I'm a programmer with 10 years of XP. Looking to form a team of who want to work in Unreal. I feel like Unreal would be a fun game engine to work with for this jam, since we could use the high end graphics to make something super immersive and totally creepy. I personally have a lot of experience with graphics and modeling (as well as programming). I'm open to whatever kind of game as long as it's 3D. If you are interested, reply here or DM me on discord TyrannicGoat#4703
Max H
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Thanks so much for playing and leaving feedback. The split-screen was probably the best feature I actually finished during the jam. I totally agree with you about local co-op games which confine players to the same screen. I really didn't want the players to feel restricted in any way; I debated about pure splitscreen but I think the dynamic one feels really nice in the majority of situations.
As for the members leaving, I was not really in a super great headspace when the jam ended so I probably made a bigger more dramatic deal than it really was. Now I look at it as a lesson that I need to be more careful about who I collaborate with on jam projects.
Yes so the builder was actually only supposed to build tiles adjacent to themselves, not anywhere on the screen. However unfortunately none of us use godot as a primary development engine (prior to this jam). Also the game's challenge and cooperation may have been able to be fleshed out more if we got more level designing done. Anyway, long-story-short we basically spent all our time creating the block systems, and we decided a little too late that we needed to scope down for the jam. So yeah, this version isn't super great, but it does work which is a decent achievement. I'm still working on this currently s a side-project, so I will definitely check out that tool you linked. Thanks for giving it a play and sorry about all the missing/incomplete features.
Damn I never had an issue with signals, but this was not clear in the documentation. I have a C# background and I've been kinda treating signals like events. I guess it was a coincidence I didn't have any issues with them, then again there were a bunch of bugs in my project and I used signals a lot so maybe this was the issue with some of those bugs.
Very impressive game! A lot of work clearly went into this! Great Job! Overall this is one of the best game's I've seen!
Just to provide some constructive feedback, first thing I didn't appreciate the tutorial unlocking the ice attack and then finding it was locked again in the first level. Maybe this was just me but the knockback on the fire attack didn't feel strong enough compared to the slowdown of the ice attack. I felt like the game was forcing me to grind to progress (i.e. do the same level over and over to collect upgrades) which personally I'm not a fan of, but that's more of a personal preference. As an improvement, I think it'd be nice if the energy floated towards you within a radius (that might have been an upgrade, I didn't read them all). BTW check out my game, we had a similar concept to yours, only way less polished :)
Anyway great job again, this could be a winner!
Wow! What a great game! I'm really impressed with how cohesively you delivered the story. I actually want to know what's up with this Lich? why is he so angry? Who was he before he was the king of the undead?
As for the gameplay, it was lots of fun, maybe a bit easy but I never got bored so I can't complain. If you were gonna expand on the concept, i think it'd be awesome if you were able to command the skeletons so it'd start as a shoot-em-up and evolve into an RTS as your army got larger. Another concept that would fit well with that is if the skeletons inherited weapons/attack style of the enemy they were reanimated from. So you could focus on archers if your army needed more archers. It'd also be interesting if you could consume your own skeletons to charge some mega lich attack. Seems like a very lich thing to do :)
Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback! The UI was definitely a bit rough. I wanted to add in a radial menu but I didn't have enough time so I just made the order of the elements match the order they are spoken in Avatar the Last Airbender OP (with lighting tacked on at the end). I made all the sprites 16x16 (tilemap was 32x32) and then realized that I was an idiot because I forgot if the object was going to be scaled then it should have a different resolution. The mana orbs really bother me 😫... well lesson learned haha.
Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you liked it. I'm definitely going to try Magicka (downloading it now) since you are the second person to suggest it. When I continue working on this I'm definitely going to add environmental puzzles into the game to give some variation to the gameplay and allow you to craft clever alternatives to direct combat.
Nice job! It's looked really polished, fun platforming, great art and sounds, and very cool animations! Generally I did like your use of 2D lights, it added a lot to the overall atmosphere. Though making the player character a shadow caster felt weird and made it harder to see at times. The only thing that I strongly disliked was the few times when you had to jump down and land on a platform but you couldn't look down to see what you were trying to land on. I think it was the part after the sunflowers that really irked me. It felt unfair to tell me to jump off and land on something with no indication of where it would be. The result was that I had hurl myself of the cliff several times until I knew where the platform was, which is no fun
Thank you for trying out our game and giving feedback! It's very encouraging to hear that you like the concept! And nope it's not just you, there's a lot of bugs and a lot of things missing! We just ran out of time developing. We were mostly focused on developing the gameplay systems and the art, plus learning Godot, since I'd never used it before. Then last day rolls around and I realized we didn't have scene switching, menus or anything implemented, oh and the player wasn't receiving damage, so I just said F it and dumped a bunch of enemies into our tutorial level 😆
I really want to try playing with a counter/defense spell which can be used to block, redirect, or even absorb energy from enemy attacks (if your element matches). Also it's interesting that you mentioned Magicka, I've never played it but it's in my steam library. So I guess I should try it out then for inspiration!
Thank you so much! Yes in its current state it's much more of a toy than a game. This was my first time using godot so there was a little learning curve at the beginning for me and we ran out of time at the end. I think its worth it to continue developing it a bit more. If for no other reason than to continue working with godot, which I have completely fallen in love with this past week :)