you guys decide to do with the game in the future.
Ran into a similar bug to se1end where after I died I had to watch the opening cutscene again, but after it ended I was teleported straight into the tortoise fight with no weapons. Able to work around this by reloading the itch page though.
No you're right there's only one boss in the jam version, planning to add more in future though. Also yeah the shotgun ended up being a bit overtuned, I did want it to be stronger than the blaster up close but I think the DPS is something like 6x as much if you land all your shots so definitely needs a rebalance.
Glad you liked the art, took me a while to get it done but I'm happy with how it turned out.
Thanks, glad to hear the gunplay feels good since that's the main thing I wanted to get right.
I'll have to check out the import settings for the music and make sure that its setup to loop correctly. I'll definitely try out your suggestion for falling projectile attack and see how it plays, should be fairly easy to implement the change. Also the more I develop the game the more I think upping the gravity like you mentioned would probably suit it better, since you need to be able to quickly dodge attacks in a boss rush game. Platforms ended up being a bit hacky due to time constraints, but I'm planning to make it so you can jump and drop through them so they should be easier to use in future versions.
Hi, thanks for playing another one of my games. Had to cut the scope down quite a lot from what I originally had in mind (was hoping to have some more enemy types like the pumpkin in the thumbnail) but I'm glad to hear you had fun with it. Also I'll have to take a look at the WaveManager code again because it seems to be spawning way more enemies than I intended. Think its probably due to a weird interaction with the multiple shotgun projectiles causing a single enemy's death to register multiple times, which causes the next wave to spawn earlier than it should.
I'll be sure to check out the discord, and thanks for hosting the jam!
Thanks for playing! Yeah the fireball could definitely use some adjustment, I originally designed it in a large empty test room but it doesn't work so well with the narrow corridors that the walker algorithm generates. I'll try your suggestions out, think they should make the fireball less awkward to use.
Ended up playing this for a lot longer than I planned to, game was a lot of fun. Impressed with the number of different shot effects you had to choose from, especially considering the time constraints of the jam.
Be cool to see some more enemy variety and descriptions for the upgrades if you decide to continue working on the game after the jam.
Combat took me a little bit of figuring out but had a nice amount of depth to it once I understood what was happening. If you decide to update the game after the jam I think it would be nice to have a bit more audio/visual feedback when attacking or being attacked by the enemy.
Really liked the music and art style as well as the way you worked in the theme with the corporate and fantasy worlds.
Very unique premise for a dungeon crawler and I also really like the art style you've gone with. I also appreciate the lighter hearted tone and humour.
If you decide you want to keep working on it after the jam I'd suggest increasing the move/rotation speed as it feels somewhat slow when compared to the size of the dungeons. It would also be nice to have the option to hold down the W/S key to keep moving forwards/backwards instead of having to press it for each step.
Could also be worth including an auto-map feature and/or some more landmarks in the dungeons to make them easier to navigate.
Enjoyed my time with the game and I think the core gameplay loop has a lot of potential so I'd be interested in seeing what you do with it after the jam.
Hi thanks for playing glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Yes it was made in RPGMaker MV, I used the MV3D plugin that CutieVirus made (https://cutievirus.itch.io/mv3d) for the 3D and forcing the first person perspective.
Also yeah I think if I end up doing more work on the game after the jam it would be worth making it so all the chests have unique items or gold. I remember playing other RPGs and finding it annoying when the item you just spent all your gold on shows up in a chest 5 minutes later so will definitely swap the Tyrant Armour out for something else.
Had a bit of trouble deciding on the encounter rate too, average of 30 steps felt too low but think 15 might be a bit much if you don't already know where to go. Think I have an idea for how I can put the enemy encounters on the map and get rid of the random ones, might require me to rework some of floors with narrower hallways so the player has room to dodge them but reckon it should be doable in a later version.
The graphics and animations were made by a user called Marumugi4510 (all from this pack: https://koji-marumugi.itch.io/8bit-retro-graphic-materials-all-in-one-pack). Think he's also made an NES collection too but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.