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A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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poor baby is crying but the eyes are so cute

late reply but thank you for playing our game! Really glad you enjoyed your time! Congratulations on finishing hard mode ^^

SMB "tutorial" through gameplay worked because it has simple buttons (hardware wise) meanwhile your game in the other hand is made for computer where buttons are more complex since keyboard have a lot of it. Movement wise, mario's simple buttons are also tied with it's movements: there's no double jump in original SMB and people naturally shoot fireball when they try pressing the other button. It comes naturally and people don't have to find out any "hidden" mechanic behind those buttons (like finding out if pressing the button again in mid air might do something or not)

I'd say to take a different level design and control approach if you want to apply the simplistic no tutorial style since it definitely don't match the "open world" level model you're going for right now.

Best on luck on your craft and continuing it!

Sadly we couldn't fit enough time to polish planning for the boss and test it properly. But yeah, the boss mainly need the hit to be alternated between each other. If you decide to come back to it you can always use continue and it'll immediately put you in the last checkpoint.

Thank you!

I tried to step on the gas on a ramp-y part? And somewhat suddenly I got a big air boost and just went off flying

Thank you for streaming our game!

Really interesting idea! It's also very impressive you just learned how to make a game.

There is definitely a lot of room of improvements, but most of my problems reside in where to go and how to do things properly since the instruction in the description is so minimalistic. Don't be afraid to put how to play in description if you don't have enough time to put a proper how to play in game.

On where to go: it's mainly I didn't realize I could interact with the barn itself from "behind" it since the door is technically positioned lower. The fence was more intuitive for me to reach out to. So it's more to terms of how the art communicate. I like the "?" UI that pops up to show that you can interact with it tho.

A little art tip: try to make sure you highlight character/objects to make them stand out from background. Either by color contrast or giving them outlines so player know immediately what can be interacted with and where they are easier at all times.

I also personally would love a faster movement speed for the human, since it's a bit too tedious to walk through the map to open gates for the dog.

Really well done first game draft. Thank you for making it! Btw Leo is good boi give him pet pet and a "good boi" <333

Just in case you wonder if you miss any since we didn't have the time to implement the percentage counter: there are 11 extras in total. 10 in normal mode and 1 in hard mode end(completion bonus)

Thank you for playing our game! Really glad that you had fun!

Really nice runner, love the music and loving the opening. I may suggest to change the obstacles into another color so they are easier to see and not blend in with the already green mountain bg, making players easier to react

Good job!

Thank you for playing and commenting on our game! And for checking our comments too? That's dedication on reviewing.

On the boss: in classic it's supposedly the same having to hit back and forth pattern tbh, maybe it's a bug? :/

We almost did with the CRT filter to be honest, but we decided against it and reduce the lines too to make it easier to see for continuous play.

Good job on finishing hard mode! ;)

hueeee thank you for the follow!

i'm not exactly a dev, i'm more to an artist. thank you tho really!

It feels so smooth and I love that there's keybind. The game somewhat is being difficult when I'm trying to close it but that's probably the only problem I'm having. I hope I do get the reminder to check when this game continued and updated since I'd love to play more!

(pshspshsph thank you, im still loving that review you made you madlad)

I gotta say, the art style, music, dialog, and gameplay really gets me. The level design could do some work though. There's a bit too much enemy spamming in areas and there's no real reward for defeating them. There's nothing stopping the player to just run past everything and straight to the boss for a boss fight and win under 5 minute of playtime. (Which I kinda did)

I don't really see why there was a different attack moveset in the beginning of the game only to get replaced by the musical mode immediately after the first enemy appeared on the screen. I do like the movesets to be honest, but I don't really see incentive to change mode and fighting the mass mobs. (I tried in the beginning, but I gain nothing. No experience or anything)

However what this game excels at is definitely how the combat feels, it feels really nice and I actually want to do more battles. Personally I think this kind of gameplay might work better in a roguelike where player can be forced to fight mass of enemies before continuing to the next room/screen while finding the way to reach the boss. In an open RPG level design really need to work better to company the playstyle, and enemy waves need to be rewarding (either by story/key items/etc.)

Really great work tho! I'm really enjoying it. That to be continued is a real evil cliffhanger. Would be great to see more of this.

So I tried to connect my controller, but somewhat the camera was a bit weird. I tried to take off anyway and I guess I ended up flying lol

Taking picture is pretty fun. Really enjoying the visuals and music. Great job!

Really loving the mechanic! I wished the tilting speed can be adjusted lol but even without that this is a really good arcade game. Well done! I love the music also speeds up when the tilting gets much

Really neat puzzle! The switch between 2D and 3D is really smooth! It's a bit hard for my hand use tab to switch especially in timing based puzzles. I really love how much the puzzle plays around its mechanic including the one with reset button for the ball. Really clever. Loving it!


my teammates have been talking about this game and I finally got to try it and I'm REALLY LOVING IT

the difficulty also feel really nice. The red heart actually confuse me for a bit bc i thought that's the one that supposed to heal you only to find out it's the opposite.

Great stuffs. The movements really makes you feel powerful and so fluid. I actually had to take my controller bc I HAD TO play this with one and it feels so so good

good job, amazing job. I would love to see this game get finished. Really good stuffs.

Edmo and his fren is so cute! I love them!

Fun little puzzle. I think some levels are definitely overlooked since I found some short way that don't involve big areas of the stage at all and immediately just got to the froggy fren

Clever idea! The precision platforming is a bit much for me personally, but then again I'm bad at platforming :')

I like the idea combining the two genres together. Some QoL would be nice though. Having to listen only once and memorize is a bit much for my brain haha

Really smooth looking 3D! I agree with the rest that a little polish and this game would be amazing. Great work!

This is a really well done concept and execution! I had a lot of fun. You did really well in the mechanics. It's sad there's not enough time to add more levels but for how it is, it's really well done.

Great job!

Really cool with really nice polish! I think there's probably another ending but I'm too dumb to actually properly finish most of the modes @_@

Really like the ambience and how it's presented. It runs really smooth too. Great job!

The idea really got me, and I'm digging it. However a little tutorial would be helpful both in deckbuilding and how to play. I feel I'm still very confused how to get the most out of each NPC. I would love to play to the finish. I like the ambience a lot.

I LOVE the modes and the little narrative. The small alien and his father is really cute. I'm really bad in this game but SURE I had fun!!

Not a big fan of the invisible platforming personally, but I enjoy the glide! A nice simple idea, pretty neat. :)

Really nice solid groundwork there! I love the art style and mechanic, it needs polishing for sure. But it's very impressive already. I only can finish one round it seemed. It'd be nice to see a finished version of this game. I love board games.

(1 edit)

Really nice entry! And that's even more impressive that you just learned making game last month?? Props to that. The cutscene is well done too. The controls feels nice. My main problem is the precision platforming section in the start of the tower; it's a little too tight especially for beginning part. With a control that's closer to Mario, I'd recommend less precision jumps that require run button in same time.

Really good job!

I'd suggest to make the path you're supposed to go and what can hurt you clearer, it's a bit confusing for me to see the offset and what might hurt me. Try to use different color coding and outlines. Clearer hitbox would be really helpful too.

Great job on the gravity by the way, I tried to jump early and attempted to jump over an entire section from the side only to fall flat outside lol

Mnn Ahm

I love that sound effect so much

(1 edit)

Yeah I noticed the animation felt off too and I was thinking to fix it but then I'm like oh well it's ok enough maybe and I just leave it be and move on to the levels before I began perfecting things and taking too long and give myself a burnout

Was thinking to do it if there's more time/energy. But energy definitely got drained by the end of the jam.

Thank you!

Our team is full of crazy passionate people. I'm proud of them all!!

(It's hard to believe even for me too)

It takes a bit for the game to load in browser when it shifted the first time in the level. In download it's certainly smoother.

Thank you for playing our game!

Thank you! I think the wait for wall jump is a bit weird, maybe it should be able to trigger as long as you've touched the walls and as long as any directional input is present (even if it's not the side you're aiming to, since sometimes it's a bit hard for player to instinctly instantly react)

Really fun! I wish the game is longer, but given the coin collecting challenge it's pretty decent already. Good job

Oh man I'm bad at video games.

I'm having fun!

The movement feels really fluid and I'm loving it. The art is really appealing with its simplicity.

The visual looks very nice! Though the light mode kinda a bit too glaring for me. I'd recommend to use same button for shifting between modes than keep them separate so it's more intuitive to remember. 

Personally I think the wall jump feels off, mainly because the direction you're supposed to press for it to work. And there's a bit too much buttons to remember. Wall jump can be minimalized to simply pressing jump button while in the wall, and double jump/dash can work as second jump as long as they're in different mode as well. The button layout felt a little bit all over the place as well with the J especially

The concept is there and I think it definitely can get improved. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Pretty simple and fun! The last level took me a bit to understand, since there's no proper introduction to the winds prior. I like the sound effects, the robot is adorable

Good job!

I think you should probably move some things out of the option button since I don't think some of them should be lumped in there. I really appreciate the dev tools and level editor! That's great!

The idea is nice and the cat is pretty adorable. I personally think the jump is a little too fast, for reaction time in mid air.

The game crashed when I tried to stream it in discord call with my teammate, it happened 3 times XD I guess it's shy and wanted others to try it on their own lol

Pretty fun! I quite enjoy the modes. I really like the highlight around the fish/frog, it's actually satisfying to see when approaching the corner

When I booted the "how to play" screen I was immediately like "oh boi how am I going to memorize those buttons" but THANK GOD then the UI shows me what to press when the mode itself changed. Really appreciate that

This is actually pretty fun, and the art style really looks good. I love how smooth the movements are!

What if (plot twist!) the streamer just happened to keybind the screen change and action button into same button :p

Thank you!