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Phantom FallView game page

Steal souls, escape from death, and conquer the underworld!
Submitted by Lunadyn, Shane Mesa (@theShaneMesa), nathanperkins, Sola, richiesenpai (@richiesenpai) — 6 minutes, 42 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme Relevance#153.7063.706

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This is probably one of the best games in the jam! kudos to you guys! gameplay is fair and simple but also challenging. the bats are quite difficult though but overall i enjoyed the game


Hnnng, thank you very much!! ❤️

And yes... the bats have given me a hard time too HAHA XD


Wow! I think this is just the best game jam game I've ever played!

The only thing I miss is a settings-menu. So that you can adjust the volume. 

But besides that it looks like you could throw this game as it is on steam and people would buy it. One more: I would change the jump to the [spacebar]. I'm playing on a german keyboard and the [z] and [y] keys are swapped. Fornutately your game is smart enough to notice that. While the UI shows [z] I did jump with [y]. 

Well - for me it wouldn't be a suprise if you win this jam. Because you really did an awesome job and the game would deserve it!


Hey, thank you so much for the encouraging words Tomate! Super sweet! :D It would be totally cool to explore the idea of throwing it onto steam! Haha.

And you bring up really important points that our team didn't really consider - how European/German keyboards have z/y keys flipped. For the UI keys on screen, that'd definitely be a little weird to not have the right keys notated on the tooltips! Will definitely need to think about how to adjust for that in the future! :D Thank you for bringing it to our attention~!

And thank you again! For the generous comment and playing our game. ^ ㅡ^

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

This game is amazing! Great work.

It is fun to play, feels polished, the art is also really good, music is cool and every sound and animation fits right with the gameplay, wich is also great.

I was just wondering if the enemies appear in such a way that you can never land on top of one of them when you go down to the next level.


D'awwww, thank you!! I appreciate all the warm thoughts you're sending! 

And yes, I think that would be a good alteration of one of the spawn points! I myself have had a couple struggles when landing in a level filled with some bats XD Or maybe that's just me... being bad at gaming 💦 HAHA


I find it hard to believe that this was even a game jam entry that was made in a week - it feels so complete and polished! The sprites, animations, and overall aesthetics are fantastic and charming. The game was simple to understand and fun to play, and the tutorial was excellently done (you guys even had a "skip tutorial" option!). The music is really nice, and the sound design is excellent as well. Great job to everyone involved!

The only feedback I really have is that the movement can be made to be a little quicker and smoother - however this is a really minor nitpick in relation to the rest of the game, however I mention it should you guys revisit this game in the future to expand upon it.

(Don't mean to brag, but my record is 2496m across ~5 tries.)


NOTE: if it seemed like I was spamming, I was commenting through the itch.io desktop app and it had an issue where it didn't seem like the submit button was working and ended up clicking "submit" multiple times before realizing that it was only not showing in the desktop app. Sorry about that!


I only saw the original post, so no worries! :D


Thanks so much for trying out the game! Glad to know that the tutorial was OK to follow through! :D We wanted to put in a little bit of guidance and threw that together in the last few hours of the jam haha. I think you make a really valid point about movement! We can definitely look into it if we decide to expand on the game! ^ ㅡ^

(Also, that's a much higher score than mine... I could only manage like 900 meters after playtesting like a bajillion times. *secretlycriestomyselfinthecorner*)


The tutorial was great, and didn't feel rushed - it was definitely done right as it provided guidance with no hand-holding (in a way I'm kinda jealous, as I had intended to put a similar kind of tutorial in my game and ended up running out of time sadly :/).

Good to know I beat your score :P Though it's not uncommon for that to happen, my younger brothers tended to outsmart my games as they play test them and do way better than me at them. I guess it's due to being more focused on the development than on trying to beat it?

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Is this game really a jam entry?  Lol

Jokes aside, you can see the effort that you guys have put in this game. The visuals and animation are stunning. The UIs are well placed and neat, perfect placements.  I also like the Sound Design in this game, it matches your game perfectly. The gameplay is flawless and player's movement is smooth too. Overall, a well developed game that still has room for growth.

If you guys have time, please try our game! We would really appreciate it. Thanks! :)


Hahaha, thank you! XD I think there are a lot of amazing entries for this jam, so the quality level is pretty high in this jam!!

And thank you - I'm really happy to hear that you've enjoyed the visuals and the audio and the gameplay! We worked really hard to hopefully mesh things to work together well. :3

And absolutely! I've been busy the last few days, but finally have time to play some more entries! Will definitely check yours out. ^ ㅡ^


Wow, this blew my mind! And was incredibly fun. There’s so much improvement since the testing build that I played first :)

I’d give 6 stars for art and animation if I could, it’s so professional and polished. I especially liked the slow-mo ‘magical girl transformation’ that Cain does when he gets a new soul. The enemies’ design is very cool too. It was almost sad that they died so quickly when you started using the power-ups :).

The gameplay is super tight, crazy, and adrenaline pumping. I liked how you could kill enemies more easily using the soul power-ups, which lets you change souls faster, which lets you descend faster…it built up a lot of excitement. The block paths were also well placed, it rarely felt like I was stuck or getting out of the flow.

The music and sound effects were also super polished and fit the gameplay perfectly. I think my favorite part in the whole game was when the death wave speeds up and the music changes mood…almost as if it’s saying ‘ok, now it’s getting serious’ XD. I got to 4104 metres so far!

One minor annoyance was that I kept dying at the beginning when I fall directly on top of an enemy, or get killed by a spinning bat. I probably died this way every odd run, which was a bit repetitive and anti-climactic lol. Might help to get some I-frames at the start, or a free soul just to start things off.

Superb work all in all. The visual effects especially (and the UI) have inspired me to try something similar in my next game, maybe. Kudos!

PS: I also loved the way the credits were shown in the main menu, it’s such a neat way to present it.


WOW! SLDIFHLIE-- *YOUR*  comment blew my mind. Holy smokes, this is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful, genuine, AMAZING reviews I've read to date!! GAHHH you are so kind, suryanaren! ;ㅡ ; Thank you for writing such a lovely post and making my night! ❤️❤️

And wow, 4k+ meters is so far LOL. I think I haven't even hit 1k... ㅠ ㅡㅠ I'm not very good at my own game HAHA 💦 Oh and I totally know what you mean about the beginning if you spawn near bats and stuff. I'd die at 0 meters!! One of my programmers added a "God mode" / "Invincible mode" to help with testing when we programmed stuff in, and I found myself using that a lot when playtesting bahahah XD

And yeeeeee! Super flattered and honored to have possibly inspired you!! C:

Thank you again for writing something just so filled with care and attention to detail - I don't know many who would go to that depths! It's much, MUCH appreciated. ^ ㅡ^ 

Submitted (4 edits) (+3)

The game is amazing and in high quality! The theme is also right with the souls, where you rebirth, so it's the right theme. The artwork and the animation are with the audio very well! And also the gameplay is very smooth, after a few fails 😅. So: Well done! It's also a good mobile game, because it have not many controls, so the game is easy to play. Only I would add is the killing of enemies in the tutorial, because I didn't understand how to kill the enemies and get the souls first, so I needed some tries to understand this. In overview, it is a fantastic game and good job! I rated it already :)

Best regards



I'm so happy to hear you liked it Mudy!! ❤️ I think that would be a great addition to have a couple enemies in the tutorial! If we decide to expand, we'll definitely add that in there. :3


Hello Sola,  thank you, that you added it to your list for the expanding of your game :D I'm also happy, that I could helped you with my review :)


The audio is SO good in this game! I loved the animations too. Great game.


thank you so much!!!


Absolutely brilliant! An incredibly addictive game...in a good way. The art is fantastic and so is the music, the mechanics are simple but go a very long way in making the player go for another round after getting hit by an enemy or not reaching one on time. 

I could definitely see this as an absolute banger of a mobile game.

You guys genuinely seem like very talented people, congrats on being great ;)


Thanks so much Rares! I'm glad that you found the game replayable haha! 

Would also be totally cool if this were made into a mobile game for sure. >:3 And appreciate the kind sentiments on our team, you're much too sweet! :D


Great job guys, I'm definitely addicted!


This game is amazing! The artistic direction of the game is magnificent! The gameplay is also very cool, the different powers are well thought out and allow you to overcome obstacles in the right way. Very good point precisely the generation of the level which adapts to the powers that can be obtained just before. Another good point, the controller support! It just lacks being able to restart a game from the controller for it to be addicting! :)


I really appreciate the point-by-point breakdown of the things you enjoyed!! A truly thoughtful comment, thank you! Also, good to note about the restart control on a controller! We'll have to look into that. >:D


I really love how it is designed. This is good especially for those players who wants fast-paced challenges as I call it. From the main menu down to the gameplay, everything especially the graphics are so well designed. 

I'm not sure however about the tutorial as it is a bit hard for me hahaha but all in all, a very very very good game in all aspects. 


Wow, thanks so much Aqua!!!  Extremely flattering to hear that coming from someone who created some of the best 3D assets in the jam. O ㅡO ❤️ THANK YOU! 

(And no worries... the game is a little hard for me too HAHA)


Very nice well-rounded game, really good job guys. I appreciate the attention put into polishing despite having so little time! :)


Thank you so much!! I think you guys did a fabulous job with polish as well! ^ ㅡ^


Amazing work everyone! The level of polish you guys managed to achieve for such a short jam is incredibly impressive - well done!


Dahh thank you so much Liam! That's really encouraging to hear. :D


hey who said u can just put an AAA game in here :' )
i rly loved the game , specialy the art and sound (gameplay is a bit hard)


HAHAH What do you even MEAN!! Wish I could draw AAA level graphics. :9 

Means a lot that you enjoyed the game and assets! :3 (And it's ok... I have a hard time getting far too LOL, I'm just bad at games bahaha)


This game is an blast to play <:, from the amazing art to the superb mechanics.  Maybe I love the character design too much x].


AAA thank you!! I'm glad you ended up liking the character design XD HAHA, it took a while to agree on a design.


Damn this is insane quality for somethingd one in 9 days


Thank you!! I think the same can be said about your game - your character is just so cute ; ㅡ; ❤️


Best graphics I've ever seen for an amateur game <3 and the audio work fits it well :)
 Unfortunately, the gameplay has nothing really original.

Great job !

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Dawww, thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed the graphics and audio haha! ❤️